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Social Change Project Requirements

After researching one aspect of civil and human rights, select a topic and a format to construct and present your findings to the class. You may use Powerpoint, ActiveInspire, Glogster, Photostory, Prezi, or a poster to create your presentation. The objective of your research is to help you answer our unit question:

How do the choices people make influence social change?

A Multi-Media Presentation must:

Criterion A: Include at least six slides/elements (one for the title and at least five for information) Include enough pertinent facts to provide a complete explanation of the topic Criterion B: Include a page that includes your name and the title or subject of your presentation Be organized and coherent Include a picture and citations with each slide/element Criterion C: Follow the conventions of English (complete sentences, grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.) A Poster must: Be no larger than 18 x 24 Criterion A: Include at least six pieces of accurate information using complete sentences Include enough pertinent facts to provide a complete explanation of the topic Criterion B: Include a title and your name Include pictures with citations Be organized and coherent Criterion C: Follow the conventions of English (complete sentences, grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.) Research skills (Criterion B) You must have the following: Three (3) or more separate sources of information, including at least one book. One citation card for each source used. At least one or more note cards (hand written) for each source. You should paraphrase most of the information. If you use direct quotes, you must use quotation marks. All photographs or illustrations must have citations.

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