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Year 3 Homework Week 7 Term 1 2013

Dear Parents and Caregivers of Year 3 Students, It is Room 17s Assembly on Tuesday at 1.30pm in the hall. We would love to see parents and grandparents there to support us if you are available. There have been a lot of children arriving late to class. Please ensure your child is at school by 8:30. They need to get their drink bottle and book bag out of their school bag, get their reading book out of their book bag, put their chairs down and sharpen their pencil. This is to be done by the children, not mums and dads! Continue to work hard on maths basic facts. As your child moves through years 3 & 4 it is essential that they know all addition/subtraction facts to and from 20. Later on in the year we will start on times tables. They MUST know addition and subtraction to 20 first. Sumdog is a great tool to practise these facts. Please encourage your child to visit the class wiki. Have a look at our collage photos. They are a work in progress and are looking great! Finish off the work on their family Wikispace page. * Room 17s Library day is Wednesday please make sure Library books are brought back in a book bag every Wednesday. * Please bring in a box of tissues for the classroom. Thank you to those who have already done so.

Spelling Words Last week I got __ /5 for my spelling test. This week my spelling words are: 1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________ 5. ______________

Basic Facts Last week I got __/10 for my basic facts test.
This week the Basic facts that I am learning are number families.
9 + 3 = 12 3+9= 12 - 3 = 12 - 9 = 12 + 5 = 5 + 12 = 17 - 5 = 17 - 12 = 13 + 5 = _+_= 18 - _ = 18 - _ = 16 + 2 = _+_= _-_= _-_= 17 + 3 = _+_= _-_= _-_= 16 + 4 = _+_= _-_= _-_= 15 + 2 = _+_= _-_= _-_= 11 + 2 = _+_= _-_= _-_= 12 + 3 = _+_= _-_= _-_= 14 + 3 = _+_= _-_= _-_=

Reading Please fill in the reading log below to show that you have read a book every night. Monday




This week I went on the R17 wiki Yes / No

Parents Signature:

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