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LONDON Cllr George Adamson Leader, Cannock Chase District Council Civic Centre, PO Box 28 Beecroft Road Cannock Staffs WS111BG

12 March 2013

I am writing to you regarding potentially misleading comments attributed to you in the Staffordshire Newsletter on 8th March. According to the article you are quoted as saying the local Labour party was launching a petition because they felt that Cannock Hospital was at risk of being one of the first 'victims of Tory privatisation plans' for the NHS. "We want our hospital to stay open as a hospital, not an office block," you are reported as saying. "It is vital that Cannock Hospital stays as part of the NHS.

As the local MP and having read the CPT/Monitor report, I can categorically confirm there are no plans in either the Monitor report or within government to in any way privatise Cannock Hospital. I therefore want to ask you where you are getting your information from? What evidence, if any, do you have to substantiate the claims that Cannock Hospital might be one of the first 'victims of Tory privatisation plans' for the NHS? You will be aware that the last Labour government granted Mid Staffs Foundation Trust status, as a result of which the NHS Trust already rent out space to Badger healthcare Ltd and The Alliance Medical MRI Suite within Cannock Hospital. Do you now think they should be thrown out of the building? I must say it is noticeable that we heard no protests at all from yourself or other Labour Councillors, or indeed MPs when private healthcare facilities were actively encouraged into Cannock hospital. In the case of the MRI scanner, it is currently providing NHS services to local people. Do you now think the people the Council serves should suddenly be prevented from receiving those NHS services? It seems that only now, when a Conservative Government saves Cannock Hospital for the public sector, are we hearing scaremongering allegations from those same people who supported the part-privatisation of our hospital. I look forward to your response and will be making this letter public. Yours sincerely,


MP Help Zone, 6 High Green Court, Email:


treet, Cannock,


Tel: 01543 502447

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