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Qur'aanic Arabic


PAGE 116

1 Add the pronouns to the following words

/ / -

2- translate (m./f.) to Arabic and put (m. /f.) the marks

1-The favor is from You O Allaah
2- The messenger came to you (m/f. d)
3- Today I have perfected to You (m. p) your
4-The disbeliever is in it (The fire)
5- Moosaa spoke To Haaroon about him

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Qur'aanic Arabic



3- Put (m. /f.) a line under the attached pronoun and translate (m. /f.)
May Allaah pray upon him and salute him

(prayers of Allaah means: Blessings, Mercy .*
May Allaah be satisfied with them (m. p)
The messenger came from you (m. p)

O Human you are a worshiper of me

To you be your religion, and to me my religion

$=n@ (#k=yu n=t (#=| (#t#u %!$# $pr't 4 c<9$# n?t t=| tGx6n=tu !$# ) *
Allaah sends His Salaat (Graces, Honors, Blessings, Mercy) on the Prophet (Muhammad (peace
be upon him)) and also His angels (ask Allaah to bless and forgive him). O you who believe!
Send your Salaat on (ask Allaah to bless) him (Muhammad (peace be upon him)) and (you
should) greet (salute) him with the Islaamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As-Salaamu 'Alaikum).

4- Conjugate (m./f.) the words






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PAGE 120


1 Add the pronouns to


/ / -

2- translate (m./f.) to Arabic and put (m. /f.) the marks

1- Indeed it is a great news
2- Indeed you (all) are one nation
3- Indeed it is a reminder
4- Verily Allaah is my Merciful Lord
5- Verily we are in the sacred month

*The word

it should have Dhammah but it has Kasrah due to the pronoun ( long
vowel) added to it.

in its original form (before adding the pronoun)

The word
is a , it follows the word

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2- Conjugate (m./f.) the words

6s9) !$# u o)













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PAGE 124

1 Add the pronouns to the verbs

2- translate (m./f.) to English


The brother of Muhammad beat (striked) him

A sign came to you (m. p) from your Lord
3omar ate it (f)
Allaah heard us and forgave us
(in Arabic the verb
needs the preposition after

it, we do not attach the pronoun directly to the verb

e.g. we do not say

He taught
He promised
He praised
He thanked

He beat

/ -

My servant praised Me


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Qur'aanic Arabic



) (








3- Conjugate (m./f.) the words




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The Dual Noun

Two men of those who feared

(Allaah and) on whom Allaah
had bestowed His Grace, said

There is a share for men from

what is left by parents and
those nearest related and a
share for women from what is
left by parents and those
nearest related

Have We not made for him a

pair of eyes, and a tongue and
a pair of lips?, and shown him
the two ways (good and evil)?

And Allaah said: Take not two

gods (in worship). Verily, He
(Allaah) is (the) only One God.

And such things that came

down at Babylon to the two
angels, Haaroot and Maaroot

Say (O Muhammad (peace be

upon him)) "Do you verily
disbelieve in Him Who created
the earth in two Days? And
you set up rivals (in worship)
with Him? That is the Lord of
the 3Aalameen (mankind, jinn
and all that exists).

$ss t%!$# z _u t$s%

$yn=t !$# zyr&

#t$!u9$# x8ts? $i =t %y`h=j9

x8ts? $i =t !$|i=9u t/t%F{$#u

$Z$|9u ut &! ygw s9r&
y9$# oyyu

ys9) (#Gs? !$# t$s%u
nu s9) u $y) ( uO$#
/$t6/ x6n=y9$# n?t t& !$tu
Vtu |Ny

t,n=y{ %!$$/ t3tGs9 3r& %

&s! t=ygrBu
tt uF{$#
ts>y9$# >u y79s 4 #Y#yr&

Page 132

Qur'aanic Arabic

Advise for this lesson

The parents
In several verses in the Quran kindness to parents is coupled with the most important aspect of
Islam; worshipping God alone. This indicates that being kind to parents, honoring and respecting
them, is extremely important in the way of life that Islam stipulates.
)s? s $y. r& !$ytnr& uy969$# x8y t=7t $) 4 $|m) t$!u9$$/u $) H) (#7s? r& y7/u 4|s%u *
$V2 Zs% $y9 %u $yp]s? u 7e& !$y;

