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Considering audience a) 2 types of audiences:>technical(specific readers): use technical terms such as meristem cells used by botanists >non-technical(public readers):define

technical terms and should be easily understand.

Classify aim 2 types of aim:a) Experimental aim: tells what was achieved and what was concluded b) Technical aim: solve a problem / designa a recommendation
Write outline

Edit and proofread

Organize information

>involve reading :scanning and skimming

> first, breakdown the info using headings and subheadings > then, decide a logical order > Do an overall plan so that the ideas of subject keep on track

Write a first draft > Write following the basic structure(*)may differ based on teacher or lecturer

>check thoroughly to improve and correct your report >includes:-correct format,deleted unnecessary info,organize info logically and clearly,used spell check and grammar check and etc.


Abstract/Summary Title Page > title(avoid long title) >students name and number >lecturers name >date of submission >recommended to be written after the rest of report is completed. >gives bare facts includes findings and conclusions >very short Table of Content Introduction >gives the background >exps purpose, scope and methods used >outlines terms of references >brief and accurate background Main Body > Covers the work done and what was found >divided into topics and arranged in a logical order with heading and subheading Conclusion/

> Needed if your report is longer than few pages

>List sections, sub-sections and page number >provides a list of diagrams, tables and appendices (if used)

>gives solutions to the problems >suggest who should take action, what should be done, when and how it should be done References >includes all sources of info used in the report Appendices >evidences as reports support

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