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From this assignment, I only observed 3 main objectives there is to study aboutthe world of herbarium and way to deal with it, to learn how to prepare a herbariumsheet and to appreciate a god creations.

Firstly is to study about the world of herbarium and how to deal with it. Generally,a weed is a plant in an undesired place. It`s only grow as a parasites in a gardens,lawns, or agricultural areas, but also in park and other natural areas. Weeds are knownas unwanted plant. For certain area, weeds are important as a legume cover plant or land supporter such as field and fringe of hill.

Secondly, the objective for this assignment is learned how to prepare aherbarium sheet. The materials that we need are old newspapers to cover thespecimens, old boxes as overlapping for specimen, scissor to cut the boxes, scalpel,and forceps. These materials are important to make the specimen dried completely. Theimportant thing for this preparation is the newspaper must change everyday to preventthe specimens from any infection like fungi or bacteria.

The last objective of doing this assignment is to appreciate the god creations andto gain more knowledge about all these kind of weeds that live around UiTM KualaPilah. From this, we are able to identify the plants part and know it`s common andscientific name. By that ways, we are tried to improve our lesson and add moreknowledge about the plants that live around us


Assalammualaikum, firstly I want to say Alhamdulillah to god because with the permission of Allah I have successfully finishing my herbarium assignment without any problem. For this part one assignment, I have working hard and try my best make sure that I can finishing this work and submit it on the date that have been stated.

I also want to say a thousand of thanks to my parent because they give supported to me since I started studying here. To completed this assignment, they always give me a spirit to make this herbarium assignment successfully done.

This appreciation also to my lecturer, Madam Norizan bte Ibrahim, the most important person that are responsible of the AGR122 assignment for 2013 session. At housand of thanks for you because give me important point and introduce way how to make this herbarium assignment. I cant imagined what would happen if without all your knowledge. From your given information, I have done my assignment earlier from the expected date.

Before I forget, I want to say a lot of thankful to my friends that help me either in direct or indirectly.

Lastly, to my entire senior, I appreciate your knowledge and brilliant idea for my herbarium assignment. I will remember all the knowledge that has thought. I appreciateall people who was helps me in completing this Herbarium assignment until it totally done. I will keep your duties always in my memories. Hopefully we can co-operation again next time Insya-Allah.

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