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Secret Light

(Alteration) Reversible Level: 2nd Range: 60 yards Components: V, M Duration: 1 turn per level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 20-foot radius globe Saving Throw: Special This spell is in all respects the same as the 1st-level light spell, except that only the wizard can see the light. This of course means that it can in no way be used as an attack (blinding people, harming certain undead, etc.). It will cancel magical darkness, as it is cancelled by magical darkness, just like light. The material components are the same as for light plus two drops of blood and a tear from the wizard. The spell can be reversed to secret darkness, although this normally isn't very useful. Perhaps if in presence of a blinding light you could cast secret darkness at the light source, so that you wouldn't be blinded. Of course, you'd better have another source of illumination handy. Also, it wouldn't save a vampire from the effects of direct sunlight - the light is still hitting his body, he just can't see it.

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