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Did You Know...?

High tides occur twice every 24 hours 50 minutes - one complete orbit of the Moon around the Earth. Chickens lay more eggs under a moon in its last quarter. A full moon during harvest means a good crop. A new moon brings good fortune. Blowing nine times on a wart while the moon is full will make the wart go awayA full moon on Christmas Day brings misfortune. It is bad luck to dig a grave or bury a body during a new moon. It is unlucky to drive a nail into a board during a full moon. Two full moons in the same month will cause severe weather in the following month. Never sleep exposed to the rays of the moon because lunacy will follow. It is unlucky to point at the moon, misfortune will follow. Sleeping under the light of a full moon will make a woman pregnant. It is unlucky to look at the Moon through a pane of glass. Never sleep exposed to the rays of the Moon because lunacy will follow. In some parts of the world, it is unlucky to point at the Moon. Misfortune will follow.

The moon is earth's closest relative in the galaxy. It orbits the earth about every 29.5 days. During this monthly cycle it wans and waxes from New Moon to Full Moon and back to New Moon again. As the earth turns, our sister in the sky pulls at our oceans causing tides to rise and fall. During New and Full Moons, the sun and moon line up with the earth, causing Spring Tides from their combined gravitational pull. These tides are much more extreme. The reason we only see one side of the moon (the old man on the moon's face), is because the moon is locked in a rotation that takes the same amount of time for it to spin on its axis as it does to orbit the earth.

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