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20-year-old Elizabeth Imogene Quartermaine sat in her grandmother’s rose garden

with her 18-year-old sister Emily.

“Elizabeth, dear, could you please talk some sense into your brother?” her father,
Alan, asked walking outside with his wife, Monica.

“I’ll see what I can do,” Elizabeth said. “But he won’t even listen to me

“Thank you,” Monica said.

Elizabeth got up and walked inside, the rest of her family behind her.

“AJ,” Elizabeth said. “Give me the keys.”

“You want ‘em,” AJ slurred, staggering towards the front door. “Come and get ‘em.”

Elizabeth followed AJ out and got in the car beside him, trying to take the keys
away. AJ managed to start the car and pushed down, hard on the gas, the car moving
from zero to sixty in a split second. Not paying attention, the car swerved into
one of the trees on the Quartermaine property and Elizabeth was launched from the

Chapter 1

AJ walked out of the car without a scratch was taken into custody for driving
while intoxicated. An ambulance arrived and Elizabeth was rushed to the hospital.
The doctors rushed frantically to stabilize her as the rest of the Quartermaine’s
began to arrive at the hospital. Almost an hour passed before anyone came out of
trauma to address Elizabeth’s family.

“Bobbie,” Monica said. “Bobbie, how is she?”

“Why don’t you sit down?” Bobbie said motioning to the chairs in the ER waiting
room. “Elizabeth suffered a massive head trauma in the accident and it has caused
some brain damage. We don’t know yet the extent of that injury, but she is sedated
right now. We’ll now more when she wakes up.”

“Can we see her?” Alan asked.

“Only for a short time,” Bobbie said.

“Thank you,” Alan said.

Alan, Monica, and Edward went in to see Elizabeth while Emily waited with her

“God, my poor baby,” Alan said, looking at his eldest daughter.

“Alan, what about AJ?” Monica asked.

“Let the police deal with him,” Edward said.

“Edward, we are still talking about my son,” Monica said.

“Who almost killed my granddaughter because of his drunken stupidity,” Edward

“Monica, if he suffers the consequences of this, he may receive the help he

needs,” Alan said.

“All right,” Monica said. “But I still want to see him.”

They stopped talking and stood in silence watching Elizabeth. Her head was
bandaged, her face bruised, but her chest rose and fell, indicating that she was
still breathing steadily.


A short time later…

Elizabeth began to stir and she eventually opened her eyes.

“She’s waking up,” Elizabeth heard a voice say.

“Elizabeth, honey, it’s your father,” another voice said as Elizabeth blinked.
“You’re in GH. You were in an accident, but you’re going to be okay.”

Elizabeth opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Monica quickly poured
a cup of cold water and held it at Elizabeth’s lips. Elizabeth drank it and then
spoke again.

“Who are you people?” Elizabeth asked, her voice and the look in her eyes both
cold and distant.

Alan and Edward stepped back, shocked, and Monica’s face fell.

“Excuse me,” Elizabeth said to Bobbie. “Who are they?”

“Elizabeth, honey, we’re your family,” Monica said, tearfully. “I’m your mother
and that’s your father and your grandfather.”

“No, I don’t know who you are,” Elizabeth protested, angrily. “And I want you to

“Monica, maybe you should all go,” Bobbie said. “I’ll come out and talk to you in
a minute.”

Her first tears falling, Monica slowly left the room with Alan and Edward never
taking her eyes off her daughter.

Elizabeth’s eyes turned cold and she turned her head swiftly away from Monica’s


“Why doesn’t she know who we are?” Monica asked Tony.

“Elizabeth is suffering from amnesia,” Tony said. “Everything else looks fine, but
this is the brain damage that has. It might be permanent and it might not be. It’s
too early to tell.”
“So she just doesn’t remember anything?” Alan asked.

“No,” Tony said. “She’s lost memories, short and long term and she’s very cold and

“And this could be permanent?” Monica said.

“From the looks of things now, yes, but like I said, give it some time,” Tony

“So what do we do?” Alan asked.

“All you can do now is let her be,” Tony said.

“Thank you,” Monica said.


A week later…

Elizabeth was at the end of her rope. She’d spent a week with the Quartermaines
and they just wouldn’t back off. Monica, the woman who kept calling herself her
mother, wanted Elizabeth to love her. Alan and Edward would stop at nothing to get
her to remember that she wanted to be a doctor. The only people she got along with
were her younger sister, Emily and her grandmother. They were the only two who
wanted to get to know her and wouldn’t push her to do things they knew she

But Elizabeth had enough and finally decided to leave.

A week after her accident, Elizabeth traded her second car in for a brand new
Yamaha R1 motorcycle. The same day Elizabeth, dressed in her newly purchased black
leather jacket, leather pants, and a red halter; Elizabeth rode her bike straight
into the living room of the Quartermaine mansion.

“She’s crazy!” Edward explained.

Elizabeth smiled wickedly, turned the bike around, and rode out and away from the


Elizabeth spent all afternoon riding, stopped in the alley on the docks, and began
walking around.

“You know it’s dangerous around here when you’re alone,” a voice said.

“Thanks for your concern, but I can take care of myself,” Elizabeth said, sharply.

“Feisty aren’t we?” the man said.

“Look, I don’t want any trouble,” Elizabeth said, turning around so she was facing
the stranger.

“And if you cooperate, there won’t be,” he said.

“What do you want?” Elizabeth asked coldly. “Money? Sex?”

The man got a hold of Elizabeth’s arm and twisted it behind her back. Elizabeth
managed to get out of the hold and threw the first punch.

Walking down the stairs, Sonny Corinthos, Jason Morgan, and their friend and
employee Johnny Wade saw the fight playing out. Jason and Johnny ran over to
intervene, delivered a few punches and the attacker took off away from the docks.

“What is your problem?” Elizabeth said turning to Jason and Johnny as Sonny walked
over. “If I needed help, I would’ve asked for it.”

Jason and Johnny looked at each other, taken aback at the girl’s reaction.

“I’m sorry,” Elizabeth said suddenly. “I’ve just had a really long day.”

“Aren’t you Elizabeth Quartermaine?” Johnny asked.

“Elizabeth Quartermaine is gone,” she replied, extending her hand. “I’m Liz

Chapter 2

“Sonny Corinthos,” he said, extending his hand.

“And those two?” Liz asked.

“Jason Morgan, my partner and his younger brother, Johnny,” Sonny said.

“Corinthos and Morgan, huh?” Liz said. “Just me luck. Next to the Quartermaines,
you two have the most money in this town. You think you might be able to help me?”

“What exactly do you need?” Sonny asked.

“I have one final link to that horrible family that I think you might be
interested in,” Liz said.

“You’ve got my attention,” Sonny said. “Come back to the warehouse with us and we
can talk there.”

“I guess at this point I can trust you,” Liz said. “My bike’s in the alley.”

“Jason can go with you and Johnny will drive me,” Sonny said. “Jason will tell you
where to go if you get too far ahead or behind.”

“Thanks,” Liz said.

Sonny nodded and he and Johnny walked towards the car. Jason remained still,
unable to take his eyes off the beautiful woman in front of him. It wasn’t just
her beauty he was attracted to, but her attitude and the way she carried herself
as well. Man was he in for a roller coaster ride with her.

Jason snapped out of his thoughts when he heard her call his name.

“Jason,” she repeated for a third time. “Hey, Morgan, you there?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jason said. “Sorry.”

“Sure,” Liz said. “You ready to go?”

“Yeah,” Jason replied as Liz led him to her bike.

“So, if you and Johnny are brothers, how did you become a partner and not him?”
Liz asked.

“Sonny and I have known each other since we were kids,” Jason said, suddenly
unaware of why he was going to tell this mystery woman his life story, and even
more shocked that he wanted to.

“And what, you didn’t want Johnny to be friends with your friends?” Liz said with
a laugh. “I mean what are you two, maybe three years apart?”

“It’s a long story,” Jason said. “Which I can hardly tell you while we’re riding.”

“Promise you’ll tell me later?” Liz said.

“Sure,” Jason replied.


A few minutes later, Jason led Liz through the warehouse to Sonny’s office.

“So the rumors about you are true?” Sonny asked when Liz settled on his couch.
“You don’t remember anything about being a Quartermaine?”

“I don’t have any specific memories, but I started to reestablish a relationship

with my grandmother and my younger sister, Emily,” Liz said.

