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Geometry 1.1 - Undefined Terms

What does geometry mean? It means "to measure the Earth" or "Earth measure." However, we can simply look at geometry in a more simple way as the study of figures or shapes. Some basic terms in geometry can be described and others cannot. Undefined Terms: Point: A point shows location and has no size or dimension. A point is represented by a dot and is usually named with a letter of choice. In the graphic below, the points are labelled by a nearby letter. Line: A line is a set of points extends in two opposite directions without end. A line is onedimensional and has no width. It is identified by naming two points on the line or by writing a lowercase letter of choice after the line. The notation, for example, AB (written with a line symbol <---> over the letters), is read as "line AB" and refers to the line that has points A and B. Plane: A plane is a flat surface that has no thickness and extends without ending in ALL directions. It is a two-dimensional object. A plane is represented by a parallelogram and may be named by writing an uppercase letter of choice in one of its corners. I will go into detail about what a parallelogram is in future lessons. For now, think of a parallelogram as a "window pane."For simplicity, you might want to think of a plane as an infinitely large sheet of paper. The diagram below shows three points, a line, and a plane.

End of lesson one. Look for my next lesson titled Defined Terms.


Geometry 1.2 - Defined Terms

In lesson 1.1, I talked about terms in geometry that cannot be defined by using simple definitions. In this section, I will discuss geometric terms that can be defined by using terms that have been previously defined (terms and definitions that you learned in algebra) and believe or not, undefined terms will also serve a purpose here. Ready? Line Segment: A line line segment is part of a line having two points, called endpoints. It also has points between the endpoints. A line segment does not have a set of CONTINUOUS points like a line does. Endpoint means that a line has a beginning and an end. The notation for a line segment in a bar over any letter of choice. Say AB has a bar over it, you would read it as "line segment AB." Ray: A ray is part of a line having one endpoint and a set of all points on one side of the endpoint. A ray is always named by using two letters of choice. The first letter must be the endpoint. We draw an arrow with an endpoint over the letters. Angle: An angle is the union of two rays having the same endpoint. The endpoint of an angle is called the vertex; the rays are called the sides of the angle.

There are a few basic ideas in geometry that need to be understood, but are seldom used as reasons in a formal proof. Here they are: 1-Collinear Points: points that lie on the same line. 2-Coplanar Points: points that lie in the same plane. 3-Opposite rays: 2 rays that lie on the same line, with a common endpoint and no other points in common. Opposite rays form a straight line and/or a straight angle that equals 180.

THE HOME OF SUCCESS 4-Parallel lines: two coplanar lines that do not intersect

Geometry 1.3 - Geometry Vocabulary

Many students work with angles in math courses but they have no clue how to name angles. As a math tutor, I face many students who are totally lost in terms of angles. What is an angle? Two rays that share the same endpoint form an angle. The symbol for angle is . How do we name angles in geometry?

We name angles in three different ways: (1) We can name angles by using THREE capital letters like: ABC or DEF. The middle letter is called the VERTEX of the angle. The above angles are read "angle ABC" and "angle DEF." This leads us to the second way we can name angles. (2) We can name angles by using the vertex. For example, ABC, can also be called angle B; the same applies to DEF (we can call angle DEF angle E). Of course, if there's more than one angle sharing the same vertex this would be confusing! (3) We can also name an angle by placing any number or symbol at the vertex in the INTERIOR of the angle. So, angles can also be called angle 1 or angle 2 or angle 4, etc. Sample:

The above angle can read three ways: (1) angle ABC (2) angle B (3) angle 1 Sides AB and AC of the given angle are actually rays. Why rays? Because they extend out to infinity in one direction. When two rays meet at a vertex, they form an angle. In geometry, you will come across postulates and theorems needed for geometric proofs. A theorem is a statement that can be proved to be true.

THE HOME OF SUCCESS A postulate is a statement that is ASSUMED to be true WITHOUT proof. All this becomes part of your new geometry vacabulary. I will go into detail about postulates and theorems in future lessons titled GEOMETRIC PROOFS. Line Segments: The line segment of a line is the distance between two endpoints. Remember, a line itself is infinite, and a line segment is a finite portion of that. Realistically, anything you draw on paper is a line segment because it cannot go on forever! The degree measure of an angle is the amount of rotation from one side of the angle to other side. What is a rotation? A rotation is a movement of an object in a circular motion. Think about the Earth going around the Sun, a journey that takes one year to complete. An angle is a measure of how far around something has gone. Perpendicular Line: Perpendicular lines are lines that meet or cross to form a right angle. A right angle equal 90 degrees. A perpendicular symbol is simply an upside down capital letter T. It looks like this: Adjacent angles: Two angles are adjacent if they have the SAME VERTEX, share ONE SIDE and do not overlap. Sample:

The above symbol matches our definition of adjacent angles. A few more definitions and that's it for Geometry 1.3: Congruent Segment: When two line segments share the same length, they are said to be CONGRUENT or equal. Say line segment AB = 10 inches and line segment CD = 10 inches, then line segment AB is congruent or equal to line segment CD. The symbol for CONGRUENCE is We write: AB and so, the above can be written this way:

CD. This means "line segment AB is congruent to line segment CD."

THE HOME OF SUCCESS Midpoint of Line Segment: The midpoint of a line segment divides the segment into TWO segments of equal length. Sample: Line segment AB is divided by the midpoint M. The distance from A to M is 20 feet and the distance from BM is 20 feet. Then line segment AM = line segment BM.

Any line or segment that passes through the midpoint of a line segment, bisects (cuts) the line segment

Geometry 1.4 - World of Angles

I will try to define the different types of angles that you will face in geometry class, leaving out the more technical words. Types of Angles: (1) Acute - any angle which measures less than 90 degrees.

Example: The angle ABC measures 40 degrees. Angle ABC is acute. (2) Right - any angle which measures exactly 90 degrees.

Sample: The angle CAT measures 90 degrees. The angle CAT is a right angle. (3) Obtuse - any angle which measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.


Sample: angle DEF measures 125 degrees. Then angle DEF is obtuse. (4) Straight - any angle which measures exactly 180 degrees.

Sample: Points ABC lie on line L forming a STRAIGHT LINE. Then line L is a straight line. (5) Vertical Angles - Two angles formed by intersecting lines. They can not be adjacent but are always equal in measure. They are across from one another in the corners of the "X" formed by the lines.

