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Historians Job Essay Grading Rubric

15 pts = 100%; 14 = 95%; 13=90%; 12=85%; 11= 80%; 10-75%; 9=70%

1-2 pts.
Missing one or more steps of the historians job. Inadequate supporting details. Some inaccurate information.

1-2 pts.
Paragraphs dont clearly focus on a main idea. Transitions between ideas are lacking. Introduction and/or conclusion are weak.

1-2 pts.
Poor word choice. Use of sentence openers and variation of sentence structure is minimal or nonexistent. Openers dont work to enhance sentence structure but tend to produce awkward sentences. Noticeable grammar or spelling errors.

3 pts.
All three steps are identified, but supporting details are meager. Elaboration of content is needed to clearly show understanding of concepts.

3 pts.
Minimum of 3 paragraphs; each paragraph discusses a different step of the historians job. Attempted transitions could be more effective. Satisfactory introduction and conclusion.

3 pts.
Adequate word choice is more common than interesting; or words are misused in context. Writing reflects some variation of sentence structure and use of opener techniques. Occasional grammar or spelling errors.

4-5 pts. All three steps are properly and clearly explained and are well supported with relevant details. Information is accurate and shows that the writer fully understands the concepts.

4-5 pts. Content is well-organized into 4-5 paragraphs, showing understanding of main and complementary ideas. Transitions are well-designed and intentionally create flow between paragraphs. Introduction compels reader interest. Conclusion satisfactorily wraps up content.

4-5 pts.
Dynamic word choice, wellused in context; no ambiguous words such as thing or stuff. Sentence structure is varied for interest. Openers are varied and work well to add interest and fluency to sentences. Few or no grammar/spelling errors.

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