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Alina Gutierrez and Yessica Garcia Period4 2-1314 Culture Equitte Country name Flag United kingdom Ireland


The people

Meeting and greeting

Body language

Cooperative Culture

In England, politeness, reserve, and restraint are admired. The English are courteous, unassuming and unabrasive and are very proud of their long and rich history. Scots are passionate about their country, guarding its uniqueness and refusing to go along with English ideas. While cool and aloof externally, they are extremely sentimental about their family and their country. The British are reserved, which may cause them to appear cool and indifferent or overly formal. In fact, they are very friendly and helpful to foreigners. Hugging, kissing and touching is usually reserved for family members and very close friends. Staring is considered rude. In Great Britain, punctuality is important for business m meetings. Be on time.

The Irish are interested in people and place great value on the individual. They are naturally courteous, quickwitted and will go out of their way to welcome visitors to their country. Don't rush the Irish. Although they work very hard, the Irish are dedicated to a less stressful lifestyle that allows time for friends and family, a visit to the pub, a cup of tea, or just a bit of a chat on the cornern. Shake hands with everyone present men, women and children at a business or social gathering. Shake hands again when leaving. The Irish are uncomfortable with loud, aggressive, and arrogant behavior.

Mexico is a very class-con society where social stratif are well-defined. Upper Mexicans will not dirty thei with tasks they find ben them. A sense of fatalism strong among many Mex who feel that their path th life is largely preordained. attitudes are inculcate Mexican males almost from and machismo plays a pe role in shaping Mexican c

Shake hands or give a slig when introduced. Bow w greeting a Mexican woman hands only if she extend hand first.

Business is best initiated through a wellconnected third party. Who you know may be vital to your business s success.

Mexicans generally stand together when conversing show signs of discomfort, would be considered rude Mexican counterpart Punctuality is expected o foreign businesspeop Your Mexican counte may be late or keep waiting. Thirty minu the scheduled meeti

is consideneed

Dining and Most business entertaining is Entertain done restaurants or pubs over ment lunch. The host, the one who
extends the invitation, pays the bill.

Business dinners are usually considered more of a social occasion and a good way to develop relationships.

Drinking to excess is fro upon in Mexico, especially it's done by women. Custo only men propose toasts; women normally shouldn toasts.

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