“So what exactly can we help you with?” Sonny asked, cutting to the chase.

“By birth, I am still a Quartermaine, which still entitles me to all the stock in
ELQ,” Liz said. “But I don’t want it. I want to cut all ties.”

“And what can we do?” Sonny asked.

“I know you’ve wanted influence in ELQ in the past and that they denied you,” Liz
said. “I’m offering you $60 million in ELQ stock.”

“You just want to give it away?” Sonny asked.

“Yes,” Liz said.

“I can’t just take it from you,” Sonny said. “Besides, you’re the only one who
knows the ins and outs of ELQ.”

“What are you suggesting?” Liz asked.

“We join forces,” Sonny said.

“Interesting,” Liz said.

“We divide the shares among us and you come work for me,” Sonny said.

“Sonny, I’m no secretary so unless you’re talking physical labor, I don’t think
so,” Liz said.

Sonny smiled at the petite spitfire sitting on his couch while Jason struggled to
pick his jaw up off the floor.

“You can start hauling coffee like the rest of my guys and we’ll take it from
there,” Sonny said.

“And you want to pay for the shares of ELQ that I want to give you,” Liz said,
making sure she got all the details.

“Yes, but are you sure you don’t want any of them?” Sonny asked.

“The more I think about it, the more I think that we’ll have more influence if we
divide the shares into thirds. Edward would go ballistic if he found out that
Corinthos and Morgan have a vote in ELQ from now on. And my vote with yours will
weigh heavier on any further decisions made at ELQ,” Liz said.

“So you keep a third and Jason and I will split the other $40 million worth,”
Sonny said. “We can pay you on the margin and eventually you’ll get your money.”

“I’m not worried about the money,” Liz said.

“But you’re still getting it,” Sonny said. “So what do you say? Partners?”

“Partners,” Liz said shaking Sonny’s hand; then turning and shaking Jason’s as

“Judging from the bag on your bike, you ran from the Quartermaine’s. Do you have a
place to stay?” Sonny asked.

“I have a room waiting for me at Jake’s,” Liz replied.

“Well Jason, I guess you’ll finally have some company,” Sonny said with a laugh.

Jason’s breath caught in his throat and Liz smiled.

“You need a ride back?” Liz asked.

“You don’t need me here?” Jason asked.

“No, go ahead,” Sonny said. “I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

“Thanks again, Sonny,” Liz said pulling her jacket on and walking to the door.


At Jake’s, Liz parked the bike next to Jason’s and the two got off. Liz slung her
bag over her shoulder and Jason led her inside.

“Hey Jake,” Jason said, walking in with Liz. “You got a room for Liz Webber?”

“Sure,” Jake said. “Are you Liz?”

“Hi,” Liz said offering her hand to the older woman.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Jake,” she said. “You’re in room two. Jason can show you

“Thanks,” Liz said.

“No problem,” Jake said.

Jason and Liz walked through the bar and up the stairs. Jason showed Liz her room,
opened her door, and invited Jason in.

“So,” Liz said, beginning to unpack. “You promised to finish telling me about

“Where did I leave off?” Jason asked.

“Your brother, Johnny, and why he didn’t become a partner,” Liz said.

“I grew up with Sonny,” Jason said. “From the time I was little, I knew I was
adopted. When Sonny and I got older, he got into the mob and I went to work with
him; we became partners. Because of the connections that Sonny and I have, I was
able to find my family. By then, unfortunately, Johnny was the only one left, but
he was still someone, my brother. So now I have two brothers; one by blood and
another by choice, and they are both my best friends.”

“The story wasn’t that long,” Liz said.

“I guess not,” Jason said with a smile. “So what about you?”

“There’s not really much to tell,” Liz said, softly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize,” Jason said.

“No, it’s okay,” Liz said. “I mean, I know I’m 20 and that my birthday was March
3rd. I have a sister and a grandmother who I still remember vaguely and started
reconnecting with. And this morning I rode my motorcycle into the living room of
the Quartermaine mansion.”

“”I would’ve loved to see that,” Jason said as Liz put her bag in the closet.

“It was great,” Liz said. “Do you, uh, want to get some food?”

“Sure,” Jason said.

“Is he food here edible?” Liz asked as Jason led her back downstairs to the bar.

“It’s not bad,” Jason said.

“Okay,” Liz said.

Jason pulled a chair out for Liz and then sat down across from her.

“Is a burger okay?” Jason asked.

“Sure,” Liz replied.

Jason put in an order for two burgers and brought back a beer for himself and a
soda for Liz.

“Thanks,” Liz said.


After finishing their burgers, they noticed the crowd was dwindling and Jake
locking up.

“I’ll see you two tomorrow night,” Jake said.

Jake left, leaving Liz and Jason alone.

“Should we go upstairs now?” Liz asked.

“We can stay down here,” Jason said. “We’re the only two boarders and Jake doesn’t

“Oh,” Liz said.

“Do you want to play pool?” Jason asked.

“I don’t know how,” Liz said. “You could show me.”

“Sure,” Jason said.

They walked over to the pool table and Jason took two cues off the wall and racked
the pool balls.

“Okay, first you line up your shot, then move your cue like this and hit the white
ball towards the rest of them,” Jason said.

“You lost me after okay,” Liz said.

“Alright, let’s try this,” Jason said.

Jason placed the cue in Liz’s hand and put his arms around her as they both bent
over the pool table.

“Now line up your cue with the ball and aim for the balls at the center of the
table,” Jason said.

“Like this,” Liz asked shifting her hands.

“Good,” Jason said. “Now pull back and then push forward.”

“I did it,” Liz said when the group of balls broke and one went into the pocket.

“See, it’s not hard,” Jason said. “Do you want to try again?”

Jason again wrapped his arms around Liz and they lined up the next shot. This
process continued for about twenty-five minutes until Jason helped Liz cleared the

“That was so much fun,” Liz said.

“You’re a natural,” Jason said, as the jukebox kicked on. “Do you, uh, do you want
to dance?”

“I don’t know how,” Liz said. “And I miss it. According to my sister, she and I
used to club-hop a lot, but I just can’t seem to find the rhythm that I used to

“I could try to show you,” Jason said. “It may still be there and you just need
help finding it.”
“And you think that you can help me find it?” Liz asked, sauntering closer to him
and wrapping her arms around his neck.

Chapter 3

Liz was sure that she heard Jason swear as her fingers ran through his hair. But
Jason quickly realized that she was teasing him and decided to play along. He ran
his hands down her back lightly and rested them at her waist. Liz shivered at his
touch and her eyes brightened.

“Now just follow my lead,” Jason said, taking a small step to the side. Liz
followed and Jason repeated the process. A minute later, Liz had found her rhythm
and was smoothly following Jason. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed
her eyes, not having ever felt more content than she was in his arms at that
moment. Jason smiled and tightened his hold on her a little more.

When Liz knew the song was ending, she lifted her head to look in Jason’s eyes.
Jason saw them sparkle and Liz noticed his turning a clearer blue. He smiled down
at her and slowly lowered his head. When he moved, Liz knew that he was going to
kiss her and rose onto her toes to meet him. Their lips brushed lightly, at first,
but Jason soon traced her bottom lip with is tongue asking for entrance, and she
opened her mouth to him, purring softly into Jason’s mouth as his tongue touched

They pulled a part after what seemed like forever, breathless, knowing that they’d
only broken for air. Still in Jason’s arms, Liz looked past him to the clock on
the wall.

“Jason, it’s almost one in the morning,” she said.

“Really?” Jason said, looking down at his watch. “So it is.”

“I really should go to sleep,” Liz said. “Sonny wants me at the warehouse by nine
and I haven’t slept well in, come to think of it, I never have.”

Jason laughed and moved his hand to the small of her back, guiding her to the

At Liz’s door…

“Jason, thank you,” Liz said. “For the dance, and for everything.”

“Sure,” Jason said. “Good night, Liz. And sleep well.”

Liz smiled and leaned up, placing a soft kiss on Jason’s lips. She smiled again
and disappeared into her room.

Jason shook his head as he walked the five feet across the hall to his room.
Inside, he peeled off his tee shirt and jeans through them on the chair and, clad
in his boxers, walked into the bathroom. He considered taking a cold shower, but
decided that for the moment, it wasn’t necessary. He also knew that eventually it
would be very necessary. Being around her in the warehouse five days a week and
running into her at Jake’s 24/7 would be a challenge to keep his mind out of the
gutter, and maybe off of Liz all together.

