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English for Architecture & Civil Engineering WS 2012/2013!

The Helix Bridge

Word brief maritime pedestrian vehicular cantilever Denition noun the instructions that person is given explaining what that job is and what their duties are adj. connected with the sea noun a person walking in the streets and not travelling in a vehicle adj. intended for vehicles or consisting of vehicles noun a structural member that projects beyond a supporting column or wall and is counterbalanced and/or supported at only one end. verb [with obj.] support by a cantilever noun Architecture a rooike projection or shelter noun a rod or bar forming part of a framework & designed to resist compression noun a hollow girder square in cross section noun a framework, typically consisting of rafters, posts and struts, supporting structure adj. unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not exible

canopy strut box girder truss rigid

N. Bastian Hoang!


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