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What's special:

How (or why) I became a:

Most difficult challenge:

Why being --, doing --- is rewarding:

What's least satisfying:

Quotable quote:

(Example: It would make me happiest if ---.)

(Example: I'm proudest of ---.)

(Example: In the future I hope --- .)

Advice to someone who wants to do what I do: ---


Newsmaker: Joe Jones, PFC, U.S. Army

Age: 23
Town: Yourtown

School attended: Yourtown High, Yourstate College

Other: Was a high school and college track star.

What's special: Rescued six fellow soldiers in a bomb blast in

Baghdad in November 2008. Awarded Medal of Honor by
President Obama last week.

Why I became a soldier: My father and grandfather were both

war heroes. Still, no one pushed me to enlist. I felt it was my duty
to our country. And, of course, I knew how proud my family would

Most difficult challenge: It's been really tough being apart from
my wife and family for two years. Of course, mail and photos
helped a lot. The hardest time was when my wife was hospitalized
for a week while I was so far away, not able to help at all.

Why being a soldier is rewarding: Ours is the greatest country in

the world, and I know I'm fighting to keep America free. It's an
honor to serve our country.

What's least satisfying: For a while, tanks and Jeeps were not
safe for our troops, but that's changing now. I saw my buddies get
hit, and one of my closest friends died in an explosion. That's
something you never forget.

Quotable quote: It would make me happiest if peace would come

to all the world and no country would ever enter into war. My
fellow soldiers would be out of harm's way and safely home with
their families.

Advice to someone who wants to do what I do: Understand that

there will be lonely moments, but always keep in mind that the
citizens of this country deserve every effort we can make for them.
Americans value their freedom above all else. We're the ones who
protect it.

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