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Brain Gym Breaks Cheat Sheet

1. Drink water (sipping is better) a. Improves concentration and alleviate mental fatigue 2. Brain Buttons (massage under collar bone for 15 seconds, then switch hands keep one hand on belly button look side to side with eyes) a. Stimulates blood flow to the brain and increases oxygen to the brain 3. Thinking Cap (Using thumb and index finger, gently unroll your ear (starting at the top) by massaging gently downward to the lobe and then repeat 1-2 more times. a. Good before a test! Increases memory, helps screen out distracting sounds from others 4. Cross Crawls (Cross elbow to opposite knee (cross the midline) then alternate to other side repeat 20-30 times skip count or use another language) a. Activates both hemispheres of the brain 5. Hook Ups (Cross your ankles, extend your arms out in front of you, thumbs down, cross one wrist over the other: then interlace your fingers and draw your clasped hands up toward your chest. Hold for one minute or more breathing slowly. As you inhale, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Part Two: (Uncross arms and legs and put your finger tips together (at midline), for one minute) Tap each finger; twirl each finger while taking deep breathes. a. Helps calm and organize

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