In the above picture, angles 1 and 3 and angles 2 and 4 are vertical because they are across from each other. Now, angles 1 and 2 and angles 3 and 4 are NOT vertical angles. (6) Complementary Angles - Two angles whose measures add up to 90 degrees.

THE HOME OF SUCCESS Sample: angle A = 30 degrees and and angle B = 60 degrees. Then angle A + angle B = 90 degrees. We can say angles A and B are complementary. (7) SupplementaryAngles - Two angles whose measures add up to 180 degrees. Supplementary angles can be placed so that they form a straight line.

Sample: angle A = 80 degrees and angle B = 100 degrees. Then angle A + angle B = 180 degrees. We can say that angles A and B are supplementary

Geometry 2.1: Special Pairs of Angles

When two angles form a pair of complementary, supplementary and vertical angles, a very special relationship takes place between the measures of the two angles. As you know, two angles are complementary if the sum of their degree measures equals 90 degrees. Sample A If the degree measure of two complementary angles are in the ratio of 1:14, find the degree measure of the smallest angle. Solution: Let x equal the degree measure of the smallest angle. Then x + 14x = 90 degrees. Why do we equate x + 14x to 90 degrees? This is done because we are dealing with complementary angles. That means the sum is 90 degrees. We called the smaller angle x, so the larger one must be 14x because we know it's 14 times larger. Therefore, the small angle (x) plus the larger angle (14x) must equal 90 degrees (because they are complementary). We now simply solve for x: x + 14x = 90 degrees 15x = 90 degrees

THE HOME OF SUCCESS x = 90/15 x=6 The smaller angle measures x degrees, so it is a 6 degree angle. The larger one is 14 times x, so it is 6*14 = 84 degrees. It may be important to remember that the problem specifically asked for the smaller angle, so make sure you give the answer the problem is looking for!

Sample B If the degree measure of an angle is 30 degrees greater than twice the degree measure of its supplementary angle, what is the degree measure of the angle? Solution: Notice that this question is about supplementary angles NOT complementary angles. That means they sum to 180 degrees. Let d = the degree measure of the angle. Then, of course, 180 degrees - d = the degree measure of the supplement of the angle. Is that clear? To say it another way, the supplement is whatever we have to add to d to equal 180. We now set up an equation keeping in mind the word TWICE. d = 2(180 degrees - d) + 30 Wow... where did that equation come from? Let's look at it step by step. The problem starts by saying "the degree measure of an angle is," and that's where the "d =" part comes from. Then it says "30 degrees greater than," which explains the "+30." The last part says "Twice the degree measure of its supplementary angle," which means "2*(180-d)." We now solve for d: d = 360 degrees - 2d + 30 d + 2d = 360 degrees + 30 3d = 360 degrees + 30 3d = 390 degrees d = 130 degrees

In the two examples above, we played with complementary and supplementary angles. In this section, we are going to deal with vertical angles and supplementary angles in a different way. What is a vertical angle anyway? Vertical angles are opposite pairs of congruent (or equal) angles that are made when 2 lines intersect (cross at a point). In the figure below, opposite angles 1 and 3 (and also opposite angles 2 and 4) are called vertical angles based on the definition given above.


NOTE: Angles 1 and 2 are supplementary angles, because they add up to 180 degrees. You'll also notice that (2 and 3) are a pair of supplementary angles, as are (3 and 4) and (4 and 1). There's 4 sets of supplementary angles. Let us say that the measure of angle 1 = 80. Since angle 1 = angle 3, then the measure of angle 3 is also 80. That's because we know vertical angles (across from each other) always have the exact same measure. Suppose we were told that the measure of angle 2 = 25. Since angle 2 = angle 4, then angle 4 = 25. Sample C The measure of angle 2 = x + 4. Find the measure of angle 4. Solution: Since angle 2 = angle 4 (because they are vertical angles), then the measure of angle 4 = x + 4.

Sample D The measure of angle 1 = y - 5. Find the measure of angle 3. Solution: Since angle 1 = angle 3, (because they are vertical angles), then the measure of angle 3 = y - 5.


What about mixing in some supplementary angles? Sample E Let us say that the measure of angle 1 = 40. What is the measure of angle 2? Solution: Since 1 & 2 are supplementary, the measure of angle 2 = 180 degrees - the measure of angle 1 The measure of angle 2 = 180 degrees - 40 The measure of angle 2 = 140 degree We can check to make sure it is true. To check, we add 140 + the given angle ( 40 ). If we get get a sum of 180, then we are right. LOOK: 140 + 40 = 180 180 = 180...It checks!!

By Mr. Feliz

Geometry Lesson 2.2 - Parallel Lines

Lines that are in the same plane and do not touch and/or meet are called parallel lines. The notation for is read: "line AB is parallel to line CD." These lines will continue on forever without crossing. When two lines are cut by another line, called a transversal, any two of the 8 angles that are formed will equal in measure or will be supplemental:


If two lines are cut by a transveral, pairs of angles between the two lines and on opposite sides of the transversal are called alternate interior angles. Alternate interior angles have the same measure, and examples are shown in the color-coded image below:

A pair of corresponding angles is made up of one interior angle and one exterior angle both of which are found on the same side of the transveral. As the pictures below reveal, alternate interior angles form what appears to be a Z-shape and corresponding angles form what appears to be an F-shape:

Properties of Parallel Lines (1) If two lines are cut by a transversal, pairs of acute angles are equal in measure, pairs of obtuse angles are also equal in measure, and any acute angle is supplementary to any obtuse angle. If line m is || to line n, then:

THE HOME OF SUCCESS (A) Alternate interior angles are equal in measure. (B) Corresponding angles are equal in measure. (2) The degree measures of two interior angles on the same side of the transversal will add up to 180. (3) Also, the sum of the degree measures of any acute angle and any obtuse angle will be 180.

When Are Two Lines Parallel? Two lines are parallel if any one of the following geometry statements is true: (A) A pair of alternate interior angles have the same measures. (B) A pair of corresponding angles have the same measure. (C) A pair of interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary.

Geometry Lesson 2.3 - Classification of Polygons and Triangles

A polygon is a closed geometric figure whose sides are nothing more than line segments. Each corner of a polygon where two sides intersect is called a vertex of the polygon. For example, a triangle is a polygon of 3 sides. There are also three vertices, one at each point. This is the simplest polygon, because you can't construct one with just 1 or 2 sides.

