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Aidee Yareli Moreno Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources: Madero Attempts Rule By Force. El Paso Herald, 11/25/1911.

Chronicling America. Web 12/6/2012 This article is talking about how Madero is trying to take over Oaxaca. This was going on while Benito was governor and Madero was president. They were arguing the state rights and of course Madero wanted to get rid of any trouble while he was president. This article helped me because it told what problems Juarez went through while being governor. Primary this source is a newspaper and it was made during Juarez time and it relates to him. Rurales to be Main Fighters. El Paso Herald, 11/25/1911. Chronicling America. Web 12/6/2012 Its talking about how there is going to be changes in the fighters and from what starting point to the ending point. It really talks about the movement and the purpose of the changes. This article helps me understand a little of how Juarez organized the Federal Troops. Primary source because it was published during Juarez time. Federal Prisoners enlist with Rebels The San Francisco Call, 5/11/1911. Chronicling America. Web 1/2/2013 This article is talking about Madero and how he is leading his army. Thanking for the great take on taking over the town Juarez and that it was a good victory. This is mostly talking about Madero the whole page of this newspaper. This is Primary since it was during Juarez time and relates to him.

Juarez Citizens Honor Memory Benito Juarez. El Paso Herald, 7/19/1919. Chronicling America. Web. 12/28/2012 This article is talking about how the citizens of Juarez honor Benito Juarez. Well known as the hero of Mexico. Even after his death the citizens consider him as an important person. This helps me understand that even though Benito Juarez isnt around us he is a memorable man that his nation will remember with pride. Primary Source even though it wasnt made during his time it talks about him. "Es Designado Benito Jurez Como Secretario Interino Del Tribunal Superior De Justicia Del Departamento De Oaxaca." Es Designado Benito Jurez Como Secretario Interino Del Tribunal Superior De Justicia Del Departamento De Oaxaca. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. This document in Spanish is saying that Benito Juarez is being named Acting Secretary of the High Court of Justice Department of Oaxaca, in the date of April 6, 1838. Juarez is being called to go the next morning at 9:00 a.m to take the oath. This document helped me know the beginnings of Juarez. With this document I know he was asked to become Acting Secretary of the High Court of Justice Department of Oaxaca before becoming governor. Primary source its a letter Juarez received while he was alive even though it is a letter that people look at and read it. "Tratado De Amistad, Comercio Y Navegacin." Tratado De Amistad, Comercio Y Navegacin. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. This is a treaty between Mexico and United States relating Friendship, Commerce and Navigation. The document that is in Spanish talks about the laws that were going to be

by signing this treaty. There was sharing and respect through this document. The document says that people of either nation were allowed to go back and forth through the nations, which now these days doesnt happen anymore. It helped me know something that was going on during Juarez time. Primary source it was written during Juarez time it had to involved Mexico and U.S. "Se Examina Para El Grado De Bachiller En Derecho a Benito Juarez." Se Examina Para El Grado De Bachiller En Derecho a Benito Juarez. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. Juarez was getting a test to get his bachelors in law. The people in charge did a unanimous decision. This helped me know when he got his bachelors degree and what the people in charge had chosen. It told me the date when Jurez took his exam to get his bachelors. This document told me around what age Jurez was when he did this exam. It is primary source because it was during Juarez time. "Solicita Benito Jurez Su Examen Profesional." Solicita Benito Jurez Su Examen Profesional. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. This document talks about when he asked for his professional exam. The document in Spanish just provides a date of when he asked for his exam and what the Institution did in the aspect. It did help but not much it just gives a date not information needed importantly. Primary source during Juarez time, it related to him so its a primary source. "Discurso De Juarez Ante El Soberano Congreso Del Estado Al Prestar El Juramento De La Ley Para Continuar Como Gobernador Del Estado Por Haber Sido Electo." Discurso De Juarez Ante El Soberano Congreso Del Estado Al Prestar El

