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Goals Schaeffer's class: Number talks/ math facts

I know length is the distance from one end of an object to the other. I know the standard units for measuring length. I can correctly use measurement tools. I can tell if an object is longer, shorter, or of equal length when compared to another object.

Access Prior Knowledge How do we compare objects using standard length units? How can we determine differences in length? Measuring using standard length units provides a common unit of measure with which comparisons between the lengths of objects can be made. New Information centimeter compare difference equal foot/feet inch longer meter ruler shorter yard Finding the difference in length from one object to another, express the length difference in terms of standard length unit. Application Review finding the length difference in objects using the same measurement units. Have each group pick 2 or 4 objects to bring back to their table and record their measurements in either inches or centimeters. Make sure they agree as a group and find the difference between the 2 objects. You can choose different objects beforehand for each group if need be. Time students at table to make sure they have enough time to measure and can meet all the groups. Groups will rotate writing their own measurement and difference. Keep going until they are at their own table. Go over students different measurements and see if they all have the same or different. Generalization

Have students with their groups travel from one table to another measuring objects and recording measurement. Kagan gallery walk Materials rulers objects in class observation/measuring objects worksheet Assessment: formative

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