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A Contribution to the Planning of Mental Health Week

With complete respect to the working governance of ideas, philosophies and my

understanding of the framework in Health I am forwarding my thoughts regarding the
planning of Mental Health Week 2009.

Thinking yesterday why not keep Mind Wise and recycle; old thoughts, previous
paradigms, previous resources and think differently to assist the requirements; not
only aid the practicality of; but to provide a model of working order and stimulate the
mindset of working Australians to add and promote a role model of good mental
health enaction.

My continued living experience exercises my mental capacities ensuing me to be sure

of my mental wealth so I can extend my expansion as a human and as an ordinary
person aligned with mental unwellness for most of my previous past life. Being 42
this year; now understanding the many illness "periods" over the years; and, along
with associated conditions of labels cocooned the pre-existed and became the
platform for psychosis which has fortuned me this understanding now.

Yesterday I was at a meeting; a speaker gave a journal entry which outlined a

particular area which illuminated my understanding clarifying the collaboration
within integration of many illnesses' over the years.

I offer my suggestions which are supported by my lived extensions of experience;

rather than a supported experience learned by another’s textural synthesis of

I am sure I will always be Mind Wise because being wise exercises a healthy mind. I
believe the common wealth which will become of people is to assist them rather than
help them; in my opinion assistance creates this value as empowerment.

The writer is providing this information on behalf of herself and her peers to assist
and develop further transparent working conditions within the area of Mental Health
for simple everyday people.

Sharon A Stocker


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