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Business English - Assessment & Feedback

NINBOS11 Autumn 2011

Student ID:
Portfolio instructions not used or details or contents missing Remotely related. Print too small or too large. Very basic presentation.

Final Grade:
Clean and neatly structured with a report cover (if a paper version). Photo/ image / graphics used. Attractive and easy to read. Neatly laid out with a report cover (if a paper version of the portfolio). If an electronic portfolio, attractivelayout, all links are active. Photo/ image / graphics used. Attractive and easy to read. Evidence of care and consideraton of visual impact. Good organisation, events are clearly and logically ordered using correct stages and information. Clear evidence of cohension and sense of beginning and end. Evidence of competence in formal and informal registers and an ability to adapt English to suit tasks. All key points identified and paraphrased effectively without any copy and pasting. Ideas organized logically. Only one or 2 errors in grammar and no spelling mistakes Vocabulary is excellent. Ideas are presented articulately. Evidence of wide lexis.

Portfolio Structure and Presentation

Loose files not included in the same compilation. Little considerationof the visual impact. Not organised Organisation of Tasks Some organisation but writing is sometimes unclear Organised but in parts jumpy Good organisation using appropriate structure and stages of the writing genre. However, needs more linking devices to add cohension and structure. Good sense of register but tendency to slip into very informal style. Most points identified and paraphrased but some slight use of words and phrases copied from original text. More than 2 spelling mistakes and 3 errors in grammar. Vocabulary is varied and supporting details good.

No sense of formal and informal register. Register Disorganised & fails to highlight key areas of the original text. Evidence of extensive copy and paste. Very frequent grammar and spelling mistakes Poorly organized. Less Needs more descriptive words.

Some sense of register but is inconsistent in some tasks. Some organisation and some key points but language copied from the original text. More than 12 errors Vocabulary is constant but details lack colour.

Good sense of register but inconsistent and mixed in some tasks. Adequately presents key points but some details not necessary. More than 5 errors Vocabulary is varied but supporting details need work.

Summarising Skills Grammar & Spelling


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