Classification of Polygons A polygon may be identified by the number of sides. (1) A polygon with 4 sides is called a quadrilateral.

THE HOME OF SUCCESS (2) A polygon of 5 sides is called a pentagon.

A polygon of 8 sides is called an octagon.

A polygon of 10 sides is called a decagon.

A polygon of 12 sides is called a dodecagon.

NOTE: There are many more polygons, but the ones listed here are some of the most popular and most often taught in geometry classes. Other terms In an equiangular polygon, each angle has the same degree measure. A square is an example of an equiangular polygon because each of the 4 angles form 90 degrees. The same can be said about a rectangle.


In an equilateral polygon, each side has the same length. In triangle ABC below, all sides are 12 feet making triangle ABC equilateral.

A regular polygon is BOTH equiangular and equilateral. A square is a regular polygon because all sides have the same length and all angles measure the same--->90 degrees. Classification of Triangles Triangles may be classified by (A) their sides (B) their angles A scalene triangle has 3 different sides.

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and one side that is not equal.


An equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides.

In an acute triangle, all of the angles will measure less than 90 degrees.

A right triangle will always have one 90-degree angle.

An obtuse triangle will always have one angle whose measure is greater than 90 degrees but at the same time less than 180 degrees.

THE HOME OF SUCCESS Median and Altitude (Height) A median of a triangle is a segment drawn from a vertex of the triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side.

An altitude or height of a triangle is a segment drawn from a vertex of the triangle perpendicular to the opposite side or to the opposite side extended.

Distance The word distance in geometry is always understood as the shortest path. The distance between a point and a line is the length of the perpendicular segment drawn from a point that is not on the line to a point on the line. The distance from A to line BC below is 6, because that is the length of the altitude

Geometry Lesson 2.4 - Angles of a Triangle Sum

THE HOME OF SUCCESS Just like regular numbers, angles can be added to obtain a sum. Sometimes we can determine a missing angle because we know that the sum must be a certain value. Remember -- the sum of the degree measures of angles in any triangle equals 180 degrees. Below is a picture of triangle ABC, where angle A = 60 degrees, angle B = 50 degrees and angle C = 70 degrees.

If we add all three angles in any triangle we get 180 degrees. So, the measure of angle A + angle B + angle C = 180 degrees. This is true for any triangle in the world of geometry. We can use this idea to find the measure of angle(s) where the degree measure is missing or not given. Sample A In triangle ABC below, angle A = 40 degrees and angle B = 60 degrees. What is the measure of angle C?

We know that the sum of the measures of any triangle is 180 degrees. Using the fact that angle A + angle B + angle C = 180 degrees, we can find the measure of angle C. angle A = 40 angle B = 60 angle C = we don't know. To find angle C, we simply plug into the formula above and solve for C. A + B + C = 180 C = 180 - A - B C = 180 - 40 - 60 C = 80 To check if 80 degrees is correct, let's add all three angle measures. If we get 180 degrees, then our answer for angle C is right. Here we go:

THE HOME OF SUCCESS 40 + 60 + 80 = 180 180 = 180...It checks! You don't always have to plug in those values to the equation and solve. Once you're comfortable with this sort of problem you'll be able to say "okay, 40 + 60 =100, so the other angle has to be 80!" and it's much quicker. Sample B If a triangle is equiangular, what is the degree measure of each of its angles? Remember, all angles of an equiangular triangle have equal measure. Let x = the degree measure of each angle. Triangles have three vertices and so we will add x THREE times. We have this: x + x + x = 180 3x = 180 x = 60 Makes sense, right? If all the angles are equal, and they add up to 180, then it has to be 60 degrees! Sample C The degree measures of the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 4 : 5 : 9. What is the degree measure of the SMALLEST angle of the triangle? Notice that the smallest angle is represented by the smallest number in the ratio given. The smallest number given is 4, right? Since this is a ratio, we have to multiply all those values (4,5,9) by some common factor to get the actual angles. (For example, 60 and 80 are in a 3:4 ratio with a factor of 20) Let 4x = the measure of the smallest angle of the triangle. We can now say that 5x and 9x = the degree measures of the remaining angles of the triangle. We simply add 4x + 5x + 9x, equated the sum to 180 degrees and solve for x. After finding x, we plug the value of x into 4x, and simplify to find the measure of the smallest angle of the triangle at hand. 4x + 5x + 9x = 180 9x + 9x = 180 18x = 180 x = 180/18 x = 10 We found the value of x but it does NOT mean we are done. To find the measure of the smallest angle of the triangle, we multiply 4 times 10. So, 4 x 10 = 40. The answer is 40 degrees. Remember, the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. Just take what you are given in a problem and try to determine what will make the final angle add up to 180 degrees


Geometry Lesson 2.5 - Exterior Angles of a Triangle

At each vertex of a triangle, an exterior angle of the triangle may be formed by extending ONE SIDE of the triangle. See picture below.

We can use equations to represent what the picture is saying to us. For example, x + y + z = 180 We know this is true, because the sum of the angles inside a triangle is 180 degrees. I should also point out that the measure of angle w + measure of angle z = 180 degrees, because they are a pair of supplementary angles. Notice how Z and W together make a straight line? That's 180 degrees. If we combine the two equations above, we can say that the measure of angle w = x + y. x + y + z = 180 w + z = 180 Now, rewrite the second equation as z = 180 - w and substitute that for z in the first equation: x + y + 180 - w = 180 x+y-w=0 x+y=w There is a theorem called the TRIANGLE EXTERIOR ANGLE THEOREM and this is what is says: The measure of an exterior angle (our w) of a triangle equals to the sum of the measures of the two remote interior angles (our x and y) of the triangle. Let's try two samples. Sample A: If the measure of the exterior angle = (3x - 10) degrees and the measure of the two remote interiors angles are 25 degrees and (x + 15) degrees, find x.


