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Madi, Mudari' & Amr in terms of Declinability & Indeclinability

Assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh There are various ways of viewing the declinable and indeclinable in Arabic. One way is to place the declinable and indeclinable as your main headings and then distribute the 3 parts of speech (noun, verb and particle) according to threse 2 main headings. This I have done elsewhere and prepared a chart accordingly. Another way is to take the 3 parts of speech as your main headings and then distribute the declinable and indeclinable over the 3 parts of speech. The chart that I'm uploading here is the part that deals with the verb. I've divided the verb into its Madi, Mudari' and Amr and viewed each in terms of declinability and indeclinability. The result is: (1) is indeclinable () (2) is: (a) declinable ( )when it does not have one of the two nuns suffixed to it: the and . Moreover, the in terms of declinability is of 3 types: (i) (ii) (iii) )( (b) indeclinable ( )when it is has one of the two nuns suffixed to it: the and . (3) is indeclinable (. ) Insha Allah, I hope that this clarifies further what you already know about the verb in terms of declinability and indeclinability.

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