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By Jake Anthony (C) IQ Inc. 1990. 2009.

Jake Anthony
The driving force behind this series of publications was born in England, just one year into World War Two. People dying not in combat but from health problems relating to lifestyle, including his own parents, was the life-amending catalyst which launched Jake Anthonys lifelong interest in health, fitness and life extension - and a search for answers. A wish to become a professional actor and writer was fulfilled through hard work and dedication against the odds, and Jake Anthony obtained a degree of celebrity over the years. His work as a character actor can still be seen on TV from time to time. Jake also became one of the most published writers who nobody knows about! This was due to his work going mainly uncredited as an internationally published journalist in advertising and PR; under pseudonyms as author, with many to-kill-for reviews; and as editor and/or ghost writer for others. Jake had a couple of small best sellers in the East and the West, and is the man behind a handful of cult novels which change hands for large sums via on-line booksellers.

Another life-amending incident occurred when his extremely fit and healthy actor and stunt man son, died from an interaction between prescribed drugs. Like Lord Jim - Joseph Conrads character in the book and movie - Jake left his homeland and wandered the Orient for 20 plus years trying to make sense of it all. This was interrupted by a series of health disasters at the hands of the allopathic medical system in the West which would have killed most people. Ironically, they were initiated by prescribed drugs that were supposed to cure, not kill. This was added to by the Western system of treating the symptom rather than fully identifying the cause. Jakes series of the potential lifestyle based killers included cancer, crisis level hypertension, borderline type-2 diabetes, acute and chronic pancreatitis, and gallstones. As prescribed drugs had initiated his series of interlinked health disasters - and time after time exacerbated them - Jake turned his back on the Western medical system and from then on utilised nutritional, holistic and alternative therapies known about for thousands of years in the Orient and the East. His host of ailments regressed or were controlled, and extra decades of life were obtained. Some joint problems came later, but you would not believe it when you see the author pumping iron and skipping (jump rope) like an in-shape boxer. tifying the cause. The authors beating the odds experience and use of holistic and alternative therapies, almost certainly played a part in his survival. The How To and Why are detailed in this series of books. Jakes fit and youthful appearance belies the fact that he is technically a senior citizen, well over the age of retirement. Knowledge is power. Your choice.

Packaged by IQ Inc. International licencing enquiries: (C) 1990. 2009. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except for brief extracts for the purpose of review, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 978-974-576-585-9 First Pressing: E-book: 2009.

CONTENTS 1. AROMATHERAPY & ESSENTIAL HERBAL OILS Essential Herbal Oils Essential Herbal Oils For Specific Complaints Essential Herbal Oils - Instant Guide to Therapeutic Effects Essential Herbal Oils - Safety First Essential Herbal Oils - Useful Tips Essential Herbal Oils - Dos and Donts Medical Terms Utilised in Aromatherapy 2. FLOWER REMEDIES Flower Remedies & Healing The Bach Flower Remedies - An Instant Guide The Jan de Vries Combination Flower Essences The Jan de Vries Flower Essences - An Instant Guide Phytobiophysics The PhytoBiophysics Flower Formulas The PhytoBiophysics Flower Formulas - An Instant Guide How to Make Flower Essences 3. HOMOEOPATHY & HEALING What is Homoeopathy? Homoeopathic Remedies For Specific Complaints - An Instant Guide How to take Homoeopathic Remedies - Dos & Donts Homoeopathic Remedies - Sources REFERENCE NOTES

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (Homoeopathy) Ainsworths Homoeopathic Pharmacy, London. UK (Homoeopathy) Mark Hessey, London, UK. (Nutrition) Dr. Robert J. Woodward B.Pharm., Ph.D., M.Royal Pharm. Soc., C. Chem., F.R.S.C. London. (Phytobiophysics) Wendy Haley Dip. Counseling Dip Phyt. Counsellor & Phytobiophysics Practitioner (Chinese Medicine/Immunology/Herbal Medicine) Chanchai Chutsirimongkol M.D., Thailand. The knowledge, experience and assistance provided by all of the above, was invaluable in the compilation of this publication.

REFERENCE Thanks are offered to the many scientists,nutritionists, naturopaths, social scientists, psychologists, educational psychologists and professionals in a wide range of disciplines throughout the world, whose work has been utilised as reference material in the Holistic Health series of publications. Cover Design: Bird and Jake Anthony. NB. The content of this publication is for information purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, naturopath or other certified health care practitioner. The products and holistic procedures discussed herein are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease.