To solve, we use the fact that W = X + Y. Note that here I'm referring to the angles W, X, and Y. Their names are not important. What is important is that the exterior angle equals the sum of the remote interior angles. We equate and solve for x. 3x - 10 = 25 + x + 15 3x - 10 = x + 40 3x - x = 10 + 40 2x = 50 x = 50/2 x = 25 The angles, then, are 25, 40, and 65 degrees. Sample B The exterior angle given is 110 degrees. Two remote interior angles measure 50 and (2x + 30). Find x. Remember: exterior = sum of remote interior angles We equate 110 to (2x + 30) + 50 and solve for x. 110 = 2x + 30 + 50 110 = 2x + 80 110 - 80 = 2x 30 = 2x 30/2 = x 15 = x

Geometry Lesson 3.1 - Interior Angles of a Polygon

It is important to know that each point of a polygon at which two sides cross each other is called a vertex. At each vertex, there is an interior angle of the polygon. If the

THE HOME OF SUCCESS polygon has x sides, the sum, S, of the degree measures of these x interior sides is given by the formula S = (x - 2)(180). For example, a triangle has 3 angles which add up to 180 degrees. A square has 4 angles which add up to 360 degrees. For every additional side, you have to add another 180 degrees. Let's talk about a diagonal for a minute. What is a diagonal anyway? A diagonal is a line segment connecting two nonconsecutive vertices of the polygon. In the picture below, BD is a diagonal. As you can see, line segment BD divides quadrilateral ABCD into two triangles the sum whose angle measures is the same as the sum of all the angle measures of the polygon. So, the sum of the degree measures of the 4 angles of the quadrilateral is equal to 2 times 180 or 360.

Sample A: The degree measures of the angles of quadrilateral ABCD are in the ratio 2:3:3:4. Find the degree measure of the biggest angle of quadrilateral ABCD. How do we solve this? Since we know the sum of all four angles must be 360 degrees, we just need an expression adding the angles and equalling 360. Because they are in a ratio, they must have some common factor that we need to multiply each term by (call this x). Steps: (1) Add the terms 2x + 3x + 3x + 4x (2) Equate the sum of the terms to 360 (3) Solve for x (4) Determine the angle measures in degrees. 2x + 3x + 3x + 4x = 360 12x = 360 x = 360/12 x = 30 Even though we know x = 30 we aren't done yet. We multiply 30 times 4 to find the biggest angle. Since 30 times 4 = 120, the biggest angle is 120 degrees. Likewise, the other angles are 3*30=90, 3*3=90, and 2*30 = 60. Sample B: Find the sum of the degree measures of the angles of a hexagon. If the hexagon is regular, find the degree measure of each interior angle. We can use the formula S = (x - 2)(180) to find sum of the degree measure of the hexagon.

THE HOME OF SUCCESS A hexagon has 6 sides and x = number of sides in the formula. Let x = 6 in the formula and simplify. S = (6 - 2)(180) S = 4(180) S = 720 NOTE: A regular polygon is equiangular, so the degree measure of each angle can be found by dividing the sum of the angle by 6 (the number of interior angles of the regular polygon). Degree measure of each angle = sum of all angles divided by the number of angles. In other words, S/x. We know that S = 720 (sum of the measures of the angles) and x = 6 (the number of angles). Then: 720/6 = 120 Sample C: If the sum of the degree measures of the angles of a polygon is 3600, find the number of sides of the polygon. Again, we can use the formula S = (x - 2)(180). In this sample question, let S = 3600 and solve for x. Look: 3600 = (x - 2)(180) 3600 = 180x - 360 3600 + 360 = 180x 3960 = 180x 3960/180 = x 22 = x Exterior Angles of a Polygon At each vertex of a polygon, an exterior angle may be formed by extending one side of the polygon so that the interior and exterior angles at that vertex are supplementary (add up to 180). In the picture below, angles a, b c and d are exterior and the sum of their degree measures is 360.


If a regular polygon has x sides, then the degree measure of each exterior angle is 360 divided by x or simply put 360/x. Let's look at two sample questions. Sample D: Find the degree measure of each interior and exterior angle of a regular hexagon. A hexagon has 6 sides. Since x = 6 sides, the sum S can be found by using S = (x - 2)(180). S = (10 -6)(180) S = 4(180) S = 720 Since there are 6 interior angles each with the same measure, the measure of each interior angle can be found by using S/x, where S = 720 and x = 6. Then: 720/6 = 120. We know that interior and exterior angles are supplementary (add up to 180) at each vertex and so the measure of each exterior angle is 180 - 120 = 60. Sample B: If the measure of each interior angle of a regular polygon is 150, find the number of sides of the polygon. Because the measure of each interior angle is 150, the measure of an exterior angle drawn at any vertex in terms of this polygon is 180 - 150 = 30. Measure of exterior angle = 30. We equate 30 to 360/x and solve for x. 30 = 360/x

THE HOME OF SUCCESS 30x = 360 x = 360/30 x = 12 sides. By the way, a geometric figure with 12 sides is called a dodecagon.

Geometry 3.2 - Congruent Triangles

Before we even start, let me remind you that congruent means the same shape in geometry. If you cut two identical triangles from a sheet of paper they would be "congruent." Not only do they have the same shape, but they are the same size as well. We use the following symbol to indicate congruence: same shape (~), but they have the same size (=). It means not only are the two figures the

Two figures that are congruent have what are called "corresponding" sides and corresponding angles. That means that parts that are the same and would match up if you stacked the two figures. It is important to recognize that in a congruent triangle, each part of it is also obviously congruent. If two triangles are congruent, then naturally all the sides are angles are also congruent with their corresponding pair. In every congruent triangle: (1) there are 3 sets of congruent sides and (2) there are 3 sets of congruent angles. Below we have two triangles: triangle ABC and triangle DEF.

NOTE: The corresponding congruent sides are marked with small straight line segments called hash marks. The corresponding congruent angles are marked with arcs. See picture above.

