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PIPING STRESS ENGINEERING Manual Calculations Several simplified calculations which can be performed quickly by hand.

The most popular is the " Guided Cantilever Method " Because it is assumed that the deflections occur in the plane under the Cantilever guided approach. To properly implement the method, consider the following limitations: 1.The system has only two terminal points, the corner intersections are at right angles and is comprised of straight lengths of pipe diameters and uniform thickness. 2.All sections are parallel to the and coordinate axes form a right angle between them. 3.Thermal expansion of a pipe arm is absorbed by the arm perpendicular to this. 4.The amount of thermal expansion that an arm can absorb is inversely proportional to its stiffness. As arms are identical cross section, its rigidity varies according to the inverse cube of its lengths. 5.During adaptation to the thermal expansion, the sections of pipes act as cantilever beams guided, ie.,subject to bending movements of one of its ends, but without undergoing rotation in the elbow maintains its angle. 6.The pipe sections have no branches, however, the effect of a branch can be neglected if the diameter is smaller than half the diameter of the collector (must check the branch to absorb the movements of the collector). According to the limitations 3 and 4, an arm absorbs the following ratio of thermal expansion in the x direction:

This method does not provide accurate results, because the elbow pipe is flexible and is free to rotate in any percentage, this distributes the moments developed in the system. However, in most cases, results are conservative and in many of the analyzes is desirable accuracy. One way to correct this is to use a factor of correction that reduces the bending moment due to the adjacent arm rotation perpendicular. Maximum length of the pipe section to the perpendicular expansion at its end:

Maximum allowable longitudinal displacement in the pipeline (see section 5):

Maximum bending stress for the pipe section:

For the next shift occurs shear and bending moment restriction:

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