Naturopathic and Folk Remedies have proven safe and effective for centuries in the West. In India and the Orient, natural remedies have been used for up to five thousand years. Gallbladder and liver detox cleanses were used by the Ancient Egyptians, and they still work. Antibiotics and drugs have many adverse side effects. As such, natures ingredients are regaining their prominence as a safer and more efficacious alternative to modern day drugs. It is little known that herbal treatments for the Western worlds lifestyle based scourges - AIDS, cancer and diabetes have been registered for use by doctors and scientists in Thailand, Vietnam and China. Similarly, herbs long used in traditional Ayurvedic Medicine in India, and traditional Chinese Medicine, to treat malaria without adverse side-effects, have proven more effective than conventional drugs. Details of some of these simple yet almost revolutionary treatments are included in this reader-friendly, ultimate guide to aromatherapy, flower remedies and homoeopathy. The authors beating the odds experience and use of holistic and alternative therapies, almost certainly played a part in his survival. The How To and Why are detailed in this series of books. Jakes fit and youthful appearance belies the fact that he is technically a senior citizen, well over the age of retirement. Knowledge is power. Your choice.

1 Aromatherapy & Essential Herbal Oils


ESSENTIAL HERBAL OILS Aromatherapy is the ancient art of using aromatic oils found in plants to benefit the health of mind and body. These natural oils are called essential because they are the very essence or heart of every flower or herb. Because of its essential oil, every plant has its own characteristic and aroma. Any part of a plant may contain its essential oil - flowers, leaves, fruit, stems, wood, bark, roots or resin. Essential oils work upon the body directly through the skin, or via the olfactory organs - our sense of smell. Each essential oil has a range of therapeutic benefits which take effect as the oil is absorbed through the skin into the blood stream, or as its specific aroma is sensed or inhaled. Extracting even a tiny amount of precious oil takes a great deal of work. For instance, it requires 8 million blossoms to produce one kilo of jasmine oil, and the flowers have to be handpicked before the sun becomes hot on the day they open. It is hardly surprising that some essential oils are expensive. However, others are very low cost. The word aromatherapy was coined in the 1920s, when the French chemist Gattefosse accidentally discovered the healing powers of lavender when he burnt his hand. He applied lavender oil to the wound and found that his hand healed quickly and without scarring. Inspired by the discovery, he spent the rest of his life studying the powers of essential herbal oils. Aromatherapy is highly regarded as an effective form of complementary medicine, with recognised physical and emotional benefits. As a result, more and more people are embracing a holistic approach to healing by treating the whole person.

A number of plants and herbs contain antiseptic properties in their oils; others possess antibacterial properties. In times past before the age of Big Pharma - many herbal oils were used to ward off infection from plague and other epidemics. In addition to their usage in food and drink - peppermint an obvious example - essential oils can be used in the bath to stimulate or relax; in massage, which is one of the most therapeutic ways of using an essential oil; in burners as a natural way to disinfect or scent the air; as an inhalant to clear the head; as a compress to help relieve aches and pains; as hair and scalp conditioners; in cosmetic and beauty products; and as natural perfumes. Essential herbal oils can be particularly helpful in dealing with stress. Check out the following charts to discover which herbal oils can potentially help you with your own personal needs.

Herbal oils are very powerful. Far more so than the herb from which they are taken. You can eat the leaf or seed of a herb. With very few exceptions, you cannot drink or ingest herbal oils. The advice of a qualified aromatherapist is recommended. If you are pregnant or suffer from epilepsy, diabetes, fractures, recent scars, have an abnormal temperature, are taking medication, or have abnormal swellings, massage with herbal oils should only be undertaken under the supervision of a qualified practitioner.


The following chapters are not a complete dossier on herbal oils and there are many others with medicinal and cosmetic properties. For instance, there are some 3,000 herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. There are around 250,000 different herbs worldwide. The herbs detailed within are the most researched and/or most easy to obtain and/or most tried and tested for massage and aromatherapy use.


Essential Herbal Oils For Specific Complaints


Acne: Benzoin, bergamot, cajuput, chamomile, cedarwood, grapefruit, juniper, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, neroli, nutmeg, patchouli, peppermint, rose, sandalwood, tea tree, vetivert. Anaemia: Black pepper, chamomile, geranium, lemon, thyme. Anxiety/Stress/Nervous Tension/Panic Attack: Bay, benzoin, bergamot, chamomile, cinnamon, cedarwood, citronella, clary sage, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, hops, hyacinth, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, linden blossom, mandarin, marjoram, melissa, narcissus, neroli, nutmeg, orange, ormenis flower, osmanthus, patchouli, petitgrain, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, tangerine, thyme, valerian, vetivert, ylang ylang. Basil and sage can be used, but sparingly. Aphrodisiac: Angelica, basil, black pepper, cardomom, damiana, celery, cinnamon, clary sage, clove, ginger, jasmine, juniper, lavender, neroli, parsley, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, thyme, verbeena, vetivert, violet, ylang ylang. Arthritis/Rheumatism/Muscle Pain: Angelica seed, bay, benzoin, birch, black pepper, cajuput, celery, chamomile, cinnamon, coriander, cypress, eucalyptus, fennel, frankincense, geranium, ginger, hyssop, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, marjoram, myrrh, niaouli, nutmeg, oregano, patchouli, peppermint, pine, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, tangerine, tarragon, thyme, vetivert, violet, yarrow. Sage can be used, but in moderation.


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