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Vote ed Markey

f o r u . s . s e n at e

K e e p i n g M a s s ac h u s e t t s g r e e n !

Ed Markey has devoted his entire career in public service to protecting our environment, fighting climate change and ending our addiction to foreign oil. His record proves his commitment:

Leading on climate change:

Ed wrote a bill that would dramatically reduce dangerous global warming pollution, increase the use of renewable energy and help create almost two million new jobs in the clean energy industry.
[H.R. 2454, 6/26/09; NRDC, ACES White Paper, 7/2/09]

cracking Down on Big oil:

Ed proposed a bill closing a loophole, which would force oil companies to pay their fair share when they produce dirty tar sands oil. This would save taxpayers millions of dollars and ensure they wont have to pay to clean up oil spills. [H.R. 786, 2/15/13; Bloomberg News, 8/1/12]

ending Big oil subsidies:

Ed authored landmark legislation that would eliminate up to $53 billion in wasteful taxpayerfunded subsidies for oil companies.
[Amdt. 27 to H.R. 1, 2/18/11; Government Accountability Office, 9/3/08]

Vote eD Markey for u.s. senate

T u e s d a y , a p r i l 3 0 T h p o l l s o p e n: 7: 0 0 a m 8 : 0 0 p m
The league of Conservation Voters (lCV) works to turn environmental values into national priorities.
Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

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