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INGREDIENTES/INGREDIENTS 2 kg de ameixas/ 2kg of clams vasio de auga/ half a glass of water

vasio de vio branco/ half a glass of white wine 1 culler de faria/ 1 spoonful of flour 1 vaso de aceite/ 1 glass of olive oil 1 cebola picada/ 1 chopped onion 1 rama de pirixel/ 1 piece of parsley 1 culler de pimentn/ 1 spoonful of paprika

PREPARACIN/ PREPARATION Lavar moi ben as ameixas en auga fra para que solten a area. Botamos o aceite e a cebola picada nunha tarteira ao lume.

Wash the clams thoroughly in cold water so that they release all the sand. Place a pan on the stove with the oil and chopped onion. Cando a cebola estea branda, engadimos as ameixas e o pirixel picadio e deixamos que as ameixas se abran na auga que van soltando.

When the onion is soft, add the clams and the parsley (finely chopped) and allow the clams to open in the water that they release. Misturamos a auga e o vio co pimentn e a faria noutro recipiente e engadimos a mistura s ameixas a medio abrir e romovemos subindo s de abaixo para arriba.

Mix the water and the wine with the paprika and the flour in a bowl and add the mixture to the half open clams. Stir the clams so that the ones at the bottom are brought to the top. Unha vez cocidas, srvense quentes. Pdeselles engadir pimentn picante ou pementa pero perden o seu sabor.

Once they are tender, serve hot. One can add hot paprika or pepper but this could spoil the flavour of the clams.

O nome de ameixa denominacin comn dun grupo de moluscos bivalvos de alto interese comercial e de morfoloxa semellante anda que pertencen a especies diferentes. A superficie da cuncha substancialmente lisa e de cores variables. Viven soterrados a escasa profundidade nos fondos areosos da mar, se ben hai especies que viven en augas doces. Clam is a general term covering all bivalve mollusks. The word can also be used in a more limited sense, to mean bivalves that burrow in sediment, as opposed to ones that attach themselves to the substrate (for example oysters and mussels).


Festas gastronmicas da ameixa

O Carril, Vilagarca de Arousa, Pontevedra

Campelo, San Xon de Poio, Pontevedra Finais de xullo / the end of June

A Pedreira, Me (San Vicente), Mugardos, A Corua Primeira semana de xullo/first week in July

Corcubin (A Corua) Primeira semana de agosto/first week in August

Ameixas e longueirns, gnase ben o patacn./ With clams you can earn a living. Ameixias si, ameixias non, o que as queira que baixe o rin./ Clams yes, clams no, whoever wants them must bend down low. O que anda a elas, rapa cadelas. (cadela un dos nomes da ameixa babosa e tamn doutras ameixas de inferior calidade)/ Whoever is after them, gets poor quality clams.

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