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Petrea Cristina

39 years old, Sex - Female, Piatra Neamt, Neamt

Address: Home phone: Mobile phone: 0729025470 E-mail: PERSONAL DATA Date of birth: Sex: Marital status: Number of children: Nationality: Other Nationality: Languages: Driving licence: WORK EXPERIENCE Period of time: Position: Employer name: Country: Department:

08.03.1973 Female married 1

English - Intermediate French - Intermediate

March 2009 - present company manager SC TARGET EXPRESS SRL Romania Restaurant/Catering, coordination of a total of 10-25 employees; 2.purchasing, inventory and consumption records; 3.check recipe, kitchen and bar presentation; Tasks/duties: for suppliers; for state institutions; 6.designing and overseeing marketing

Period of time: Position: Employer name: Country: Department:

July 2005 - September 2008 economist tho company Romania Accountancy/Finances/Banks 1.accounting Tasks/duties: 2.Human Resources 3.Sales Supervision February 2005 - July 2005 chief accountant sc comes Romania Accountancy/Finances/Banks 1.accouting Tasks/duties: 2.human resources 3.designing and overseeing marketing March 2002 - April 2004 Internal Control sc fibrex Romania Consultancy/Audit /Management 1.Internal Control 2.supervising all contracts3. Tasks/duties: 3.checking the legality of acts 4.internal procedures 5.Internal Audit January 2000 - February 2001 chief accountant serviciul judetean de ambulanta Romania Consultancy/Audit /Management 1.accounting 2.human resurces 3.contracts Tasks/duties: approval 5.coordination team of 2000 employees etc...........

Period of time: Position: Employer name: Country: Department:

Period of time: Position: Employer name: Country: Department:

Period of time: Position: Employer name: Country: Department:

EDUCATION AND TRAINING Specialization: ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Period of time: October 1991 - July 1996

Level of education: Educational institution: Locality of Educational institution: Graduate: Degree:

Faculty (University) Faculty of Economic Sciences IASI Yes Yes


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