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Intuition and Osho A Tract Book By Anthony J. Fejfar Copyright 2006 by Anthony J.


In his book, Intution: Knowing Beyond Logic, Osho discusesses the difference between instinct, intellect and intuition. In so doing, Osho follows Aristotle and Plato with the levels of Body, Mind, and Spirit. I argue, however, that real intellect is a level three spiritual function,

and that level two mind knowing involves only analytic understanding. The following chart illustrates the difference in vocabulary:

Fejfar Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Body Senses Analytic Understanding Spirit/Intellect

Osho Instinct Intellect Intuition

I argue, analogous to the argument of Ken Wilber, that Intuition, as such, is a Level 6 phenomenon. Level 4 is formal operations and Level 5 is

Creativity. Once Intuition is downloaded to Level 3, mere analysis at Level 2 is integrated and transformed into intellect at Level 3. Thus, Level 3 intellection involves judgment and reflection, intuitive functions, not just analytic understanding. Moreover, it is possible to hypothesize that Intution is downloaded even further so that Level 2 Analytic Understanding is complemented by Level 2 Intuitive Understanding, and, Level 1 Sensation is complemented by Level 1 Intuitive Experience. Osho also argues that Intuition is irrational. I would argue, instead, that intuition is arational not irrational. Intuition represents arational wisdom. Intuition is curvelinear. Such wisdom can be discussed in poetry, parables, stories, etc. It can sometimes even be analytically thematized and categorized. Equity, for example is an intuitive-wisdom concept. Intuition

emanates from the Spirit deep within all of us. Intuition is a matter of mind as much as it is a matter of heart. It is, however, the arational wisdom mind.

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