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Order of priority | Hydro-Qubec

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What to do in case of a power outage

Order of priority
Restoration priorities change depending upon the severity of the situation. During a power failure, the top priority is people's safety and welfare.

Our service restoration operations generally follow this order of priority:

1. Public health, safety and security establishments such as hospitals and emergency services

2. Critical services (communications networks, crisis command and information centres, airports needed for evacuation flights, etc.) and critical industrial facilities like refineries.

3. Highly vulnerable establishments such as nursing homes and industrial facilities that would incur major losses during an outage

4. Public services such as medical clinics and water treatment plants

5. Non-critical services (shopping centres, for instance)

6. Businesses (non-critical industries, office buildings, residential care homes, supermarkets, etc.)

7. Residential areas (apartment buildings and single-family homes)

This order of priority may change, depending upon the situation, the needs expressed by municipal authorities or the requirements of Scurit publique Qubec.

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Order of priority | Hydro-Qubec

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