The next morning, Liz woke up at around 6 o’clock, threw on a pair of sweats and a
tee shirt and left Jake’s for her daily five mile run, one of the only things that
she remembered Elizabeth Quartermaine doing. It was almost 7:30 AM when she got
back, having stopped at Kelly’s for a cup of coffee. When she made her way up the
stairs to her room, Jason was standing outside her door, getting ready to knock.

“Hey,” she said.

Hearing her voice, Jason jumped.

“Jesus, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to sneak up on people like that?” Jason

“I don’t know,” Liz said. “They might have.”

“It’s only 7:15,” Jason said. “Where could you have gone this early?”

“First of all, this isn’t early for me,” Liz said. “And second of all, what are
you so worried about?”

“I know that you know what Sonny and I do,” Jason said. “And I don’t know if
anyone has seen you with us. It’s dangerous to be out alone, especially so early
in the morning.”

“Okay, it’s been one day since I met you two,” Liz said. “And second I can take
care of myself, and I know that you know that.”

“Alright, I’m sorry,” Jason said.

“So what are you doing here anyway?” Liz asked, opening her door and walking
inside, Jason following.

“I was going to ask you to come to Kelly’s with me for breakfast before we go to
the warehouse,” Jason said.

“Sounds good,” Liz said. “I just have to jump in the shower first.”

“I’ll be in my room; just knock when you’re ready,” Jason said.

“Thanks,” Liz said.

She disappeared behind the closed door of her bathroom and Jason walked back to
his room, slumped into the chair, and sighed.

“What are you doing, Morgan?” he asked himself. “This’ll really help get the girl
out of your mind.”

Jason continued to mentally berate himself when there was a knock on the door. He
glanced at his watch and saw that only ten minutes has passed and assumed it
wasn’t Liz. He grabbed his gun from the table and released the safety as he opened
the door. Seeing the gun in his hands, Liz, wrapped in a towel, stumbled back.
Jason grabbed her at the last moment and pulled her to him.

“Sorry,” he said, putting the gun back on the table and releasing his hold on her.

“It’s okay, I probably would’ve done it too,” Liz said.

“So, you’re obviously not ready,” Jason said, trying to keep his eyes locked with
hers, avoiding her barely covered body, but was failing miserably.

“Yeah, I, um, didn’t know what to wear,” Liz said.

“You’re hauling coffee for today, so make sure your comfortable,” Jason replied.

“Okay, thanks,” Liz said. She hurried back across the hall to get dressed and came
back about five minutes later in jeans, sneakers, and an oversized sweater.

“Now you’re ready to go?” Jason asked.

“Yeah,” Liz said. “Where are we going?”

“Kelly’s,” Jason said.

“Sounds good,” Liz said as they walked through Jake’s and outside.


A few minutes later, Jason’s bike pulled behind Kelly’s.

“Thanks for the ride. It’s kind of nice to not drive for a change,” Liz said.
“BUT, don’t think that you’ll always be driving.”

Jason laughed and put the keys in his jean pocket as they walked around to the
front of Kelly’s.

Liz’s sister Emily was already inside fighting with her current boyfriend, Juan.

“You don’t mean that,” Juan said when Emily told him that it was over for good.

“Yes, I do,” Emily said, matter-of-factly, before walking away.

Juan angrily grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him. Before he knew what was
happening, he was on his knees, squealing in pain.

“What the hell?” Juan said.

“Do. Not. Touch. My. Sister. Again,” Liz said, coldly, accenting each word

“What’s it to…” Juan began before seeing Liz holding his arm.

“Now apologize,” Liz said, pulling him up swiftly.

“I’m sorry, Emily,” Juan said.

“Good,” Liz said. “And if you ever come near her again, you’ll have to deal with
me. And believe me, you don’t want that. Now get out of here.”

Juan ran out of Kelly’s and Liz turned to Emily.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Yes. Thank you,” Emily replied.

“No problem,” Liz said, noticing Jason standing next to her, jaw dropped. “God,
I’m sorry. Jason, this is my sister, Emily. Em, this is Jason Morgan.”

“Nice to meet you,” Jason said shaking Emily’s hand.

“You too,” Emily said. “Liz, can I talk to you for a sec?”

“Sure,” Liz said.

Emily pulled her aside from Jason and said, “Where did you find him? He is

“Isn’t he?” Liz said with a laugh. “I can get you somebody. If you’re interested.
I think I have the perfect guy for you.”

“If I’m interested?” Emily said. “Of course I am.”

“Okay then,” Liz said. “I’ll set it up and call you when I do. Jason and I have to
eat before we have to get to work, but if you can, maybe we could go shopping
later this week. I think I need a new wardrobe.”

“Sure,” Emily said. “School starts for me next week, but maybe on the weekend.”

“Sounds good to me,” Liz said.

“And I forgot to ask you last week because things were kind of crazy, but do you
think you could still help me with my psychology class?” Emily asked. “I need to
keep my grade up to be valedictorian in June.”

“Sure,” Liz said. “I do remember some things you know. You don’t have to be afraid
to ask. If I remember, I’ll tell you.”

“Thanks,” Emily said.

“No problem,” Liz said. “Do you want to join Jason and I for breakfast?”

“No, I should get home,” Emily said. “Grandfather wants to lecture me on choosing
a college again.”

“Sounds fun,” Liz said. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

“And thanks again,” Emily said.

Emily hurried out of Kelly’s and Liz joined Jason at a table.

“What can I get you?” Tammy asked.

“Coffee, black for me,” Jason said.

“Okay, and for you?” Tammy asked.

“A plain bagel, toasted with butter, and a coffee, light and sweet,” Liz replied.


After breakfast, Jason and Liz rode to the warehouse. Francis was at his post
outside and opened the door for Jason to ride his bike inside the warehouse.

Jason went to his office and Liz tucked her hair underneath a baseball cap and
joined the rest of the warehouse guys in hauling coffee.


In Sonny’s office…

“You wanted to see me?” Jason said coming inside.

“I’m setting up an office for Liz next to yours,” Sonny replied. “She’s only
hauling coffee for today. Only because I want to see how the guys react when they
find out a girl is working better and faster than them.”

“Interesting idea,” Jason said. “So what exactly is she going to do?”

“She can defend herself and she wants to train further in self-defense and work
with you,” Sonny said. “At least that’s the message I got on my answering machine
this morning.”

“And you think that’s a good idea?” Jason asked.

“If she can prove herself,” Sonny said.


Meanwhile, outside…

“Hey, little guy,” one of the employees said to Liz as she walked towards Jason’s
office. “Get back here.”

“Excuse me,” Liz said. “But I’ve been busting my ass for you for over two hours
without so much as a water break. I’d like to speak to Jason for a minute.”

The guy grabbed her arm and pulled her back, hard. And in doing so, the hat came
off and Liz’s hair fell past her shoulders.

“My God, you’re a girl,” he exclaimed.

“Very good,” Liz said. “Now let go.”

“And you’ve got a smart mouth,” he went on.

A crowd was drawing around them, as their voices grew louder, also drawing Sonny
and Jason out of Sonny’s office.

The guy’s hand tightened around Liz’s arms and his hand connected with her face.
Liz’s control broke and she charged at him, knocking him to the ground and letting
her fist connect with his jaw.

Johnny and Francis broke through one side of the crowd as Sonny and Jason worked
their way through the other.

“What the HELL is going on here?” Sonny yelled when he reached the center and saw
Liz sitting on his warehouse foreman’s legs, her fist again hitting his jaw.

Chapter 4

“This bitch was mouthing off,” the foreman said.

Liz angrily threw another punch and they rolled around on the floor, fighting some

“That’s enough,” Sonny yelled. “I said enough.”

Johnny, Francis, and Jason pulled Liz and the foreman apart, Johnny and Francis
holding the foreman back, Jason with his arms tightly around Liz’s waist.

“What happened?” Sonny asked, looking angrily at the foreman.

“I thought she was a guy and she was leaving the work line. She claimed she wanted
to talk to Mr. Morgan and started mouthing off. I pulled her back and she hit me
and we started fighting,” the foreman said.

“Mm hmm,” Sonny said. “Liz?”

