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You have a thing for plants and you’re looking forward to planting a garden
that is why you found yourself reading this right now. I’m excited that you are
about to learn so many interesting facts about plants and how easy it is to grow
them in any environment. If you have been searching for a gardening book that
will guide you through the dark tunnel of ignorance, then you have it right in your
hand. In writing this book Emma Andrew did not hold back one bit, so it’s safe to
say she over delivered.

A whole lot of people have an idea about gardening and some have started
by applying what they know but let’s be true to ourselves, there is always a
knowledge gap. This practical guide will fill those gaps and guide you step by step
into that green land you have always fantasized.

Emma Andrews was really careful and meticulous in details. She started by
talking about the many importance of having plants close to you and their effect
on the environment through the method of garden containers and raised beds
which will ultimately affect your health.

Raised bed gardening and container gardening have their advantages and
disadvantages. A container garden needs your full commitment else the plant will
die. You have to water it, apply fertilizers and move the container. It is important
to decide considerably which method is more suitable and after choosing you
must know what next before you raise a garden. Preparation is always a necessity
for starting any venture so the gardener must know how to plan. You need to
consider the location, materials for raised beds and containers, tools and
fertilizers etc.

In building a garden the gardener must decide if he wants to use bricks or wood
considering if it’s going to be long term, furthermore irrigation method must be
well thought out because as you already know water is essential for plants.
Having put everything necessary in place finally you have entered the planting
phase where you choose what you want to plant.

Human’s breathe in Oxygen and give out carbon dioxide and our little green
friends (plants) breathe in carbon dioxide and turn them into water and oxygen
therefore cleaning the atmosphere. The more plants you have in the
neighborhood the less chance of you getting sick. This should make you take your
gardening journey serious with an intention of bringing the plants closer to you in
the best possible way.

Considering the idea of gardening I would say first, it’s about bringing our
green friends home. It’s about welcoming them to our sitting rooms, giving them
a space in the house. Emma Andrews have delivered to us 9 practical steps for
starting a garden and believe me they are beginner-friendly. She delivered to us
the intricacies of raised bed gardening and container gardening from her years of
experience, experimenting and constant finding to get it right, be sure these steps
are tested and valid.
This is the most straightforward book I have ever read. You can actually
read and follow the steps immediately or note down the actions you plan to take.
Emma Andrews did her best in explaining raised bed gardening and container
gardening with its pros and cons so that you can make a considerable choice and
then she showed us how to prepare for a garden and plant what we want. Now
it’s left to you the gardener to start, I started before getting this book and with it
in my hand I’m going all green.

Gardening is a beautiful idea, you protect your health, beautify your

environment and reduce cost of living like groceries you get from the nearby store.
Moreover you are doing your neighbors a favor by sanitizing the atmosphere with
the help of our little green friends. Give it your best shot.

Review by Daniel Omodo E. C.

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