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Communication Skills


Communication Skills Part-1

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Communication Skills Part-1

Clarifying Expectations

Leaders who want to build high levels of trust need to clarify expectations all the time. Its not enough to say something once. You need to say it often and have regular check-ins to make sure peoples receivers are tuned to your transmitter. If you have a very specific outcome in mind, make sure you communicate it. Dont expect people to develop telepathic powers! If you have a particular expectation in terms of how a report will look, provide an example. If you know the data you want, explain what it is. If you have specific selection criteria, communicate them. You shouldnt expect people to understand intuitively what you want unless youve worked with them for many years. Part of laying out expectations is defining a timetable. Its not fair to leave people guessing whether something is due next week or next month. You should also identify the critical path, that is, decisions upon which other decisions are contingent and dependent. For example, in opening a new store, the construction schedule will affect hiring, promotions, acquiring inventory and so forth. Sharing the timetables for critical path issues and monitoring those timetables is necessary to ensure strong levels of trust.

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A key part of clarifying expectations is giving people context so they understand why a given decision is important. How does this fit within our overall vision and goals? Why are we focusing on this product line now? As a middle-manager for a large retail chain told me: My job is to communicate the rationales for our decisions, enlarge understanding, and provide light through the trees. As you make this quantum leap in managing decisions, clarifying expectations, and delegating decisions, you begin building a Light Speed culture. As shown below, a Light Speed culture is one where people focus on the overall goal and their role in achieving it. The we/they distinction disappears. What emerges is a culture in which people act both like leaders and followers simultaneously. Step 1 The Hierarchical Culture

A culture in which decisions are made by a boss or series of bosses. Communication, for the most part, is one-way, top to bottom.


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Step 2

The Goal-Driven Culture

A culture in which people are encouraged to achieve common goals. Communication is more dynamic, because goals are being articulated and tied to performance measures. Step 3 The Values-Based Culture

A culture in which people make decisions based on shared understanding of what is essential to the companys success and related performance information. Communication is complex, because people are empowered to make decisions. Step 4 The Light Speed Culture

A culture in which the we/they dichotomy dissolves, and everyone is united in a seamless system of communication and performance. Communication is highly complex, because everyone feels empowered to lead and follow simultaneously.


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Personal development refers to activities that improve self-knowledge and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. The concept is not limited to self-development but includes formal and informal activities for developing others, in roles such as teacher, guide, counselor, manager, coach, or mentor. Finally, as personal development takes place in the context of institutions, it refers to the methods, programs, tools, techniques, and assessment systems that support human development at the individual level in organizations. At the level of the individual, personal development includes the following activities building or renewing identity building employability or human capital


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developing strengths or talents

defining and executing personal developement plans enhancing lifestyle or the quality of life fulfilling aspirations improving self-awarness improving self-knowledge identifying or improving potential improving social abilities initiating a life enterprise or personal autonomy


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Personal development also includes developing others.The concept covers a wider field than self-development or self-help. This may take place through roles such as those of a teacher or mentor, either through a personal competency (such as the skill of certain managers in developing the potential of employees) or a professional service (such as providing training, assessment or coaching).

Personal development is a field of practice and research beyond improving oneself and developing others. As a field of practice it includes personal development methods, learning programs, assessment systems, tools and techniques. As a field of research, personal development topics increasingly appear in scientific journals, higher education reviews, management journals and business books.


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Any sort of development - whether economic, political, biological, organizational or personal - requires a framework if one wishes to know whether change has actually occurred. In the case of personal development, an individual often functions as the primary judge of improvement, but validation of objective improvement requires assessment using standard criteria. Personal development frameworks may include goals or benchmarks that define the end-points, strategies or plans for reaching goals, - measurement and assessment of progress, levels or stages that define milestones along a development path, and a feedback system to provide information on changes.


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