Juramento De La Ley Para Continuar Como Gobernador Del Estado Por Haber Sido Electo. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. This document in Spanish tells the speech Juarez gave in front of the people of the congress when he was reelected as governor of Oaxaca. It also said he was giving the oath. This document helped me know more about Juarez, how he gave speeches, how he talk, what he was trying to say during this speech. It was a very helpful document that really helps me understand more Benito Juarez. Primary source was during Juarez time. "Renuncia Benito Juarez Al Cargo De Gobernador Del Estado Ante La VIII Legislatura."Renuncia Benito Juarez Al Cargo De Gobernador Del Estado Ante La VIII Legislatura. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. Benito Juarez is quitting of his position as governor of Oaxaca. Juarez in his speech says he was doing his best throughout the years he was as governor to bring justice and have equal rights for everybody, but that he didnt deserve such privilege of this charge. This tells something important, I didnt know he had quitted at one point as governor. I learned something new. Primary source because of the date it was created. "Dictamen Sobre La Renuncia De Benito Juarez." Dictamen Sobre La Renuncia De Benito Juarez. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 12 Feb. 2013. In this document the court has determine not to accept Juarez quitting as governor of Oaxaca. In the document they said Juarez quitting had no foundation and

for what Juarez stands up for they needed men like him. For this reason was also why they didnt want him to quit. This helped me know the people didnt wanted Juarez to quit because they taught he was important and stand for what he thought was right. Primary source because of the date and it was during Juarez time, and relates to him. "El Ayuntamiento De Oaxaca Opina Negativamente Sobre La Renuncia De Juarez." El Ayuntamiento De Oaxaca Opina Negativamente Sobre La Renuncia De Juarez. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 13 Feb. 2013 In this document people start to respond to the quitting of Juarez and say they will not approve of this act. That Juarez should not quit and will tell the government to not accept it. This document tells me that people reacted to Juarez act negatively and that they saw no reason for him wanting to quit. It gives me a better idea of what people during Juarez time thought about him. Primary source because it was during Juarez time related to him. "Exposicin De Benito Jurez Al Soberano Congreso De Oaxaca Al Abrir Sus Sesiones."Exposicin De Benito Jurez Al Soberano Congreso De Oaxaca Al Abrir Sus Sesiones. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 11 Feb. 2013. This document is talking about what Juarez said during the sessions of when the congress of Oaxaca opened. Juarez talked about what was going on and will be going on in his administration. Reading this document helped me understand more of what Juarez was going after, his goals during his government. This Spanish document did

help me a lot in my research by kind of giving background. Primary source it was during Juarez time made, talks about him as well. "Discurso Que Pronuncia Jurez Como Gobernador De Oaxaca En El Acto De La Apertura De Las Sesiones Del VIII Congreso Constitucional Del Estado." Discurso Que Pronuncia Juarez Como Gobernador De Oaxaca En El Acto De La Apertura De Las Sesiones Del VIII Congreso Constitucional Del Estado. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 11 Feb. 2013. Speech Juarez gave in front of the Constitutional congress. Juarez talked about what had weakened the forces of Mexico with the fights they had in other nations. This speech helped me know what was going on while Juarez was governor. What problems he had to face, and how he was trying to overcome them. Primary source was during Juarez time and it relates to him. "Discurso Pronunciado Por Juarez En La Distribucin De Los Escudos De Honor a Los Miembros De La Guardia Nacional De Oaxaca Que Combatieron En El Molino Del Rey a Las ordenes Del Gral. Antonio De Lean." Discurso Pronunciado Por Juarez En La Distribucin De Los Escudos De Honor a Los Miembros De La Guardia Nacional De Oaxaca Que Combatieron En El Molino Del Rey a Las rdenes Del Gral. Antonio De Lean. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 9 Feb. 2013. This is another speech but in this one Juarez is thanking the members of the National Guard of Oaxaca who had just come from a fight which came victorious. This document let me know that he was thankful and appreciated those people who were in battle fighting for their state. Primary source because it was made during his time.