THE HOME OF SUCCESS For those same two triangles, ABC and DEF, we know the following: (1) line segment AB is to line segment DE. (2) line segment BC is to line segment EF. (3) line segment AC is to line segment DF. (4) angle A is to angle D. (5) angle B is to angle E. (6) angle C is to angle F. Notice that each one of these facts makes common sense. If you have two identical triangles, it should be obvious that their angles are identical. Nonetheless, these are still important facts. Why? Because now all we have to do is prove that two triangles are congruent. We don't have to worry about proving the sides or angles are congruent. This can be very useful. If we need to prove that two triangles are congruent, we have five different methods: 1. SSS (side side side) = If three sides of one triangle are congruent to three sides of another triangle, the triangles are congruent. 2. SAS (side angle side) = If two sides and the angle in between are congruent to the corresponding parts of another triangle, the triangles are congruent. 3. ASA (angle side angle) = If two angles and the side in between are congruent to the corresponding parts of another triangle, the triangles are congruent. 4. AAS (angle angle side) = If two angles and the non-included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of another triangle, the triangles are congruent. 5. HL (hypotenuse leg) = If the hypotenuse and leg of one right triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of another right triangle, the right triangles are congruent. Remember that if we know two sides of a right triangle we know the third side anyway, so this is really just SSS. NOTE 1: AAA works fine to show that triangles are the same SHAPE (similar), but does NOT work to show congruence. You can draw 2 equilateral triangles that are the same shape but not the same size. NOTE 2: The Angle Side Side Theorem (yes, we all know what it spells) does NOT necessarily work. I will now show you the basics of proving (showing) that two triangles are congruent. However, I will go over this again in more detail in future geometric proof lessons. For example, later on, I will show you how to use the statements versus reasons charts but for now, I will stick to the basics. Sample A: Is triangle ABC congruent to triangle DEF?


In the pictures we have: angle A angle B side AC angle D. angle E. side DF. triangle DEF by the AAS theorem.

Conclusion: triangle ABC Sample B:

Is triangle ABC congruent to triangle XYZ?

What do we know from this picture? We see an angle and two sides that are congruent. However, there is no congruence for Angle Side Side. Therefore we can't prove that the triangles are congruent. It's important to note that the triangles COULD be congruent, and in fact in the diagram they are the same. But I could have manipulated the triangles to make them non-congruent with the same Angle Side Side relationship. All you know is that you need more information to decide if they are congruent or not


Geometry Lesson 3.3 - Isosceles Triangle

There are many types of triangles in the world of geometry. There is a special triangle called an isosceles triangle. In an isosceles triangle, the base angles have the same degree measure and are, as a result, equal. At the same time, if two angles of a triangle have equal measure, then the sides opposite the angles are the same length. The easiest way to define an isosceles triangle is that it has two equal sides. In an isosceles triangle, we have two sides called the legs and the remaining side called the base. The angle located opposite the base is called the vertex. Sample A: The vertex angle B of isosceles triangle ABC is 120 degrees. Find the degree measure of each base angle.

Solution: (1) Let x = the measure of each base angle. (2) Set up an equation and solve for x. base angle + base angle + 120 degrees = 180 degrees x + x + 120 degrees = 180 degrees 2x + 120 = 180 2x = 180 - 120 2x = 60 x = 60/2 x = 30 Each base angle of triangle ABC measures 30 degrees. Sample B: In isosceles triangle RST, angle S is the vertex angle. Base angles R and T both measure 64 degrees. Find the degree measure of the vertex angle S.


Solution: (1) Let x = measure of vertex angle S. (2) Set up an equation and solve for x. base angle + base angle + vertex angle S = 180 degrees 64 degrees + 64 degrees + x = 180 degrees 128 + x = 180 x = 180 - 128 x = 52 The measure of vertex angle S in triangle RST is 52 degrees. Sample C: The degree measure of a base angle of isosceles triangle XYZ exceeds three times the degrees measure of the vertex Y by 60. Find the degree measure of the vertex angle Y. Notice that it's hard to draw a picture without knowing which angles are largest.

We need to make an equation out of this problem, so let's figure out what it's trying to tell us. First we read "The degree measure of a base angle", so let's start with X= Our equation so far: X= Now we see "exceeds three times... Y... by 60", which means 3Y + 60. Our equation now: X = 3Y + 60

THE HOME OF SUCCESS Since we know that X = Z because it is an isosceles triangle, then we can solve for the measures of all the angles. base angle + base angle + vertex = 180 X + Y + Z = 180 (3Y + 60) + Y+ (3Y + 60) = 180 7Y + 120 = 180 7Y = 60 Y = 60/7 Y = 8.57 degrees The vertex angle Y of triangle XYZ equals 8.57 degrees

Geometry 3.4 - Triangle Inequalities

In any triangle we can find the following to be true: (1) The length of each side is less than the sum of the lengths of the other two sides and greater than the difference between these lengths. (2) Sides that are not equal are located opposite angles that are not equal so that the longest side lies opposite the angle with the biggest measure and the shortest side lies opposite the angle with the smallest measure. In the picture below, points D, E and F represent the vertices of triangle DEF. Since the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, DF must must be less than DE + EF. In other words, imagine if DF was greater than DE + EF. In that case, DE + EF wouldn't be long enough to reach from D to F at all.

To find out if a set of three positive points can represent the lengths of the sides of a given triangle, CHECK that each of the three numbers is less than the sum of the other two numbers. Sample A: In the following picture of triangle ABC, can the set of numbers given represent the lengths of the sides of triangle ABC? Side AB = 4, Side BC = 5 and Side AC = 1.


Let us check that each of the three given numbers is less than the sum of the other two numbers. Solution: In the above triangle ABC, we can see that although 4 is less than 5 + 1 and 1 is less than 4 + 5, 5 is NOT less than 1 + 4. The answer is no. The set of numbers given does not represent the lengths of the sides of triangle ABC. Imagine if you tried to build this triangle in real life. You have one side that's 5, and the other two sides are exactly 5 when straightened. You can connect them only as two overlapping lines. You need some extra length to make a triangle out of it. Sample B: If 3, 9 and x represent the lengths of the sides of a triangle, how many integer values for x are possible?

Remember that in a triangle, the range of possible lengths of a side depends on the lengths of the other two sides. Solution: The length of a side must be less than the sum of the other two sides. Here, that means x < 9+3, or x < 12. In addition, remember that the length of a side must be greater than the difference of the other two sides. That means x > 9 - 3, or x > 6. Therefore we have two limits for the value of x: 6 and 12. 6 < x < 12

THE HOME OF SUCCESS Since x is an integer, x can be equal to numbers 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11 (the numbers that lie between 6 and 12 do NOT include 6 and 12). Remember that if we use 6 or 12 we will end up with overlapping straight lines, not a triangle. Sample C: The shortest distance between city X and city Y is 100 miles. The shortest distance between city Y and city Z is 450 miles. What is the shortest distance, in miles, between city X and city Z? (a) 150 miles (b) 250 miles (c) 350 miles (d) 400 miles

We remember that the length of each side of any triangle is greater than the difference between the lengths of the other two sides. If this is true, then XZ is greater than 450 miles - 100 miles or 350 miles. Since the lengths of each side of a triangle is also less than the sum of the lengths of the other two sides, we can say that XZ is less than 450 miles + 100 miles or 550 miles. We can conclude that XZ must be between 350 miles and 550 miles. The only answer that makes sense in the choices provided is choice (d) or 400 miles. Angles in a Triangle In a triangle, when two angles have the same measure, their opposite sides also have the same length. At the same time, angles that are NOT equal in measure have opposite sides that do NOT have the same length. I should also say that the angle with the largest measure is opposite the longest side. Sample D: The degree measure of angle A of isosceles triangle ABC is 30 degrees. Sides ABD and AC are equal. Find the shortest side of triangle ABC.