“I’ve been working my ass off for two hours. I felt that they were riding me
‘cause I was new, so I figured I’d get some water from Jason before I passed out.
He caught me walking away and grabbed my arm. That’s when he found out that I was
a girl. I mouthed off and he slapped me so I hit him back and we started
fighting,” Liz answered.

Sonny looked at his foreman and said, “So not only did you hit her first, but you
hit her after you knew that she was a girl?”

The foreman’s face fell and his head dropped as he stared at the floor, not saying
anything in response to Sonny’s statement.

“You NEVER lay a hand on a woman. I don’t care what reason you think you have,”
Sonny said, angrily.

Jason knew that Sonny was furious. His stepfather, Deke, has abused him mother for
years and Sonny never stood for a man to strike a woman, under any circumstance.
Jason thought now was the time to take over before Sonny did something he’d

“Sonny,” Jason said.

Jason’s eyes met Sonny’s and Sonny nodded.

“I think what Mr. Corinthos is getting at is that you’re fired,” Jason said.
“Johnny, Francis, take care of it.”

Johnny and Francis nodded and dragged the ex-foreman out.

Sonny took a deep breath and looked at the rest of his employees.

“This morning, a test was given. Your former foreman failed. This is Liz Webber.
She is one of your new bosses,” Sonny said.

Liz’s head shot up and she looked at Sonny. He nodded and Liz smiled.

“Her office is next to Mr. Morgan’s. She is to be shown the same respect as Mr.
Morgan and myself and is to be addressed only as Miss. Webber. Am I clear?” Sonny

“Yes, Mr. Corinthos,” the employees chorused.

“Good,” Sonny said. “Now get back to work. Liz?”

Liz followed Jason and Sonny into Sonny’s office. She sat down next to Jason on
the couch and Sonny sat behind his desk.

“Boss?” Johnny said, stepping inside the office. “It’s been handled.”

“Good,” Sonny said. “Get some ice and a towel please.”

Johnny left and came back with the things that Sonny had requested, finding the
office still quiet. He handed the ice-filled towel to Sonny, who stood up and
handed it to Liz.

“Thank you,” Liz said. “And I’m sorry about the fight. But he hit me first and my
instinct was to fight back.”

“Don’t worry about it. You were right to do what you did,” Sonny said. “That’s a
nasty bump. You might want to have it looked at.”

“No, I’m fine,” Liz said, standing up quickly. “It’s not th…”

Liz stopped for a minute, her hand grabbing the arm of the couch.

“Liz?” Jason said.

As Liz fainted, Jason grabbed her to keep her from hitting the floor. He lifted
her into his arms and gently placed her on the couch.

“Johnny, get some smelling salts,” Sonny said.

“What happened?” Jason asked, nervously.

“She probably hit her head in the fight,” Sonny said, catching the true concern in
Jason’s voice and face, especially his eyes. “Did something happen between you two
last night?”

“We danced, I kissed her,” Jason said, brushing Liz’s hair out of her face and
caressing her cheek.

“You kissed her,” Sonny said. “That’s it, and you’re acting like this?”

“Like what?” Jason asked.

“Like a lovesick teenager,” Sonny said.

“Okay, okay. I’m falling for her. Fast,” Jason said. “But I don’t want to push
her. She’s been through a lot.”

“She certainly has,” Sonny said as Johnny came in with the smelling salts.

Sonny took them and handed them to Jason who waved them under Liz’s nose. She
jerked a bit and then her eyes opened.

“Oh man,” Liz mumbled. “My head killing me. What happened?”

“You fainted. You’ll be fine, but you hit your head during that fight,” Jason
“Why am I so tired?” Liz asked.

“You probably have a concussion,” Sonny said. “So you have to fight the urge to
sleep for a little while.”

“Okay,” Liz said, leaning back on the couch. “Maybe I’ll just lay down and close
my eyes for a little while.”

“Oh no you don’t,” Jason said, pushing her up. “Put this on your head and I’ll get
you some water.”

“Okay,” Liz said, softly.

“Do you want something to eat?” Jason asked.

“Sure,” Liz said.

“Why don’t you drink some water and then we can walk to Kelly’s for lunch. It’ll
give you some air and you’ll stay awake,” Jason said.

“Okay,” Liz said.

“I’ll be right back,” Jason said. “Watch her, please.”


Liz and Jason walked out of the warehouse a short time later. After drinking some
water and putting some ice on her head, Liz felt a lot better, not nearly as tired
as she had been.

“Are you feeling better?” Jason asked, holding the door to Kelly’s open for her.

“Much, thank you,” Liz replied.

“And you’re not cold?” Jason asked as the snow began to fall again.

“I don’t feel it,” Liz said.

They walked inside and sat at a table. After ordering, Jason started a

“I was thinking, maybe, if you’re feeling up to it, you might want to have dinner
with me tonight,” Jason said.

“You mean like a date?” Liz asked.

“Yeah,” Jason said softly, staring into his glass of soda.

“I’d love to,” Liz said. “Where?”

“The Port Charles Grille?” Jason offered.

“Sounds good,” Liz said. “You know since Sonny gave me the afternoon off, maybe
I’ll go shopping with my sister today.”

“What time do you want to eat?” Jason asked.

“My sister and I should be back by five, so give me an hour to get ready,” Liz
said. “Say 6ish.”

“Sure. I’ll pick you up at 6,” Jason said.

Liz smiled and dialed her sister’s number.


Liz and her sister walked around Wyndam’s searching for a dress for her date with
Jason. They had already purchased Liz’s new wardrobe, which included jeans,
sweaters, tank tops, tee shirts, leather pants, skirts, tops, dresses, and various
shoes, sneakers, and boots. The one thing they hadn’t found during their three-
hour shopping spree was the perfect dress for that evening.

“What about this?” Emily asked, picking up a white dress.

“No. It’s not really the right season for a white dress.

“How about black?” Emily asked.

“Now that’s more my style for winter,” Liz said taking the dress from Emily.

It was a black dress, the skirt, satin, and the top, crushed velvet, strapless.

“It’s perfect,” Emily said.

Liz paid for the dress and the two piled all the purchases into Liz’s car, a
silver Camaro convertible, one of the only possessions of Elizabeth Quartermaine’s
that Liz kept.

Liz dropped Emily off at the Q mansion and quickly left, not wanting to spend any
more time on the property than absolutely necessary.

She drove back to Jake’s and took two trips to get all her new purchases to her
room. She quickly put everything away and got in the shower.


At 6 o’clock exactly, Jason, dressed in black slacks, a black tee shirt, and
sports coat, holding a red rose, knocked on Liz’s door.

“Come in,” she called from her bathroom.

Jason opened the door and waited inside Liz’s room. He looked around taking in how
different her room looked from his, but stopped when his eyes fell on Elizabeth.
His breath caught in his throat, as he looked her up and down, taking her all in.

“You look beautiful,” Jason said.

“Thank you,” Liz said. “You look good too.”

Jason smiled and handed her the rose as he kissed her cheek.

“Are you ready to go?” Jason asked.

“Yes,” Liz said.

“Francis is driving us tonight because I didn’t think the bike was the best mode
of transportation,” Jason said.

“I kind of figured,” Liz said. “But in the future, I have a car besides my bike.
The silver Camaro outside is mine.”

“Really?” Jason said. “Okay, I’ll remember that in the future.”

The two walked down the stairs and through Jake’s, Jason glaring at several bar
patrons who let out suggestive whistles.

Jason opened the door to the black town car and Liz got in, Jason following. Once
settled, Jason tapped on the tinted divider and Francis drove away from Jake’s.

Chapter 5

At the Port Charles Grille, Francis opened the door and Jason got out of the car.
He turned back and offered his hand to Liz to help her out. Liz took his hand and
smiled as she lifted up her dress a bit to climb out of the car.

Liz put her hand at the crook of Jason’s elbow and Jason placed his other hand on
top of hers. They walked inside the Grille and were stopped by the host.

“Miss. Quartermaine, we didn’t know you’d be here this evening,” he said. “Will
you be joining your family?”

“My family?” Liz asked, confused. She glanced to the side and saw all the
Quartermaine’s, including AJ, sitting at their usual table. “Oh no.”

“We could go somewhere else,” Jason offered.

“No, this is fine,” Liz said. “Could you please seat us away from them? And do not
tell them that I am here.”

“But Miss. Quartermaine, your grandfather insisted that…” the host said.

