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Lesson 9: A complete change

Some animals give birth to their young while some animals lay eggs.

Some baby animals look like their parents but some do not. Baby animals change and grow to become adults through different stages

What are the different stages in the life cycle of a deer, a butterfly, a mosquito and a frog?

-In the first stage, a baby deer is called a fawn. -A fawn is covered with hair and white spots.

The white spot will disappear after about 3 months. The fawn now becomes a young deer.

The young deer will grow into an adult deer. An adult male deer grows antlers on its head.

Life cycle of a deer

The female butterfly lays eggs. This is the beginning of a butterflys life cycle.


The egg hatches into a larva

The larva of the butterfly is called caterpillar.

The caterpillar eats leaves and its body grows very quickly. As its body grows, it sheds its skin many times so that new skin can cover its growing body.

After a certain time, the caterpillar stops eating and attaches itself to a leaf. The caterpillar changes its skin for the final time.

The caterpillar changes into a pupa. Inside the hard skin, the caterpillar slowly changes and grows.

When the changes complete, the adult butterfly comes out.

Life cycle of a butterfly

Life cycle of a mosquito

Life cycle of a frog

Frogs develop from tadpoles to adult frogs. Some frogs may take a few weeks, months or even years to develop.

An adult female frog lays eggs in the water. The frogs eggs are protected by a jelly-like substance.

After about ten days, a young frog hatches from an egg. A baby frog is called a tadpole.

After about two months, the back legs begin to appear.

About three months later, the front legs will appear. Then, later, the tail will disappear. The young frog leave the water and go to the land to grow into an adult.

All animals have life cycles. After they are born or hatched, they will grow into adults and reproduce. Some baby animals look like their parents. Some baby animals are very different from their parents. When the animals become adults, they will giving birth to babies or lay eggs. Animals may have different life cycles.

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