Solution: We must find the degree measure of the other two angles of triangle ABC. Since the measure of angle A = 30 degrees, then it follows that the other two angles must be equal and add up to 150 degrees. That means they are each 75 degrees. That means the side opposite angle A (side BC) is the smallest side.

Geometry 4.1 - Parallelograms

Parallelograms A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel. Special relationships are a reality between the measures of consecutive angles, opposite angles and opposite sides of a parallelogram. The square is the most obvious parallelogram, because it has 2 sets of parallel sides. Facts About a Parallelogram (1) The degree measure of the four angles of a parallelogram add up to 360 degrees. Remember that all quadrilaterals (4 sided figures) have angles which add up to 360 degrees. Here's a sample:

Then: a + b + c + d = 360 degrees (2) The degree measure of any two consecutive angles add up to 180 degrees. In parallelogram ABCD:


angle a + angle b = 180 degrees angle b + angle c = 180 degrees angle c + angle d = 180 degrees angle a + angle d = 180 degrees (3) Opposite angles have the same measure in terms of degrees. In parallelogram ABCD:

angle a = angle c angle b = angle d Sides of a Parallelogram In parallelogram ABCD: (1) Opposite sides are parallel:

side AD || side BC side AB || side CD

THE HOME OF SUCCESS NOTE: The symbol || means parallel. (2) Opposite sides have the same lengths:

side AD = side BC side AB = side CD Diagonals of a Parallelogram The diagonals of a parallelogram divide the parallelogram into two side-by-side triangles. As shown in the picture below, diagonal AC forms equal alternate interior angles with each pair of parallel sides. We can also see that there are two triangles in the picture below. Triangle 1 is congruent to triangle 2 by ASA (Angle-Side-Angle) Method. Where did the two triangles come from? They were formed by diagonal AC.

I should also note that diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other as shown in the picture below.

THE HOME OF SUCCESS AE = EC DE = EB where E is the midpoint of BOTH diagonals. Sample: In parallelogram WXYZ, the measure of angle X = 4a - 40 and the measure of angle Z = 2a - 8. Find the measure of angle W? Solution: (1) Find the value of a. Since angles X and Z are opposite angles of parallelogram WXYZ, they have the same measure. We equate the terms and solve for a. 4a - 40 = 2a - 8 4a - 2a = 40 - 8 2a = 32 a = 32/2 a = 16 (2) Since a = 16, we now find the measure of angle X by substituting 16 for a in 4a - 40. angle X = 4a - 40 angle X = 4(16) - 40 angle X = 64 - 40 angle X = 24 (3) We also know that consecutive angles of a parallelogram are supplementary (add up to 180 degrees) and so, this fact is used to find the measure of angle W. angle W = 180 - angle X angle W = 180 - 24 angle W = 156

Geometry 4.2 - Trapezoids

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides. As shown in the picture below, the parallel sides of trapezoid ABCD are called bases and the sides that are not parallel are called legs. In trapezoid ABCD:


(1) The degree measure of the four angles add up to 360 degrees. This is true of any quadrilateral. Let lower case letters a, b, c and d = the angles of trapezoid ABCD. Then: a + b + c + d = 360 degrees. (2) The lower and upper base angles are supplementary (add up to 180 degrees). angle a + angle b = 180 degrees angle c + angle d = 180 degrees

Isosceles Trapezoid
There is a special kind of trapezoid called an isosceles trapezoid. An isosceles trapezoid is a trapezoid in which the legs are equal. You'll notice that in the first trapezoid in this lesson (above), the legs are NOT equal. In isosceles trapezoid ABCD:

(1) The two lower base angles have the same measure, and the two upper base angles have the same measure. angle a = angle d angle b = angle c (2) The diagonals have the same lengths. diagonal AC = diagonal BD

THE HOME OF SUCCESS Sample: In isosceles trapezoid MATH, side HT is parallel to side MA, line segment MH is congruent to line segment AT. The degree measure of angle MHT = 60 degrees. What are the measures of the other 3 angles?

Solution: We know the two legs are congruent, so this is an isosceles trapezoid. Given that, we know the two base angles have the same measure. That tells us that Angle T = 60 Since the top and bottom angles are supplementary, we know that Angle M = 180 - 60 Angle M = 120 By the same logic, Angle A = 120 degrees as well.

Geometry 4.3 - Special Parallelograms

A parallelogram may be equiangular (rectangle), equilateral (rhombus) or both equiangular and equilateral. An example of a special parallelogram that is both equiangular and equilateral is our friend the square. Rectangle A rectangle is a parallelogram with 4 right angles. A rectangle has the following rules: (1) All the rules of a parallelogram. (2) Four right angles. Remember that a right angle measures 90 degrees. (3) Diagonals which are congruent (they have the same length).

THE HOME OF SUCCESS The picture of rectangle ABCD below shows all three rules listed above.

Sample: In rectangle ABCD below, diagonals AC and BD intersect at point R. If AR = 2x - 6 and CR = x + 10, find BD.

Since the diagonals of a rectangle bisect each other, we can say that AR = CR. We equate the values of AR and CR and solve for x. 2x - 6 = x + 10 2x - x = 10 + 6 x = 16 Use either of the given equations to determine that each segment equals 26. Since they are all equal, BD = 26. Rhombus A rhombus is a parallelogram with 4 congruent or equal sides. A rhombus has the following rules: (1) All the rules of a parallelogram. (2) Four sides that have the same length. (3) Diagonals that intersect at right angles. (4) Diagonals that bisect opposite pairs of angles.


Sample: Given that ABCD is a rhombus and the measure of angle D = 60 degrees. Find the measure of angles A and B.

