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Unha de pementos/ One (plate) of peppers.

Polas ras de Santiago ao que chega o bo tempo frecuente ver a moitos turistas que
amais de ir ver ao Apstolo deambulan polo Franco e demais ras da cidade vella na
procura de algo que comer e beber. Procuran os manxares mis autctonos e aqueles
individuos que leron das ou tres guas tursticas cren sabelo todo sobre a nosa cocia e
os nosos vios e estn preparados para a abordaxe.
Through the streets of Santiago, whenever good weather comes, you can
frequently see many tourists, who besides going to see the Apostle they wander through
Franco Street and other streets in the old town looking for something to eat and drink.
They look for the most local delicacies and those people who read one or two
guidebooks think they know everything about our cuisine and our wines and they are
ready to start eating.

As coa informacin da gua na cabeza e coa seguranza de quen o sabe todo foi como
unha parella de, chammoslles turistas hispnicos, entraron nun dos locais mis
enxebres destas ras santiaguesas. de acordo coa gua era necesario pedir Pementos,
mexillns e polbo feira todo regado con ribeiro ou alvario e as foi como abordaron a
--Si una de pimientos , de mejillones, de pulpo y ribeiro y albario!!!
-De acordo.
So, having the guidebook information in their heads and the certainty of someone who
knows everything, a couple of Spanish speaking tourists (non-Galician), went into one
of the most genuine venues of these streets of Santiago. According to the guidebook,
peppers, mussels and (Galician) fair style octopus were a must-order, all washed down
with Ribeiro or Albario wines and that is how they tackled the issue:
- Yes, one plate of peppers, one of mussels, and one of octopus, plus Ribeiro and
- OK.

O camareiro, home duns cincuenta tirando para sesenta pousou na mesa o pedido coa
calma acostumada e dixo polo baixo un : que aprobeite!
O home da parella preguntou : Oiga son de Padrn?, referndose aos pementos. O
camareiro contestou: - Si de Herbn.
Pero pican? preguntou a muller , o camareiro contestou : Uns si e outros non.
- Ya y como lo s ?
- Pois vostede ver, se falan pican se non falan non pican
- Oiga no me tome el pelo como van a hablar?
- Vostede mreos e xa ve, se falan pican se non falan non pican eu o que lle sei.

- The waiter, a man in his late 50s, left the order on the table with his usual calmness
and softly he said: Enjoy your meal!
The man asked: Excuse me, are they from Padrn?, pointing at the peppers. The
waiter replied: - Yes, from Herbn.
But are they spicy/hot?, asked the woman. The waiter answered: Some are, others
are not.
- OK, and how could I know?
- You will see. If they speak, theyre spicy/hot; if they dont, they are not.
- Listen, dont pull my leg. How can they possibly talk?
- Have a look at them and youll see. If they speak theyre spicy/hot; if they dont, they
are not. Thats what I know.

A muller , con cara de poucos amigos fixo un aceno de desgusto e dxolle ao seu home:
- Venga come!, e abordou un dos pementos mais refeitios e finos do prato. Segundo o
meteu na boca quedou paralizada, pasando do branco ao vermello e outras moitas cores.
O camareiro cun sorriso retranqueiro preguntoulle: Que falan ou non?

The woman, showing an unfriendly face, made a gesture of disappointment and said to
her husband:
- Come on, eat!, and took one of the better-shaped and finer peppers of the dish. As
soon as she put it in her mouth, she got paralysed, turning from white into red and many
other colours.
The waiter, showing an ironic smile, asked: So, do they speak or not?

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