“My name is Liz Webber and you are not to inform the Quartermaines of my presence.
Understood?” Liz said.

“Yes Miss. Quar…Webber,” the host said.

He brought them to their table and Liz and Jason sat down. They looked at their
menus and ordered before saying anything to each other.

“What did they do to you that makes you hate them so much?” Jason asked.

“I don’t hate all of them,” Liz said. “I mean I wouldn’t mind being around Lila,
or Emily, or even Monica sometimes, but Edward and Alan, they just won’t settle
for anyone other than perfect Miss. Elizabeth Quartermaine, excellent student,
aspiring doctor, poised, polite. Basically everything but me.”

“I’m sure it’s not like that,” Jason said.

“Then you should have been there the week after my accident,” Liz said. “The
things they said to me. You don’t know how many times I heard, ‘oh, you wanted to
be a doctor.’ It drove me crazy. I’m surprised I didn’t destroy the house, all I
wanted to do was yell, scream, and break things. But I settled for getting the
hell out of there.”
“It was that bad?” Jason asked.

“It still is,” Liz said. “When they find out that I’m working with you and that
you and Sonny are now large quantity stockholders in ELQ, they’ll flip. I mean, I
can’t even imagine what my future’s gonna look like.”

“Don’t think about the future,” Jason said. “Live for today. For right now.”

“What do you mean?” Liz asked.

“Dance with me?” Jason asked, glancing at the dance floor below them a bit.

“Okay,” Liz said, taking his hand. She left her wrap on the chair and walked with
Jason to the dance floor.

Jason spun Liz out and then pulled her into his arms as a new song began. They
danced slowly to the music, swaying back and forth, almost not moving at all. Liz
rested her head on Jason’s chest and Jason had his arms around Liz’s waist,
occasionally moving his hand up and down along her back. Towards the end of their
dance, Liz looked up at Jason suddenly having the desire to kiss him again.

She wasn’t sure where it had come from, but Liz knew that she needed to feel
Jason’s mouth on hers again. Jason saw it in her eyes, now a deep blue color, and
lowered his head to kiss her. Liz rose on her toes to meet him, tightening her
arms around his neck. The moment his lips touched hers, Liz ran her tongue along
Jason’s bottom lip and he groaned as he opened his mouth to her. Realizing, a few
moment or so later, where they were Jason and Liz reluctantly pulled apart. Liz’s
cheeks reddened as Jason traced her lips with his thumb.

“No one has ever kissed me like that before,” Jason said. “Except for last night.”
Liz smiled and Jason continued. “I don’t know what that means, but I know that I
feel something real for you and I want to be with you.”

“I feel it too, Jason,” Liz said. “I’m falling for you. I want to be with you

Jason smiled and lifted Liz into his arms and spun her around.

“You’re crazy you know that,” Liz said, through a giggle as Jason put her back on
the ground.

“I know,” Jason said, stealing a kiss before taking her hand and walking her back
to their table.

When they got there, Emily was sitting there, waiting.

“Emily, what are you doing here?” Liz asked.

“Liz, I’m so sorry,” Emily said. “I was coming in and Reginald was helping me with
my bags and I was telling him about my afternoon. I mentioned about buying you a
dress for your date at the Grille tonight. I swear I didn’t know anyone else was
there, but Grandfather must have heard me. I’m so sorry, Liz. I didn’t mean it.”

“I know, Em,” Liz said. “It’s okay. But what is everyone doing here?”

“Grandfather said that he wanted to come here for dinner. I didn’t know he had
heard me, even after we got here, but when he saw you come in, he made a comment
to Dad and I realized that he must have heard me,” Emily said.
“What does he want?” Liz asked.

“He said that he just wanted to check up on you,” Emily said. “See how you were
and who you’re date was.”

“He doesn’t want to talk to me about anything?” Liz asked.

“Not particularly. Why?” Emily asked. “Did you do something?”

“Of course not, but you know Edward,” Liz said.

“Yeah,” Emily said.

“Why don’t you go back to the table and have your dinner and I’ll talk to you
later on,” Liz said. “And I didn’t forget what we talked about. I’m setting it

“Thank you,” Emily said, hugging her sister and going back to her table.

“What other thing are you setting up for her?” Jason asked.

“I was thinking about setting her up with Johnny,” Liz said. “What do you think?”

“It could work,” Jason said.

“Good, maybe we can double next weekend just to see if they hit it off,” Liz said.

“Sounds good to me,” Jason said.


“So,” Jason said when he and Liz got back to Jake’s.

“I had an amazing time tonight, Jason,” Liz said. “Thank you.”

“I enjoyed it too,” Jason said.

“Do you want to come in?” Liz asked.

“I should really get home,” Jason said. “I have a lot of paperwork to finish. I’ll
see you at the warehouse tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” Liz said.

Jason leaned down and kissed her. It was meant to be a simple goodnight kiss, but
turned into something much more, just as their previous two had been.

“I should go,” Jason said when the kiss broke.

“But you don’t want to,” Liz said.

“No, but we can’t do this now,” Jason said. “I mean, I can’t even describe how you
make me feel, but I don’t want to rush this. This is new for both of us, and I
want us to take our time. I care about you, Liz, but we’ve got all the time in the
“I know, I know,” Liz said. “I can do that. We can slow down.”

Jason smiled and lightly kissed Liz’s lips.

“Good night, Liz,” Jason said.

“Good night, Jason,” Liz replied.


The next morning, Liz arrived at the warehouse at 8:45 AM. Johnny was outside
waiting for the morning crew when Liz came across the docks.

“Morning Liz,” Johnny said.

“Hey Johnny,” Liz said. “I’m glad you’re here, I have a proposition for you.”

“What’s up?” Johnny asked.

“My sister just broke up with her boyfriend, who was a real jerk, and I was
thinking that maybe you’d be interested in going out with her,” Liz said. “I mean,
Jason and I would go too, you could just go out for a night and get to know her
and who knows, maybe you’ll hit it off.”

“It sounds fine,” Johnny said. “Are you gonna tell me anything about her?”

“Her name is Emily, and she is a Quartermaine, but don’t let that stop you. She’s
one of the normal one’s,” Liz replied. Johnny laughed and Liz continued. “She’s 18
and she’s a senior at PC High. She’s smart, she’s funny, she’s pretty, and that’s
all I can come up with right now.”

“I guess one date can’t hurt,” Johnny said.

“Good,” Liz replied. “I’ll call her and then get back to you. You free Friday

“I am,” Johnny said.

“Okay then,” Liz said as something hard struck her right shoulder.

She turned around swiftly and saw Jason standing on the docks, laughing, and
holding a second snowball in his hand.

“Oh no you didn’t,” Liz said. “You just started a war, honey.”

Jason smiled and launched the second snowball towards Liz, hitting her in the

Johnny laughed and Liz turned around and glared at him.

“You better either back away or choose a side,” Liz said to Johnny. “And I suggest
you choose wisely.”

Johnny stopped laughing and took a step back towards the warehouse door. He wasn’t
about to choose between his bosses, one his best friend, the other, a girl who’d
just gotten him his first date in months. And seeing as they both were strong and
had perfect aim, Johnny thought it wise to stay neutral.
“Good choice,” Liz said, forming a snowball in her hand. Satisfied, she threw it,
hard, in Jason’s direction, hitting him in the chest.

“Hey,” Jason said. “I wasn’t throwing that hard.”

“You started the war,” Liz said, throwing another snowball at Jason, hitting the
hand that held a snowball, and knocking it to the ground.

Jason looked in Liz’s direction and smiled. Liz looked confused and Jason took off
in her direction, charging directly at her. He hit her directly and they both went
tumbling into a snowdrift.

As the snowball fight escalated, the noise could be heard from inside and Sonny
made his way out to see what was going on. When he made it outside, he stood
beside Johnny and watched as the new couple carried on in the snow.

Sonny laughed as Liz managed to get a handful of snow and drop it in Jason’s face.
Jason shook it off and rolled over so the he had pinned Liz to the ground. He
managed to remove the snowball from her hand as he leaned down and kissed her.
When he had unarmed her, he stood up and left Liz lying in the snow.

“Jason,” Liz said. “That’s not fair.”

“Life’s not fair, baby,” Jason said. He finally offered his hand and pulled Liz
out of the snow.

“Thank you,” Liz said, brushing herself.

