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The Anouk Times

Child Labor and Sweatshops


The Truth behind our clothes.

When you put on your G Star jeans , lace the Converse shoes, you probably dont consider that 250 million children from the age of 5-14 are exploited to produce our clothing. We unknowingly contribute to this exploitation, by buying popular brand clothes produced in sweatshops. Civil rights are not respected, childhoods get robbed. This is the process we are supporting?

Child Labor, in these four pictures you can see children in young ages work.

What are Sweatshops?

Sweatshops are forbidden workplaces where basic workers rights are not respected. You might not see sweatshops on random streets in Europe or America but they are in a lot of poor countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and china, parts of Thailand in these countries they have sweatshop factories. The workers dont get paid enough. Which effects the basic Human Rights. The time they work is usually 12 hours a day, and per hour they earn from between .13 cents to about .40 cents. That is a income of not even 16 Euros a month. Not only that the workers do not earn enough to have a proper life but this not wiling job has dangerous toxic working conditions. Even kids in the early ages of 5 work to get the least amount of what is necessary to survive. To do this, they work whether they want to or not.



How much profit is enough?

Sweatshops benefit every clothing company because they get what they want for low prices and sell it on to consumers making hundreds of times profit. Sweatshop workers get paid different amounts in different countries, according to the Do something organization one in Bangladesh gets paid 0.13 cents per hour. One in china 0.49 cents per hour. This significantly contrasts the amount of money employs earn in first world countries. Imagine having to pay for rent, housing, food and to support your family with this little amount.

What Shops Use Sweatshops?

A certain ignorance is present, since the majority of the people know about labor conditions but continue to buy these products, therefore encouraging the process of sweat shops and child labor. Do these Brands seem familiar? H&M, GAP, Hollister, Abercrombie, forever 21,Nike, Vans? These are only a few brands that use Child Labor or sweatshops! The production costs of the clothing is very low. Not even a tenth of the money earned goes to the people who produce the product, rather it goes into marketing and profit of an individual. Annualy, almost 75% of Nike workers in Indonesia quit due to the deplorable work conditions. This is due to the harsh conditions they work in. An average migrant worker, is in the factory about 12 hours a day, 26 days a month. This discludes the amount of time it takes to get to work and back.

How can We Stop Child Labor and Sweatshops?

The amount of forced child labor and sweatshops are a growing problem, especially the clothing industries. 75% Of the clothing made in a sweatshops goes into the manufacturer and retailers pockets. There is no perfect world unless people start to change in acts they are growing sweatshops without noticing! How does that work? There arent many ways to have a sweatshop free life but, for every problem there must be one solution, says Denise Traxler when I interviewed her. But are there really any ways to help? Ways to Caption describing picture or graphic. help are to: completely stop wearing cloths produced from sweatshops, the more people do that, the less a store produces and the less civil rights change for them. You could also join the boycotting team. But there arent any other useful ways, this also shows us how people dont care about other peoples rights.



Sweatshops are a harsh reality in this world. Nobody knows
how to stop these sweatshops and child labor. Could you believe being one of these workers? Nobody could. Take a second and think back the last time you walked into a store and thought about what work is behind these clothes? Even though the dark sides wont change, we could try to make a difference and not buy things we know we wont need to wear or use! For once we should not only think about us but also about others!

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