Solution: Triangle ABC is isosceles since line segment AB is congruent to line segment BC. Then we can say that the base angles of triangle ABC must be congruent or equal. Since we know the diagonal bisects the angles A and C, we must have two congruent triangles here. If so, then the measure of angle D = the measure of angle B = 60 degrees.

In triangle AEB, angle AEB is a right triangle because the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular to each other. Since the sum of the degree measures of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees, we can say that the measure of angle A must be 30 degrees. How do we get 30?


Measure of angle A = 180 - 90 degrees - 60 degrees Measure of angle A = 30 degrees Square A square is a parallelogram with 4 right angles and 4 sides that have the same length. A square has all the rules of a rectangle and a rhombus as shown in square ABCD below.

Sample: In square ABCD, AB = x + 4. What is the perimeter of square ABCD? Solution: A square has the same length on all 4 sides. We can use the formula P = side times 4, or P = 4s, where P = perimeter and s = side of square. P = 4s P = 4(x + 4)....We apply the distributive rule here and get P = 4x + 16 Our perimeter is 4x + 16

(pi =

= 3.141592...)



rectangle = ab

parallelogram = bh

trapezoid = h/2 (b1 + b2)

circle = pi r 2

ellipse = pi r1 r2

triangle = (1/2) b h equilateral triangle = (1/4) (3) a2 triangle given SAS = (1/2) a b sin C triangle given a,b,c = [s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)] when s = (a+b+c)/2 (Heron's formula) regular polygon = (1/2) n sin(360/n) S2 when n = # of sides and S = length from center to a corner


cube = a3

rectangular prism = a b c

irregular prism = b h

THE HOME OF SUCCESS cylinder = b h = r2 h

pyramid = (1/3) b h

cone = (1/3) b h = 1/3

r2 h

sphere = (4/3)


ellipsoid = (4/3) pi r1 r2 r3

Surface Areas

cube = 6 a2 prism: (lateral area) = perimeter(b) L (total area) = perimeter(b) L + 2b

sphere = 4


Circumference of a Circle

Unit 2

A circle is a shape with all points the same distance from the center. It is named by the center. The circle to the left is called circle A since the center is at point A. If you measure the distance around a circle and divide it by the distance across the circle through the center, you will always come close to a particular value, depending upon the accuracy of your measurement. This value is approximately 3.14159265358979323846... We use the Greek letter (pronounced Pi) to represent this value. The number goes on forever. However, using computers, mathematicians have been able to calculate the value of to thousands of places.

The distance around a circle is called the circumference. The distance across a circle through the center is called the diameter. is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. Thus, for any circle, if you divide the circumference by the diameter, you get a value close to . This relationship is expressed in the following formula:

where is circumference and is diameter. You can test this formula at home with a round dinner plate. If you measure the circumference and the diameter of the plate and then divide by , your quotient should come close to . Another way to write this formula is: where means multiply. This second formula is commonly used in problems where the diameter is given and the circumference is not known (see the examples below).

The radius of a circle is the distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle. If you place two radii end-to-end in a circle, you would have the same length as one diameter. Thus, the diameter of a circle is twice as long as the radius. This relationship is expressed in the following formula: , where is the diameter and is the radius.

Circumference, diameter and radii are measured in linear units, such as inches and centimeters. A circle has many different radii and many different diameters, each passing through the center. A real-life example of a radius is the spoke of a bicycle wheel. A 9-inch pizza is an example of a diameter: when one makes the first cut to slice a round pizza pie in half, this cut is the diameter of the pizza. So a 9-inch pizza has a 9-inch diameter. Let's look at some examples of finding the circumference of a circle. In these examples, we will use = 3.14 to simplify our calculations.

Example 1: The radius of a circle is 2 inches. What is the diameter?

Solution: = 2 (2 in) = 4 in Example 2: The diameter of a circle is 3 centimeters. What is the circumference? Solution: = 3.14 (3 cm) = 9.42 cm Example 3: The radius of a circle is 2 inches. What is the circumference? Solution: = 2 (2 in) = 4 in = 3.14 (4 in) = 12.56 in Example 4: The circumference of a circle is 15.7 centimeters. What is the diameter? Solution: 15.7 cm = 3.14 15.7 cm 3.14 = = 15.7 cm 3.14 = 5 cm

Summary: The number is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. The value of is approximately 3.14159265358979323846...The diameter of a circle is twice the radius. Given the diameter or radius of a circle, we can find the circumference. We can also find the diameter (and radius) of a circle given the circumference. The formulas for diameter and circumference of a circle are listed below. We round to 3.14 in order to simplify our calculations.

Area Formulas:

THE HOME OF SUCCESS Square: s2 The area of a square is the length of a side squared. Rectangle: L*W The area of a rectangle is the length multiplied by the width. Circle: pi*r2 The area of a circle is pi (about 3.14) times the radius squared. Triangle: 0.5*b*h The area of a triangle is one half the base times the height. Trapezoid: 0.5*(b1+b2)*h The area of a trapezoid is one half the sum of the bases times the height.

(pi =

= 3.141592...)

Perimeter Formulas
The perimeter of any polygon is the sum of the lengths of all the sides.

Note: "ab" means "a" multiplied by "b". "a2" means "a squared", which is the same as "a" times "a". Be careful!! Units count. Use the same units for all measurements. Examples

square = 4a

rectangle = 2a + 2b

triangle = a + b + c

circle = 2pi r circle = pi d (where d is the diameter) The perimeter of a circle is more commonly known as the circumference. Units Be sure to only add similar units. For example, you cannot add inches to feet. For example, if you need to find the perimeter of a rectangle with sides of 9 inches and 1 foot, you must first change to the same units. perimeter = 2 ( a + b) INCORRECT perimeter = 2(9 + 1) = 2*10 = 20 CORRECT perimeter = 2( 9 inches + 1 foot) = 2( 3/4 foot + 1 foot ) = 2(1 3/4 feet) = 3 1/2 feet

(pi =

= 3.141592...)

Surface Area Formulas

In general, the surface area is the sum of all the areas of all the shapes that cover the surface of the object. Cube | Rectangular Prism | Prism | Sphere | Cylinder | Units

Note: "ab" means "a" multiplied by "b". "a2" means "a squared", which is the same as "a" times "a". Be careful!! Units count. Use the same units for all measurements. Examples

Surface Area of a Cube = 6 a 2

(a is the length of the side of each edge of the cube) In words, the surface area of a cube is the area of the six squares that cover it. The area of one of them is a*a, or a 2 . Since these are all the same, you can multiply one of them by six, so the surface area of a cube is 6 times one of the sides squared.

Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism = 2ab + 2bc + 2ac

(a, b, and c are the lengths of the 3 sides) In words, the surface area of a rectangular prism is the are of the six rectangles that cover it. But we don't have to figure out all six because we know that the top and bottom are the same, the front and back are the same, and the left and right sides are the same. The area of the top and bottom (side lengths a and c) = a*c. Since there are two of them, you get 2ac. The front and back have side lengths of b and c. The area of one of them is b*c, and there are two of them, so the surface area of those two is 2bc. The left and right side have side lengths of a and b, so the surface area of one of them is a*b. Again, there are two of them, so their combined surface area is 2ab.

Surface Area of Any Prism

(b is the shape of the ends) Surface Area = Lateral area + Area of two ends (Lateral area) = (perimeter of shape b) * L Surface Area = (perimeter of shape b) * L+ 2*(Area of shape b)

Surface Area of a Sphere = 4 pi r 2

(r is radius of circle)

Surface Area of a Cylinder = 2 pi r 2 + 2 pi r h

(h is the height of the cylinder, r is the radius of the top) Surface Area = Areas of top and bottom +Area of the side Surface Area = 2(Area of top) + (perimeter of top)* height Surface Area = 2(pi r 2) + (2 pi r)* h In words, the easiest way is to think of a can. The surface area is the areas of all the parts needed to cover the can. That's the top, the bottom, and the paper label that wraps around the middle. You can find the area of the top (or the bottom). That's the formula for area of a circle (pi r2). Since there is both a top and a bottom, that gets multiplied by two. The side is like the label of the can. If you peel it off and lay it flat it will be a rectangle. The area of a rectangle is the product of the two sides. One side is the height of the can, the other side is the perimeter of the circle, since the label wraps once around the can. So the area of the rectangle is (2 pi r)* h. Add those two parts together and you have the formula for the surface area of a cylinder. Surface Area = 2(pi r 2) + (2 pi r)* h

Tip! Don't forget the units. These equations will give you correct answers if you keep the units straight. For example - to find the surface area of a cube with sides of 5 inches, the equation is: Surface Area = 6*(5 inches)2 = 6*(25 square inches) = 150 sq. inches

(pi =

= 3.141592...)

Volume Formulas

THE HOME OF SUCCESS Note: "ab" means "a" multiplied by "b". "a2" means "a squared", which is the same as "a" times "a". "b3" means "b cubed", which is the same as "b" times "b" times "b". Be careful!! Units count. Use the same units for all measurements. Examples

cube = a 3

rectangular prism = a b c

irregular prism = b h

cylinder = b h = pi r 2 h

pyramid = (1/3) b h

cone = (1/3) b h = 1/3 pi r 2 h

sphere = (4/3) pi r 3

ellipsoid = (4/3) pi r1 r2 r3

Units Volume is measured in "cubic" units. The volume of a figure is the number of cubes required to fill it completely, like blocks in a box. Volume of a cube = side times side times side. Since each side of a square is the same, it can simply be the length of one side cubed. If a square has one side of 4 inches, the volume would be 4 inches times 4 inches times 4 inches, or 64 cubic inches. (Cubic inches can also be written in3.) Be sure to use the same units for all measurements. You cannot multiply feet times inches times yards, it doesn't make a perfectly cubed measurement. The volume of a rectangular prism is the length on the side times the width times the height. If the width is 4 inches, the length is 1 foot and the height is 3 feet, what is the volume? NOT CORRECT .... 4 times 1 times 3 = 12 CORRECT.... 4 inches is the same as 1/3 feet. Volume is 1/3 feet times 1 foot times 3 feet = 1 cubic foot (or 1 cu. ft., or 1 ft3).


The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. Since all the sides of equilateral triangles are the same length, all the angles are the same...

The interior angles of an equilateral triangle are all 60 degrees. What about a square?
That's easy! By definition, all the interior angles of a square are right angles -- That means that they are all 90 degrees.

What about other regular polygons?

To figure out the measure of the interior angles of a regular pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, etc, we need more than just a protractor! What if we needed to find the interior angle of a regular polygon with 100 sides? That might be a little difficult to draw!

Here are two methods to find the measure of the interior angles of a regular polygon:
For both methods, we will use the fact that the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees!

Let's divide some regular polygons into triangles by connecting one vertex to all of the others...


A square has 4 sides and we made 2 triangles.

A pentagon has 5 sides and we made 3 triangles.

A hexagon has 6 sides and we made 4 triangles.

Do you see the pattern?

A heptagon has 7 sides... so we'd be able to make 5 triangles. If we had polygon with n sides... we'd be able to make (n - 2) triangles. Let's start with the square... We made 2 triangles. Notice that all of the interior angles of the 2 triangles make up the interior angles of the square. The sum of the 2 triangle's angles is There are 4 equal angles in a square,

so Just what we expected.

gives us that one angle of a square is

Now for the pentagon. We made 3 triangles.

So the interior angles of a regular pentagon are each 108 degrees. Can you figure out the hexagon?


How about a 100-gon? (That's a regular polygon with 100 sides.) There would be 98 triangles...

So, in general, the measure of an interior angle of a regular n-gon is

This method will be very similar to that of the first method. Except that we will draw our triangles using a point drawn inside the polygon.

4 sides, 4 triangles

5 sides, 5 triangles

6 sides, 6 triangles

Notice that not all of the angles of the triangles are involved with the interior angles of the polygons. We'll need to figure out how to deal with that.

Starting with the square: 4 triangles...

At this point in method 1, we had 360... So we are off by 360. But we haven't dealt with the fact that those middle angles are not involved with the interior angles of the square. It turns out that the sum of the angles around that middle point is 360!


and Let's try the pentagon...


5 triangles...

Can you figure out the hexagon?

In general, the measure of an interior angle of a regular n-gon is

Polygons are many-sided figures, with sides that are line segments. Polygons are named according to the number of sides and angles they have. The most familiar polygons are the triangle, the rectangle, and the square. A regular polygon is one that has equal sides. Polygons also have diagonals, which are segments that join two vertices and are not sides.

The table lists all the polygons having up to 10 sides. Click the name of each polygon in the table to see a diagram

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