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Evaluating the Innocence of Arthur Bauer, by Theresa Cruz When bad things befall me, I brush them off

my shoulder. I never retaliate because I think the people that commit wrongdoings dont deserve the massive amount of attention we give them, and ignore them instead. Criminals shouldnt be rewarded with the spotlight for their acts against society. But there has been nothing like this in my life, nothing so disastrous to my family. The murder of my brother, Luis Cruz, was unmet with any punishment for the murderer, Arthur Bauer. Deemed innocent by the law, Luis death was met with no justice. The law is horrendously wrong in making this decision without thinking it over, and action needs to be taken to truly prove the guilt of Arthur Bauer for the second degree murder of Luis Cruz, along with the extension of hate crime. There are two reasons as to how and why he was murdered for his race and economic status. First, there is a large body of medical evidence that proves that Luis injury from Arthurs strike with a weapon was fatal. An autopsy, not mentioned in the trial, conducted by the Tangerine County coroner, reported the most probable cause of death for Luis Cruz. A heavy strike to the head, most likely with a small object of some sort, caused the aneurysm located around his left temple to rapidly deteriorate, thus inducing a slow cycle of brain damage until the victim could take it no more, ultimately dying from a large stroke, the autopsy reports. A direct analysis of Luis Cruzs body shows the causal chain of Arthurs strike leading to his aneurysm busting. Second, Arthurs racism against the poorer Hispanics that resided in Tangerine was glaring to the people that experienced his hate. When my brother, Tino, and I visited Paul Fishers house for a science project, Erik Fisher said to them, Look at this. I think its great that these farm-labor kids get to spend a day away from the

fields, and Arthur agreed. His apparent teasing and bullying of other races is even more apparent at Lake Windsor High School, where Erik and Arthur shamelessly call people like Antoine Thomas profane and racially charged language. Racism should not be ignored in an ever-growing society, and especially in a town like Tangerine, where the rich and the poor are heavily divided, and races are silently discriminated. The defendants of Arthur and Erik claimed that they acted in self-defense, believing that Luis was a threat to them, enough to justify an ambush from behind. Then why hit him on the head? Then why have Arthur attack him from behind rather than running? Then why snicker and say, Arthur takes care of all my light work, afterwards? The delinquents had no reason to consider Luis as a threat nor assault him, other than to intimidate him and gain a free opportunity to attack an Hispanic. I witnessed my brother clench his head because of migraines that so bad he couldnt move. I watched him vomit on himself because he couldnt move, then retch until he had nothing in his stomach anymore. I saw the bruise on Luis turn into an unnatural color that could only suggest that something was incredibly wrong. And I didnt say, do, or think about the matter at all. I thought Luis would pull through this sickness like he managed to pull through everything that befell him before. I was wrong. Luis died, alone in the snow, because of Arthurs hit, and I witnessed the entire process of him dying. Yet there was no action taken, no extra look over the evidence the prosecution presented to them. For justice to be done for my brother, we, as the humane, rational beings that contribute to society, need to review and resolve the issue of the unpunished murder of Luis Cruz.

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