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Food and Poverty: How does poverty impact food quality and consumption?

QUESTION: What are the 6 basic nutrients in our food? Notes: Thinking:

1.) Carbohydrates

2.) Protein

3.) Fats

Food and Poverty: How does poverty impact food quality and consumption?

4.) Vitamins

5.) Minerals

6.) Water

Food and Poverty: How does poverty impact food quality and consumption?

Food Planning Activity

Part 1 In a group of 3 or 4 create a 7 day menu plan for a family of 4. The family consists of 2 children and 2 adults. The plan must include 3 meals a day and snacks. Make the menu as healthy as possible. Use the Canada Food Guide to help you with serving amounts and sizes. Create a table to show the days, meals, and food allotments. Part 2 Use food flyers to price out your food budget for the week. Look at the food and quantity to estimate cost. Create a chart that includes each food item, the quantity, the cost by weight or item, and the estimated cost. Total the cost at the bottom. Part 3 Look over your food menu and budget. Is there a way you can cut your food costs in half? What foods could you eliminate or substitute. Create a chart to show your changes, substitutions, and the change in your budget.

Food and Poverty: How does poverty impact food quality and consumption? Part 4 When you look at your food choices in the reduced budget, what do you notice about the new food selections? What is the same and what is different? Create a Venn Diagram to show the change.Your teacher will model one for you. Create a poster to represent your learning.

Before you begin: Plan and record who will do which part of each step. You must all contribute to each step. Record your plan here. You will be responsible for your contribution. You will each complete a group performance rubric.

Food and Poverty: How does poverty impact food quality and consumption? Group Working Planning Template Part 1: What will each member do? When will they have it done by?

Part 2: What will each member do? When will they have it done by?

Part 3: What will each member do? When will they have it done by?

Food and Poverty: How does poverty impact food quality and consumption?

Reflection: Now that you have investigated food costs and budgets, what do you think? Is there anything you still wonder about? Did anything shock you or concern you?

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