“Did you two enjoy yourselves?” Sonny asked as they approached the door to the

“Of course,” Liz said, leaning up at Jason and kissing his cheek lightly.

“You are now soaking wet,” Sonny said. “Come inside before you both catch

“Yes Dad,” Jason said, with a laugh. Liz joined his laughter, as did Johnny, and
Sonny rolled his eyes as the group walked inside.

Chapter 6

Around the middle of the week, Liz met up with Emily at Kelly’s to help her study
for Psychology.

“Thank you again for your help, Liz,” Emily said, gathering up her books.

“No problem,” Liz replied. “Oh by the way, I set up that thing for Friday night if
you’re still interested.”

“Sure,” Emily replied.

“I figured we could hit a club, but if you’re not up for it…” Liz said.

“Are you kidding?” Emily exclaimed. “It’ll be just like old…sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Liz said. “And you’re right. It will be. So come by Jake’s at 7:30 PM
and we can get ready. Jason and Johnny will meet us there.
“Okay,” Emily said, excitedly. “And thank you.”

Liz smiled as her sister ran out of Kelly’s.


Friday, Johnny’s apartment…

“This seemed like a really good idea when she asked me,” Johnny said to Jason.

“You’ll be fine,” Jason replied. “Emily’s really sweet and Liz is really excited
about this, so if not for Liz or Emily, do it for me.”

“Alright, but I’m not sure about this whole club thing,” Johnny said.

“You’ll be fine,” Jason said again.

“Okay,” Johnny replied.

“Now that we understand each other, we’d better go. I don’t want to be late,”
Jason said.


Meanwhile, in Liz’s room at Jake’s…

“I told you the pants were perfect,” Liz said as Emily checked the mirror at her
outfit, black leather pants, boots, and a red halter.

“Thanks,” Emily said. “That skirt is hot.”

Liz admired her ensemble and laughed. She was wearing a short black skirt, black
strappy shoes, and a silver halter.

“If Edward and Alan saw how I’ve corrupted you, they’d have my head,” Liz said.

“We’ve been like this for years,” Emily said. “They haven’t noticed yet.”

“Good point,” Liz said. “So, are we ready?”

“We are,” Emily said.

They took one last look at the mirror, pulled on their jackets, and headed for the


Fifteen minutes later, Emily and Liz had arrived first.

“Do we wait for them or go inside?” Emily asked.

“Taking into consideration that it’s twenty below out here, I say we go inside,”
Liz replied.

“I agree,” Emily said.

“But seeing as they’re pulling up,” Liz said, spotting Johnny’s truck. “I think we
can wait.”
“Okay,” Emily said.

As Jason and Johnny approached, Emily looked at Liz and smiled.

“He’s cute,” she whispered.

“I told you,” Liz said.

When the two men got closer, Liz moved into Jason’s arms and kissed him deeply.

“Hi,” she said when she pulled away.

“That’s a greeting I could get used to,” Jason replied.

Liz giggled and Johnny and Emily smiled at each other.

“Sorry,” Liz said, remembering that she hadn’t introduced them. “Em, this is
Johnny. Johnny, this is my sister Emily.”

“Nice to meet you,” Johnny said kissing her cheek lightly.

“You too,” Emily said.

“So, I for one am freezing. Shall we go inside?” Liz said with a laugh.

The group went inside the club and grabbed an open table. The crowd was minimal
for a Friday night, but it was still early for the club scene. Less people made it
easier for them to talk, not yet feeling like dancing.

Liz unzipped her long jacket and Jason helped her take it off. His eyes raked over
her and he wasn’t quite sure what to say. Emily slipped her coat off and put it on
the back of her chair before turning back to Johnny, Jason, and her sister.

“My God, woman,” Jason finally said to Liz. “Do you do this to me on purpose?”

“Would you like it if I said I did?” Liz asked him, softly so only he could hear.

“Honey, you make me crazy?” Jason whispered in her ear. He nipped her earlobe and
Liz giggled.

“You look very nice, Emily,” Johnny said, trying not to be too forward.

“Thank you,” Emily said.

Johnny pulled a chair out for Emily and pushed it in after she sat. He sat next to
her and the two tried to avert their attention from Jason and Liz; Liz was now
sitting on Jason’s lap and they were kissing, again.

Emily and Johnny found they had a lot in common and enjoyed each other’s company.
Jason and Liz were enjoying being together and were both pleased that Emily and
Johnny had hit it off.

“Liz,” Emily said a little while later. “Feel like dancing?”

“You know it,” Liz replied. “You guys don’t mind?”

The brothers looked at each other and Jason answered.

“No, go ahead,” Jason said.

Emily and Liz got up from the table and walked to the dance floor.

Jason and Johnny soon noticed the crowd the girls were drawing and both began to
feel the pangs of jealousy. Jason more so as he watched Lucky Spencer come up
behind Liz and put his hands on her hips.

“I think it’s time we join them,” Jason said.

Johnny nodded and as they walked towards Liz and Emily, Jason smiled when he saw
Liz remove Lucky’s hands and push him away from her.

“It took you long enough,” Liz said, putting her arms around his neck when he
reached her. “Can you dance?”

“You know I can,” Jason said.

“This is a little different,” Liz said.

“Oh,” Jason said.

“But don’t worry,” Liz said, a wicked smiled appearing on her face. “I’ll be

Jason groaned as Liz moved closer to him.

Johnny met up with Emily and the two of them quickly got into the song. The crowd,
mostly guys, began to back away slowly, realizing who the two men dancing with the
girls were. Elizabeth and Emily Quartermaine had been the queens of the dance
floor for a while, but the past two weeks had changed Elizabeth. Now the only guys
to approach her were daring and or stupid. Elizabeth had a new reputation. She was
calling herself Liz Webber and the new name came with a new attitude. She was
sought by every guy in the club with a pulse, but she was also feared by them.


Lucky Spencer watched from the side, angrily, as Liz began to move with Jason.
Lucky had known Elizabeth Quartermaine well, but this Liz Webber claimed to not
know him. But he would make her remember. She WOULD remember.


“Now move your feet apart a little bit,” Liz said, brushing her knee against his
inner thigh. “Good. Now just move with me.”

“What is she doing?” Johnny asked Emily.

“She’s teaching him to grind,” Emily said.

“Oh,” Johnny said. “If Sonny was here to see this…”

“Why is that funny?” Emily asked.

“Sonny always catches them in…interesting situations,” Johnny said with a laugh.

“Like what?” Emily asked.

“A snowball fight outside the warehouse, Liz fighting with the warehouse foreman,
things like that,” Johnny said.

“That sounds like Liz,” Emily said.

“She’s great for my brother,” Johnny said.

“I’m glad she’s happy,” Emily said. “It’s been hard for her.”


“I think I could get used to this,” Jason said as he and Liz continued to move
with the music.

The space between them was non-existent and all that was going through Liz’s head
was how being in close proximity with Jason was making her feel. She was
definitely falling in love with him and she knew for sure that he was the only one
for her.


Two hours later, the club scene got tiring and the two couples decided to go to
the lake, which had frozen over for the winter.

“It’s eleven o’clock,” Emily said. “Should we be here?”

“Sure,” Liz said. “It’s public property. It doesn’t close.”

“Okay, then what are we going to do here?” Emily asked.

“I say we pick up where we left off the other day,” Jason said, launching a
snowball at Liz.

“Not again,” Liz said, ducking as the snowball sailed passed her head.

“So what do you suggest we do?” Jason said.

“The lake is frozen,” Liz said. “You can skate on it.”

“I can’t skate,” Jason said.

“And where are we going to find ice skates at eleven o’clock at night?” Emily

“Don’t you think that I thought of that ahead of time?” Liz said, opening her

Inside were four pairs of skates in sizes for herself, Emily, Johnny, and Jason.

“This is going to be so much fun,” Emily said grabbing her skates and sitting on
the bench to put them on.

“I seriously can’t skate, Liz,” Jason said.

“It’s not hard,” Liz said. “But if you’d rather just leave your shoes on and walk
on the ice, fine.”
“Thank you,” Jason said, putting the skates back. The last thing he needed was to
embarrass himself by falling, a lot.

Johnny, on the other hand, had skated before and sat next to Emily to put his
skates on.

“I think your brother’s scared,” Emily said.

“He’s probably just afraid to fall,” Johnny said. “Although it would be just like
him and Liz to be falling all over the ice.”

