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: Glucose content in urine : Glucose content

About glucose
urine is the liquid remaining is excreted by the kidneys which will then be removed from the body through urination.Eksreksi urine is required to dispose of the remaining molecules in the blood is filtered by the kidneys and to maintain body fluidhomeostasis. However, there are also some species that use urineas a means of olfactory communication. Urine is filtered in the kidneys, carried through the ureter to the bladder, eventually thrown out of the body through the urethra.

How to know glucose content in urine

Steps checking glucose content:
We need: 1. test tube 2. rack 3. burner 4. benedict / fehling A and B 5. pippet 6. sample of urine Steps: Put sample of urine and benedict into test tube and clamp the tube and burn on the burner and shake it for awhile, stop burning after the red sediment appear. The red sediment means urine content glucose.



Name : Silvina ardiani (24)

Raflesia sukma (22)

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