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Respiratory System

Carlos David Castao

Science MS Barreto

Respiratory system functions and organs

Distribute oxygen in the body Regulate the body temperature Produce the sound Gases O2 and CO2 Nostril

Nasal cavity
Pharynx Right lung Left lung Trachea

Gases O2 and CO2

If water is the solvent and the temperature and pressure are near normal (1 atmosphere pressure, 77 F or 25C temperature) then CO2 is about 25 times more soluble than O2 on a volumetric basis and 40 times as soluble on a mass basis. This gases are nominated as belching and farts.

The lungs
This awesome organs are the ones that make you alive what is the thing that you dont stop to do

A) Pick your nose and eat your buggers C) Breath

B)Hum your favorite song

D) Dont pay attentio n in

Nasal cavity

The nasal cavity is the inside of your nose. It is lined with a mucous membrane that helps keep your nose moist by making mucus so you won't get nosebleeds from a dry nose. There are also little hairs that help filter the air you breathe in, blocking dirt and dust from getting into your lungs.


A tube-like portion of the respiratory tract that connects the larynx with the bronchial parts of the lungs. Also known as windpipe.

First Question

What do we do all the time? A) Dont pay attention in class

B) Breath
C) Play D) All of above

The answer is!

What are the two types of gases?

A) Fart and belching B) O2 CO2

C) I don't remember
D) Your mama

The answer is!


Last question How is cold the mouth and the nose?

A) Mouth and nose B) Repeat the question

C) Nasal cavity

The answer is!


I like this system because it had many organs I work with my mom ON Sunday we had to much homework but I like it.

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