Johnny and Emily both laughed as Johnny offered his hand to Emily to help her up.
They carefully moved to the ice and stepped on. They stood for a minute to gain
the balance and then pushed off.

“See,” Liz said. “It wouldn’t have been that hard.”

“I’ll just walk with you,” Jason said.

“I’m just gonna turn my car stereo on first,” Liz said.

She leaned over the driver’s seat of her car and switched on her stereo, turning
the volume up.

“That’s better,” Liz said. “Now I have something to skate to.”

“You skate?” Jason asked as he watched Liz glide gracefully across the ice.

“I found my skates going through some of Elizabeth’s stuff the other day and I
found old skates and medals so I asked my grandmother about them,” Liz said,
skating into Jason’s arms.

“What did she say?” Jason said, taking Liz’s hand and stepping from the snow to
the ice.

“Elizabeth used to skate,” Liz said. “And she was really good. Competition good.
She wanted to be a skater, go to the Olympics, but Alan and Edward quickly talked
her out of it, and I guess the dream died.”

“You think you can still do it?” Jason asked.

“I can still dance. It’s just a matter of getting started,” Liz said.

While Jason walked with Liz around the ice, Johnny and Emily skated around hand-
in-hand. When Liz felt more confident on her feet she heard a slower song begin to
play from her car.

“Feel like dancing?” she asked.

“On ice?” Jason said.

“Just try it,” Liz said. “Come here.”

Unable to resist the smile on her face, Jason stepped closer to her and slid his
arms around her waist.

I don't know how, I don't know why

But girl it seems you've touched my life
You're in my dreams, you're in my heart
I'm not myself when we're apart

Something strange has come over me

A raging wind across my seas
And girl you know that your eyes are to blame
What am I supposed to do if I can't get over you
And come to find that you don't feel the same

Johnny and Emily watched as Jason and Liz began to dance and Johnny looked at

“Wanna give it a try?” he asked.

“Sure,” Emily said. She moved her arms around Johnny’s neck and he placed his
hands on her hips and they began to move, carefully, to the music.

Cause I'm falling, falling

Girl, I'm falling for you
And I pray you're falling too
I've been falling, falling
Ever since the moment
I laid eyes on you

Falling, falling, falling

When I laid eyes on you
Falling, falling, falling

Jason listened to the words to the music as he held Liz in his arms and thought
about how fitting the song was. If he could have nothing more in his life, Liz
would be enough to make him happy. His feelings scared him because he’d never felt
anything like it in his life, but he didn’t want them to go away. Being around
Liz, just hearing her voice, did amazing things to him.

I lose my step, I lose my ground

I lose myself when you're around
I'm holding on for my life
To keep from drowning in your eyes

Girl what have you done to me

To make me for fall so desperately
To think that I don't even know your name
And how am I supposed to live
If I can't get over this
You decide that you don't feel the same

Cause I'm falling, falling

Girl, I'm falling for you
And I pray you're falling too
I've been falling, falling
Will you stay or will you go
Heaven knows what my future holds
Questions linger on my mind
From daybreak to dark of night
I'm falling
I don't know what's come over me
Can’t you see

“They’re right, you know,” Jason said softly.

“Who’s right?” Liz asked.

“Whoever’s singing,” Jason said. “I’m falling in love with you Liz.”

Liz smiled up at him and kissed him, showing him that she too was falling in love.


“I’m having a really good time tonight, Johnny,” Emily said.

“Me too,” Johnny said. “Maybe we could do it again.”

“I’d like that,” Emily said.

Emily stumbled a bit and Johnny tightened his hold on her to keep her from
falling. When she steadied she realized how close they were and looked up at

When she saw his eyes as he lowered his head, Emily knew he was going to kiss her,
but couldn’t prepare herself for how it would feel.

When his lips first touched hers it was gentle, sweet. He pulled away to look at
her and she smiled, before pulling him back down to kiss her again. When his lips
met hers again, he traced her bottom lip with his tongue and she opened her mouth
to him. Their tongues touched lightly and she moaned into his mouth.

When the kiss broke, Emily’s cheek reddened and she giggled.

“What?” Johnny said, confused.

“No one’s ever kissed me like that before,” Emily said.

“I don’t think I’ve ever kissed anyone like that before,” Johnny said.

The two laughed and kissed again.

I'm falling, falling

Girl, I'm falling for you
And I pray you're falling too
Falling, falling
Ever since the moment
I laid eyes on you

“I told you it would be fun,” Liz said skating around Jason when the song was

“You did,” Jason said, grabbing her arm and pulling her to him for another kiss.

“You two ready?” Johnny asked. “It’s getting cold and it looks like snow again.”

“You can take your skates off awhile. I just want to try something before we go,”
Liz said.

Almost reading her mind, Jason looked at Liz.

“Liz, I don’t know,” Jason said. “This isn’t like dancing. If you mess up, you’re
going to hurt yourself.”

“I won’t mess up then,” Liz said.

Jason looked at her, his eyes pleading with her to rethink her decision.

“I’ll be fine,” Liz said. “Go wait over there with them.”

Jason shook his head as Liz pushed off of him and skated around the ice. She began
to pick up more speed as Jason joined Johnny and Emily.

“Hey bro,” Johnny said. “What is she doing?”

“Oh no,” Emily said. “She’s gonna see if she can still land a jump.”

“Could she do it before…the accident?” Jason asked.

“She was amazing before,” Emily said. “But it’s dangerous if she can’t do it now.”

The three watched as Liz took off from the ice in a double axel. Jason was tempted
to cover his eyes, but couldn’t. He watched as Liz landed flawlessly and slowed to
a stop with a smile on her face.

“See?” she called to them.

“Liz, you can still do it,” Emily said, excitedly.

“I know,” Liz said. “Em, do you remember my signature jump?”

“A triple Lutz into a triple Sal chow,” Emily said. “But that took you months to

“You don’t think I remember how,” Liz stated.

“No, I’m sure you do,” Emily said. “But you haven’t done it since last winter.”

“Then I’ll just have to start a new skating season with a bang,” Liz said.

She took off across the ice before her sister could protest and picking up speed
she went into a triple Lutz. Landing even smoother than before, she went
immediately into a triple Sal chow.

The three watched as she landed and skated back over to them.

“I think it’s safe to say that I remember how to skate,” Liz said.

Jason smiled as he sat beside her.

“Just promise me you want do anything like that to me again,” Jason said. “I
couldn’t bear to see you get hurt.”

“That’s so sweet,” Liz said, kissing his lips lightly before removing her skates.

It was around 12:30 AM when Jason and Liz got back to Jake’s. Johnny had taken
Emily home and the two had exchanged numbers. Jason and Liz were glad that their
younger siblings had enjoyed themselves.

“Good night, Jason,” Liz said.

“Night,” Jason replied.

“And don’t forget, we have the first stockholders meeting at ELQ tomorrow. And we
can’t be late,” Liz said. “I don’t want to miss a second of Edward’s ranting

“Sounds like entertainment,” Jason said.

“Oh it will be,” Liz said.

She laughed as she closed her door and Jason smiled. Tomorrow would certainly be a
new adventure.

Chapter 7

The next afternoon, Jason, Liz, and Sonny took Sonny’s limo from the warehouse to
the ELQ offices.

“Can you handle being near Edward and Alan?” Jason asked as the limo pulled up to
the building.

“I’ll be fine,” Liz said. “I’m actually looking forward to this.”

“So am I,” Sonny said with a laugh.

“Basically what will happen is they’ll start the meeting and new business will
come up,” Liz said. “The stock ownership will be brought up and then you to can
join us.”


Outside the conference room, Jason and Sonny waited, making sure to not be seen by
Edward, Alan, or Jax.

Inside, Liz walked in and took her seat, not acknowledging anyone else in the
room. Edward and Alan looked at each other, smiling. Maybe Elizabeth was coming
back to them after all.

“This meeting is now called to order,” Edward said. “Our first order of business
is, well first I’d like to welcome my granddaughter, Elizabeth back to the ELQ

A round of applause sounded and Liz nodded politely, anxiously waiting for the
meeting to actually begin.

“Now, for business today,” Edward said. “First, it has come to my attention that
their have been several large stock transfers and we are welcoming two new holders
to our table.”

“Who transferred their stock, Edward?” Jax asked. “We’re all here.”
“That’s a good question, Jax,” Edward replied. “Who transferred ownership of a
large amount of stock?”

