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Proposal Report

To: From: Date: Subject: Introduction (1 paragrapf) State the purpose and the content of your report Main body (2-4 paragraphs) Present each aspect under separate subheadings Conclusion (1 paragraph) General assessment / conclusion / opinion

Useful language

To begin a report :
The purpose / aim / intention of this report is to outline / present / discuss the future plans / the intended course of action This report contains details of / outlines the future plans This report contains the information concerning../ details of./which you asked for.

Useful language

To end the report

To conclude / in conclusion / to sum up, my intention is to.. The obvious advantage of the action / acheme proposed would be that. It seems that the course of action proposed above will answer the needs of the unit / will achieve I trust that the plan / scheme outlined in this report will meet with your approval / will receive your serious consideration.

Sample Report

Subject The general perception of Polish army by public opinion.

Introduction The aim of this report is to present a public opinion about Polish army and how will it change in the future. Equipment and Training Our army has totally changed recently, because of different doctrine and also different aims. Reduction of our troops and buying modern equipment caused that Polish army has became more professional. These changes have an influence on public opinion. The majority of Polish society say that they trust the army more now than in the past. They see soldiers as educated and experience people who can work professionally.

Army Good Solution The research of public opinion show that contrary to the past now many young people want to join the army. Their point of view changed because army can give themeducation, good salary and also stable job. When they join the army they do not have to worry about their future. Moreover, they can count that their job will not be boring.Polish soldiers take a part in peacekeeping missions abroad and people start to think that army career is interesting and exciting. Future Polish army will totally change in the future. It will be more professional and equipped in modern weapons. What is more our troops will be taking a part in conflicts all over the world. All of these things will have influence on public opinion and give soldiers more trust and respect.

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