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Sixth Grade Fruit Bowl

Be creative! Nobody sees a fruit bowl in exactly the same way

Due on Tuesday, April 2

Important Reminders
You need to include ALL the elements provided. It NEEDS to be handed in the day we come back from break (each late day is a -3). If you pick poetry, it still has to be a full page. If you pick instant messaging, all words (other than abbreviations) need to be correctly spelled. I will be taking off 1pt for every 5 mistakes. Your text cannot include any violence, cursing, or inappropriate themes.

1. Pick one of the following genres/formats: short story, poem, personal narration, exaggeration, instant messaging, cross-examination or instructions. If you would like to do something not on this list, please ask me privately before Easter break starts. 2. Create a text in your chosen genre/format that includes the following elements: sixth grade, soccer ball, mouse, baby crying, iPhone, English class, and school bell. 3. Type it up in whatever style you want. You may include graphics. It should be double spaced and one page long in size 12 or 14. 4. At the end, include a brief explanation of what genre/format you chose and why. It should be 2-3 sentences long. RUBRIC 10pts creative and original text 8pts inclusion of all elements 5pts organization and presentation 4pts explanation of choice 3pts name, title, group

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