And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to
your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a
word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honor.
It is crystal clear in this verse that no word of disrespect should be uttered toward a parent, nor
even a look of resentment or contempt. Honoring parents can be considered a form of worship if
the intention is to please Almighty God by respecting His commands.
God continues this verse by reminding us that parents are deserving of kindness because they
raised their children with gentleness and often made great sacrifices for their wellbeing. His use
of the word wing invokes the image of a mother bird tenderly shielding her young and calls to
mind the gentleness that parents have for their children.
#Z| $u/u $yx. $yxq$# b> %u ym9$# z e%!$# yy$uy_ $ys9 z$#u

And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: "My
Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young."
Prophet Muhammad
reinforced the duty to be kind to parents. A companion of
the Prophet once asked him which of the many good deeds a man can do is the most loved by
God. Prophet Muhammad answered him by saying, To offer the prayer in its proper time. The
companion then asked, And what is next? to which Prophet Muhammad replied, To be good
and dutiful to your parents (Al-Bukhariyy). The responsibility to be kind and good to parents
comes right after the greatest duty in Islam, the prayer.
The Arabic word that is used in the Quran and the narrations of Prophet Muhammad to denote
this kindness to parents as birr . Birr does not only mean goodness; it contains shades of
meaning that indicate kindness, compassion, respect and even patience.

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Qur'aanic Arabic

Forming Dual Nouns

In English, a noun may be singular or plural. Plural refers to more than one.
In Arabic, a noun may be singular, dual or plural. Plural refers to more than
In this lesson we will learn about the dual nouns: How to form and conjugate

The dual noun: is formed from the singular plus the two letters

... ) when the noun is : Ex.

and plus ) ( - with a before - when the noun is



If the letter before

is kasrah, probably this word is in plural form not

dual. Students should be very careful to check the mark before

to be

sure that it is dual noun.

Important comment
- When changing a singular noun ending with

( ) to dual, the

change to a normal ) ( , to which dual ending is attach


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Conjugation of the dual noun

in dual



Important comments:
1- The dual in the different cases changes but not in mark as in singular but
in the letter before


in the case of and in the case of

and in the case of

2- The letter

with at the end of dual , has no relation with the

conjugation of the dual. It is only an alternative to the sound of Tanween

that you hear in the singular.

might be deleted, if the dual is followed by a

( the two daughters of the prophet)


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1-Dual in the case of








In line 1

2-Dual in the case of










And the noon was deleted due to possession .




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3- Dual in the case of







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/ -
1 Change the singular to dual in the different cases



2 Underline the dual nouns


" : -


Allaah The Exalted said: By my mightiness, I shall not bring two fears together upon My
servant, nor shall I bring together two securities upon him. If he feels secure from Me in this
world, then he shall have no security on the day of resurrection and if he fears Me in this
world, he shall have no fear in the on the day of resurrection. Qudsi hadeeth

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Qur'aanic Arabic

$u)tG=t tst79$# yltt

He has let free (two seas) the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together.

$t$t7 y6t |MtrB $tFt%2 ( 79 |Nr&t$#u 8y |Nr&t$# (#xx. %#j9 WsVt !$# Uu

t,#z9$# yt u$9$# z$# %u $\x !$# $u]t $u n=s $y$tFt$ys ys=|

Allh sets forth an example for those who disbelieve: the wife of Nooh (Noah) and the wife of
Loot (Lot). They were under two of our righteous slaves, but they both betrayed their
(husbands by rejecting their doctrine). So they (Nooh (Noah) and Loot (Lot) (peace be upon
them)) availed them (their respective wives) not against Allaah and it was said: "Enter the
Fire along with those who enter!"



3- Translate (m./f.) to English

/ -



4- Conjugate the previous sentences of exercise (3)

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Qur'aanic Arabic

5- Change from singular to dual

Notice the mark of the singular. It will help you to put the dual in the right form.

Page 140

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