"El Ciudadano Benito Jurez, Gobernador Constitucional Del Estado Libre Y Soberano De Oaxaca, a Los Habitantes Del Mismo." El Ciudadano Benito Juarez, Gobernador Constitucional Del Estado Libre Y Soberano De Oaxaca, a Los Habitantes Del Mismo. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 28 Jan. 2013. This is a speech that Juarez was giving to the people of Oaxaca after being elected. This speech is directly towards them and in this he also gives the oath. This speech helped me know how Juarez talked to the people of Oaxaca, what he was setting himself up to and what to expect more of him. Primary because of the date made, relates Juarez. "Jurez Se Traslada Por Primera Vez a La Ciudad De Mxico." Jurez Se Traslada Por Primera Vez a La Ciudad De Mxico. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 28 Jan. 2013. Jose wrote this letter to inform that Juarez was going to Mexico City instead of him. He said to treat Juarez how they would treat him, that he was a good man, respectful. This tells me he had a friend who thought Juarez was a good man, trusted him also gives me a date of when Juarez went to Mexico City for the first time ever. This is cool information to know about Juarez. Primary source was made during Juarez time. "Se Designa Al Licenciado Benito Jurez Como Fiscal Del Tribunal Superior De Justicia Del Estado De Oaxaca." Se Designa Al Licenciado Benito Jurez Como Fiscal Del Tribunal Superior De Justicia Del Estado De Oaxaca. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 20 Jan. 2013.

This document says that the graduate Benito Jurez is appointed as Prosecutor of the Court of Justice of the State of Oaxaca. This document helped me know how Juarez kept developing and that he was named this before becoming President, one of the different stages he passed by. Primary source because it was made during Juarez time. "Acta De Matrimonio De Benito Jurez Con Margarita Maza." Acta De Matrimonio De Benito Jurez Con Margarita Maza. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 10 Jan. 2013. This Spanish document is the marriage certificate between Benito Jurez and Margarita Maza. This document just tells me when they got married, and the age in which they got marry, Juarez was 37 years old and Margarita was 17. It is helpful to know this information and it is a primary source document which is helpful to know exact dates and ages which are pretty interesting. Primary source because it was made during Juarez time and relates to him. "Se Designa a Benito Juarez Juez De Primera Instancia." Se Designa a Benito Juarez Juez De Primera Instancia. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. In this document it is saying that Juarez is being named Judge of first instance. They say he qualifies to all the requirements and that he will be receiving 1,200 pesos per year. This helps me know that he was appointed to this position and that he was receiving this money. It helps me understand another wall that he broke. This is a Primary source because it was during Juarez time. "Nuevamente Se Designa a Benito Juarez Ministro Suplente Del Tribunal Superior De Justicia Del Departamento De Oaxaca." Nuevamente Se Designa a Benito

Juarez Ministro Suplente Del Tribunal Superior De Justicia Del Departamento De Oaxaca. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. This document is saying that once again Juarez is being named substitute Minister of the Superior court of Justice of the Department of Oaxaca. I learned a new thing that he was in this position which he also broke another wall for the Indians. Another scale Juarez kept getting up and up, closer and closer to becoming President of Mexico without wanting. It is a primary source because was made during Juarez was alive. "Discurso Patritico Pronunciado Por Benito Jurez En La Ciudad De Oaxaca." Discurso Patritico Pronunciado Por Benito Jurez En La Ciudad De Oaxaca. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 22 Dec. 2012. Juarez is giving on the day that its celebrated Independence. Juarez talks about the heroes who were part of making Mexico a free nation of Monarchy and thanking them for their bravery to stand up to them. He says its a day to remember, the speech he is giving is being said to the people of Oaxaca. This document helps me know how patriot Juarez was, that he was proud of those people who got the Independence. Primary source was made during his time, relates to Juarez. "Ceremonial Oficial De Los Funerales De Benito Juarez." Ceremonial Oficial De Los Funerales De Benito Juarez. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. This was a document in Spanish, which explain what was going to happened, where the funeral was going to be and the order in which the cars would follow. It says that everything will be closed that all public buildings should be closed. This is a document

