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Assignment #1 Patrick Williams Kelly Bobke EDUC 407 S01 Diversity in Learning Jan 25, 2013

Planning for Diversity Assignment #1

Student Name: Kyle Jordan Grade: 5 Diversity: ADD

Learner Profile:
Learning Style - Visual/Kinesthetic learner - Likes to stand while doing work - Likes to highlight important work - Speaks with hands and gestures - Often doodles while listening Learner Strengths Interprets charts/graphs, & visuals with ease Optimistic Skilled with music Strong computer skills Independent Learner Very focus when topic is relevant to him Strong decoding and word recognition Interests/Sparks Likes Video games Plays Guitar, loves music Very interested in space and astronomy. Very good at drawing. Learner Needs Difficulty with social skills Difficulty staying on task Difficulty completing written assignments Poor organization of assignments and ideas Difficulty following instructions Difficulty working on groups projects Difficulty remembering math facts

Learning Plan: (Learning Disability)

Environmental Implications: Make sure student has access to individual work space when providing choice for individual or group activities Provide a quiet and calm space as needed (minimize interruptions). Provide student with visual calendar and schedules. Seat student near the teacher. Instructional Implications: Meet with parents in the beginning of the year to discuss how school can support the students needs. Give clear, brief directions. Give written or visual directions as well as oral ones. Provide alternatives to writing to show understanding for content or knowledge outcomes unrelated to the writing process Give student opportunities to integrate interest in music and space into research or problem-solving projects

Use of visuals (graphs, models) when presenting information, and allow for hands-on experiences when presenting concepts and new material Provide checklists, graphic organizers, visual referents and examples to help the student plan ahead and to stay on-task. Allow students to complete and submit work in different formats. Social/Emotional Implications Provide firm cooperation guidelines and roles when student works in groups with others Provide supports and set up the environment for success in social situations (e.i. buddy system) Support the development of self-advocacy skills by involving the student in selecting and monitoring supports and strategies that will work best for him or her. Provide clear expectations, consistency, structure and routine for the entire class. Monitor for signs of anxiety or depression, such as visible tension, withdrawal, changes in grooming habits, missing or coming late to class, or incomplete assignments. Use low-key rewards and positive reinforcement rather than punishments. Provide opportunities for movement. (e.i. regular washroom breaks or movement breaks)

Explanation As a teacher I am going to try and help kids like Kyle. Whether they have a condition or not I think all people need sensory breaks, all students should feel accepted by their peers, and class should be interesting. For a student like Kyle there are a many environmental, instructional, and social implications that I must be aware of. I will mention three of most significant implications per category. The environmental strategies I will use are: 1. seat Kyle close to my desk, 2. provide student with visual and graphic organizers and calendars, and 3. make sure that the student has a quite work space (Medical Disability Information, n.d.). These environmental implications are important to consider because Kyle is easily distracted and can be a disorganized. I believe these strategies will allow Kyle to reach his full potential. The instructional strategies I will use are: 1. Give clear brief and written instructions for tasks, 2. give student more opportunities to integrate interest of space and music into assignments, and 3. Meet with parents in the beginning of the year to discuss how to best support Kyle and his needs (Medical Disability Information, n.d.). These instructional implications are important to consider because with the proper support Kyle will be able to do very well in school. I hope that I can provide him with enough opportunities to engage him in his interests. The instructional strategies I will use are: 1. Provide support and set up an environment where Kyle can have social success, 2. Monitor for signs of anxiety, depression, lates and missing assignments, and 3. Provide firm cooperation guidelines when student works in groups (Medical Disability Information, n.d.). These social implications are important to consider because in order for Kyle to be successful in school he needs to feel like he belongs. Elementary school can provide the best space for Kyle to achieve a sense of community and belonging.


Focusing on Success (n.d.). Retrieved February 15, 2013, from Learning Styles (n.d.). Retrieved February 15, 2013, from Medical Disability information for classroom teacher AD/HD (n.d.). Retrieved February 15, 2013, from Price, A, Crawford, S, Tottle, J, Maunula, S. (2006). Focusing on Success. Retrieved February 16, 2013, from

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