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Conquering the Japan Challenge

By Greg Merkley

Globalization is a tough climb

A new environment presents a new set of challenges

Working together productively is the route to peak performance

Understanding and adapting will help you achieve success

1) Understand the map

Japanese see themselves as group members

Japanese relate to the world vertically

Japanese care about formalities

Japanese try to avoid risk

1) Know the map

2) Build personal trust

Listen and understand

Deliver what you promise

Address problems

Demonstrate good judgment

1) Know the map

2) Build personal trust

3) Adjust your communication

Adapt your English

Modify your style

Learn the art of No

Use multiple channels

1) Know the map

2) Build personal trust

3) Adjust your communication

4) Mind your behavior

Act formally at meetings

Share information

Fill the glass

Each situation requires special attention and treatment

Mindfully applying knowledge and skills will lead to success

Leverage American and Japanese styles to get to the top

Where you can see harmony and prosperity

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