that helps me know what happened when Juarez died how this had an effect on the people. It tells me what was happening in the surroundings of Juarez funeral. Primary source even though Juarez was dead it has to relate with him as a person and on his funeral. "Discurso Pronunciado Por El C. Diputado Ignacio Silva Durante El Funeral De Benito Juarez." Discurso Pronunciado Por El C. Diputado Ignacio Silva Durante El Funeral De Benito Juarez. La Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, 2006. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. This is the speech that Ignacio gave during the funeral of Benito Juarez. His speech talked about how said it was to come and say goodbye to a great human being that he was another fallen monument, that people will remember for the rest of their lives. I think his speech is really emotional it made me cry. Juarez dies but will always be remembered as a great men who fought for what he thought was right. Benito Juarez a fallen monument that will live in our hearts forever as a brave, loyal, and rightful man. Primary source because Juarez was dead but it was during his funeral. "Benito Juarez- Details of the Last Illness and Death of the Late President of the Mexican Be-public." BENITO JUAREZ. - Details of the Last Illness and Death of the Late President of the Mexican Republic. Translated for the Times from Le Trait D'Union. July 29. - View Article - New York Times, 14 Aug. 1872. Web. 01 Jan. 2013. This article helps me know the symptoms Jurez had before dying and why he died. It tells me the date of his death, and who were the people surrounding him. Whether his death was painful or not, what did he do that day. Pretty cool article to know of. Primary

source even though it was published after his death and funeral. It is a Primary source because it had to deal of what Juarez been feeling his last day. Secondary Sources: Cadenhead, Edward Ivie. Benito Juarez. New York: Twain, 1973. Print. This is a short book that the author tried to provide as much information he could put in this small book of the importance of Benito Juarez in Mexico. This book shortly talks about Benito Juarez early life. It mostly talks of his older life, what he did during the time he was president. This document is helpful because it provides the most important points while Juarez was president. Another thing is helpful its small and easier to read. It provides me knowledge of who Benito Juarez was as president of his nation. This is a secondary source because it was written years after Benito Juarez time. Although it has primary sources it cant be consider a primary source. Benito Juarez . Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 11/19/2012 This is one of my websites I looked at to find information about Juarez. This provides an outlook in Juarez importance in one page long. It tells me little of early life and only mostly of his important dates or things he did. This is a biography on Benito Juarez. Its a good website along with a lot of information most part of the important dates that Juarez took place in. It is a secondary source since it wasnt made during his time, and werent any computers either way. Viva Juarez! - Book Smart, Charles Allen. Viva Jurez! A Biography. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1963. Print.

This book is really long, but that is good because as long as it is packed with a lot of information. This biography talks of his early life to the end. Throughout his life he passed through a lot and this book tells a lot. This book is very informative it provides a good knowledge of all his childhood through all of his entire life. The writer of this book really did his work. It is a secondary source unfortunately because its really good but it wasnt made during Juarez time until years passed by. "Benito Jurez." YourDictionary, n.d. Web. 9 November 2012. This is my second website that I needed on Benito Juarez. This website tries to describe Juarez and the events about his life in only two pages. Like the other websites this is a biography and provides an outlook of his life. Its an okay website it does help it gives a bio and every time I learn something new. Secondary source because it was not created during Juarez time. Stein, R. Conrad. The Story of Mexico. Greensboro, NC: Morgan Reynolds Pub., 2008. Print. This book talks about Benito Juarez. This book tells the events that led to the French Intervention and how Benito Juarez took part in it. It talks little about Benitos early life and it talks events that happen while Juarez was growing up, but it sure did talk about his older life. This gave me a good idea of the French Intervention which he is known for being with his country and it helped me get more knowledge. Secondary source also because it wasnt made during the time Juarez was alive. PowerPoint by Dr.Guy Thomson a professor This is a power point I found that a teacher gave as a lecture. It has 38 slides. It has quite information in it. This is a lecture given by Dr.Guy Thomson. It tells

Information about some important people during the period Benito Juarez was around gives maps in the PowerPoint and also talks about Juarez. It was kind of helpful I understood what he was saying and trying to show what was going on at that time helps me understand more of the surroundings of Benito Juarez. Its a secondary source because of when it was made, years after. Picture: Of Juarez This is a picture of Benito Juarez. In this picture we can see that Juarez is sitting down and wears an elegant suit. In this picture I can tell that Juarez was a serious man. This picture helped because I got to have an expression of him to know what Benito Juarez was really. This helps me understand more this man. Secondary its a picture but I dont have it with me.

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