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Fever is the temporary increase in the body's temperature in response to some disease or illness.

A child has a fever when the temperature is at or above one of these levels:

(38 C) measured in the bottom (rectally) (37.5 C) measured in the mouth (orally) (37.2 C) measured under the arm (axillary)

People usually try to lower the fever by compressing with cool bath or sponge. But actually, using cold baths, ice, or alcohol rubs is not good to treat fever. These cool the skin, but usually make the situation worse by causing shivering, which raises the core body temperature. A lukewarm bath or sponge may help cool someone with a fever. Human body has its temperature regulator (termoregulator) that is located at the hypothalamus. If the body is given cold baths, the termoregulator will get the information that the environment outside is cold, and will try to raise the body temperature, which will make the fever worse. On the other hand, if the body is given a lukewarm bath or sponge, the body will try to cool the body temperature. Source: Consume pineapple can make abortion Pineapple can be dangerous if it is consumed in large quantity by pregnant mother and if it is eaten raw because it may lead to abortion, diarrhea, increase in menstruation discharge and it also may lead to increase in uterine contraction. Besides that, raw pineapple also may contain intesticide and any other chemical substances which may effect the fetus. Source: In early pregnancy it is believed that sour and acidic food substances or food which consists of sharp edges such as fish and pineapple because it may lead to complication during labor such as abortion and excessive bleeding. Sugar cane is also cannot be consumed by pregnant mother bacause it may lead to abnormalities in the infant. For lactating mother, frozen food is prohibited because it may lead to nausea and cramp in the abdomen. Besides, traditional herb are also not allowed to be consumed by preganant mother because it may incerase the fetus body temperature thus it may lead to other complications later.


Mechanism of Drugs Affecting Person

HOW DO DRUGS AFFECT A PERSON? The effects of a drug depend on the type of drug and a range of personal and environmental factors. Some factors to consider include: How much of the drug is taken and how often. Generally, the greater the quantity taken, the greater the effect. Overdose occurs when the amount taken exceeds the body's ability to cope with the drug. How the drug is taken. Generally, drugs that are injected or inhaled act very quickly and the effects are more intense. Snorting through the nose is the next fastest-acting method, while the effects of drugs eaten or swallowed take longer to occur. A person's physical characteristics, such as height, weight and gender also influence how a drug affects them. The proportion of body fat, rate of metabolism and, for women, stage of the menstrual cycle can all influence the intensity and duration of drug effects. The person's mood and environment also plays a role. How a person is feeling and the social setting can have a significant impact on drug effects. A person is more likely to enjoy the experience in a comfortable social atmosphere than in a threatening environment. Tolerance to the drug. The first time a person uses a drug, they have a very low tolerance and are likely to feel the effects very strongly. The more often the drug is taken, generally the less intense the effects will be. This means that larger amounts are needed to obtain the desired effect. Other drugs used (poly drug use). Combining drugs can increase or alter the effects, often in unpredictable ways. HOW PHYSICAL APPEARANCE OF DRUG AFFECT THE PATIENT? In some country for instance , in Africa due to particular beliefs and perception of the community, they prefer medication based on their belief and culture trust compare to medical advantages. For example, in Africa the comunity believe that tablets which is green in colour is only suitable for cardiovascular disease not any other type of disease,thus they refuse to take the tablet if it is given by the doctor to them for other disease diagnosed other than cardovascular diseases. HOW DRUG PRESCRIBTION EFFECT PHYSCIAN OR DOCTOR? For example, if we look into placebo effect of the drug we know that physcological factor is the main contributor for the recovery of the patient but most of the patient believes that the drug prescribed by the doctor or physician is the main reason for their recovery. Thus after recovery, they tend to believe that the doctors treatment is effective and they also tend to believe that the doctor understand well about their disease and tend to put a lot of effort in curing them by giving the appropriate medication. This causes the patient to spread news about the effectiveness of the treatment by the doctor ,thus it

increases the fame of the doctor and at the same time it also incereases the number of patient visit and together incereases his income too.


Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is the measurable, observable, or felt improvement in health or behavior not attributable to a medication or invasive treatment that has been administered. The placebo effect' has become a catchall term for a positive change in health not attributable to medication or treatment and it is more to physchological condition of the patient. EFFECT OF PLACEBO A person's beliefs and hopes about a treatment, combined with their suggestibility, may have a significant biochemical effect, however. Sensory experience and thoughts can affect neurochemistry. The body's neurochemical system affects and is affected by other biochemical systems, including the hormonal and immune systems. Thus, it is consistent with current knowledge that a person's hopeful attitude and beliefs may be very important to their physical well-being and recovery from injury or illness. This makes them think that their problem is "all in their mind" and that there is really nothing wrong with them. Yet, there are too many studies that have found objective improvements in health after being given placebos to support the notion that the placebo effect is entirely psychological.

Smoking And Alcohol Consumption

SMOKING WHY IS IT CONSIDERED AS CULTURE IN SOME SOCIETY?? Cigarettes are also often used in the society as a pointer towards the fast paced and the highly modernized life of an individual. They are often used as a symbol of power and masculinity along with dominance. ALCOHOL ALCHOL CONSUMPTION AS A CULTURE, WHY??
1. Transitional rituals

In all societies, alcohol plays a central role in transitional rituals - both major life-cycle events and minor, everyday transitions. In terms of everyday transitions, cultures (such as the US and UK) in which alcohol is only used to mark the transition from work to play - where drinking is associated with recreation and irresponsibility, and regarded as antithetical to working - tend to have higher levels of alcohol-related problems. Cultures in which drinking is an integral part of the normal working day, and alcohol may be used to mark the transition to work (e.g. France, Spain, Peru), tend to have lower levels of alcohol-related problems.

Shifts away from traditional pre-work or lunchtime drinking in these cultures could be a cause for concern, as these changes can indicate a trend towards drinking patterns and attitudes associated with higher levels of alcoholrelated problems. Alcohol is universally associated with celebration, and drinking is, in all cultures, an essential element of festivity. In societies with an ambivalent, morally charged relationship with alcohol (such as the UK, US, Scandinavia, Australia), celebration is used as an excuse for drinking. In societies in which alcohol is a morally neutral element of normal life (such as Italy, Spain and France), alcohol is strongly associated with celebration, but celebration is not invoked as a justification for every drinking occasion. In cultures with a tradition of casual, everyday drinking in addition to celebratory drinking, any shifts towards the more episodic celebratory drinking of ambivalent cultures should be viewed with concern, as these patterns are associated with higher levels of alcohol-related problems.

2. Festive rituals

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