The room fell silent and everyone looked around at each other.

“I did,” Liz said, speaking up.

“Elizabeth,” Edward said.

“Edward,” Liz said in a mocking tone. “Isn’t it time that the new stockholders
join us?”

“Yes,” Edward said. “Of course it is. Elizabeth if you needed money…”

“Edward, this is neither the time nor the place and it wasn’t about money,” Liz

The doors of the conference room opened and Jason and Sonny walked in.

“What are you two hooligans doing in my building?” Edward shouted. “Who let you in

Liz smiled and turned to Sonny and Jason. She kissed Sonny’s cheek and turned to

“You’re evil,” Jason whispered when she was closer to him.

“I know,” she replied softly.

Louder, she continued, “Hi, baby.”

She kissed him soundly on the lips and the three sat down at the table.

“I’ll ask you again, Corinthos,” Edward said. “What are you doing here?”

“Do you treat all of your new investors in this manner?” Sonny asked with his
signature smile.

“No, no, you couldn’t…Elizabeth,” Edward said with a gasp.

“My name is Liz,” she replied. “And yes, I did.”

“How could you?” Edward said. “These criminals will destroy my company.”

“Do not speak about them that way,” Liz said, sharply. “Sonny is my friend and my

“Partner,” Sonny corrected.

“Yes, partner,” Liz said. “And Jason is my partner, as well as my boyfriend. You
may not like them, but they have a right to be here, just like everyone else in
the room.”

“You can’t possibly be dating Jason Morgan,” Alan said, shocked.

“Really?” Liz said. She smiled wickedly, stood up, and sat herself in Jason’s lap.
She leaned down and kissed him deeply, her tongue seeking entrance. Jason complied
and as his tongue touched hers, his hands went to the clip in her hair, removing
it and letting her hair tumble down. The clip slid across the table and Jason
tangled his fingers in Liz’s hair.

“Ahem,” Edward said loudly. “Ahem.”

Liz ignored him and continued to kiss Jason. When they finally pulled apart, only
for lack of oxygen, Liz reseated herself in her chair next to Jason’s and took his
hand, intertwining their fingers.

“Elizabeth,” Alan said. “This isn’t like you. You would never be with a man like
Morgan. You wanted to be…”

“Don’t say it,” Liz screamed. “Don’t you dare to say it.”

“Elizabeth,” Alan said.

“Elizabeth is dead,” Liz cried. “Elizabeth is dead.”

Liz broke down, crying, and Sonny and Jason looked at each other.

Jason turned his chair to face Liz’s, slid one arm under her legs and another
across her back. She instantly locked her arms around Jason’s neck and rested her
head on his chest.

“Don’t even think abut taking her out of here with you,” Alan said. “She’s our
responsibility to take care of. She’s my daughter.”

“Then start treating her like your daughter,” Jason said, lethally. “She’s not who
she used to be and no amount of you telling her who she was is going to change
that. And maybe it’s hard for you to except who she’s become, but she’s still your
daughter. You may think she’s not good enough because she gave up on being a
doctor, but maybe the truth is that you’re not good enough for her.”

That said, Sonny opened the door and he and Jason, with Liz in his arms, walked
out of the conference room, out of ELQ, and into Sonny’s limo.


“That wasn’t what I had in mind,” Liz said when she finally spoke.

“Are you alright?” Jason asked.

“Yes, and I’m sorry,” Liz said. “It’s just that the more he spoke, the more I saw
of Elizabeth and it just didn’t stop.”

“What do you mean you saw Elizabeth?” Sonny asked gently.

“I get these flashes, memories, I guess,” Liz said. “And they were just
overwhelming this time.”

“You’re remembering who you are?” Jason asked.

“Who Elizabeth was,” Liz corrected. “I’m not her and no matter what I remember, I
don’t want to be. I like who I am, I like my freedom, and I like being with you.”

Jason forced a smile, unconvinced, as a wave of fear washed over him.

“You’re afraid that if I remember everything about Elizabeth’s life, I’ll leave
you and go back to it,” Liz stated.

“Yes,” Jason said, softly, looking away from her.

“Look at me,” Liz said. She took Jason’s face in her hands and forced his eyes to
meet hers. “Look at me, baby. It won’t happen. In the few weeks that I’ve known,
you’ve shown me more about myself than the Quartermaines ever did with Elizabeth.
You’ve never judged me, you’ve never told me what to do, who to be. I’m me with
you. If things had been different with the Quartermaines, this is who I’d be. I’d
be free. I wouldn’t have to hide behind a mask of perfection. This is me, Jason.
And you are who I want to be with.”

Jason smiled and lightly kissed Liz’s lips. Sonny rolled his eyes and cleared his

“Sorry,” Liz said, settling back into Jason’s arms. “We forgot you were there.”

“Johnny said you two have that tendency,” Sonny said.

Liz blushed, her thoughts going back to the previous evening. Dancing on the ice
with Jason, skating again, teaching Jason to grind at the club. She’d been so
close to him then, and her body had reacted. Her thoughts drifted further, to what
it would be like to make love to Jason, how he would feel inside her.

“Liz,” Jason called. “Liz, honey, you there?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, sorry,” Liz replied. “Just got lost in my thoughts.”

“Care to share?” Jason asked, curiously.

“Maybe later,” Liz said. She moved closer to Jason to whisper in his ear. “I don’t
think Sonny needs or would want to hear what I was thinking about.”

Jason groaned as Liz pulled away from him.

“Am I missing something?” Sonny asked.

“Nothing you need to worry yourself with,” Liz replied.


Back at the warehouse, an hour or so passed and Liz has occupied herself with
paperwork. Jason tried working, but spent the better part of an hour pacing,
thinking about what Liz had said in the limo.

“Hey,” Liz said, coming into Jason’s office. “I’ve been watching you pace and it’s
making me dizzy so I can’t get any work down. What’s on your mind?”

“I can’t stop thinking about what you said,” Jason admitted.

“About what I was thinking,” Liz said.

“Yeah,” Jason said.

“You want to know?” Liz asked.

“Yes, please,” Jason said. “Then maybe I’ll get some work done.”
“I doubt it,” Liz said, moving closer to him.

“My God,” Jason groaned as Liz pressed herself against him.

“I was thinking about last night,” Liz said, kissing Jason’s neck. “About dancing
with you, how close you were to me. And I was thinking about what making love to
you would be like, how it would feel to have you inside me.”

“What are you trying to do to me?” Jason asked, his breathing erratic.

“Maybe something, maybe nothing,” Liz said, teasingly.

Having had enough, Jason swiftly tuned Liz around, pushed her against his desk,
and kissed her. Their tongues dancing together, Jason ran his hand up Liz’s leg.

Liz mumbled something against Jason’s mouth ad he pulled away.

“What?” he asked, breathlessly.

Couch,” Liz said, turning her head towards the couch against the wall across from
Jason’s desk.

Jason ran his hands down Liz’s bottom and lifted her up, her legs locking around
Jason’s waist.

He lay her on the couch and she pulled him on top of her, their kiss never
breaking. Liz pushed Jason’s suit jacket off his shoulders and it fell to the
floor. She fumbled a little with the buttons of his shirt, but managed to undo
them and the shirt joined the jacket. Jason’s hand went under Liz’s sweater and
cupped her breast through her lacy bra. Liz moaned into Jason’s mouth as her hands
ran up Jason’s bare chest. He pulled Liz’s sweater over her head and his mouth
moved down her neck and throat, trailing lower to her breast. He kissed the creamy
mound and his teeth grazed her nipple. She cried out again and Jason covered her
mouth with his to silence her. His hand went back to her leg and ran up to her
thigh, slipping under her skirt.

“Sweet Jesus,” a voice said as the door hit the wall loudly.

“Oh man,” Liz said as Jason moved off of her.

Johnny and Sonny were standing in Jason’s office staring at the disheveled couple.

Liz pulled her sweater on and Jason struggled to put his shirt back on.

“Do you need something?” Jason asked.

“Yeah, um, I needed the paperwork from the Puerto Rico file,” Sonny said, his eyes
never leaving the floor.

“It’s right here,” Jason said, picking it up off the desk and handing it to Sonny.

Sonny and Johnny left quickly and Jason turned to Liz.

“‘Cause that wasn’t embarrassing,” Liz said.

“Sorry,” Jason said.

“Maybe we should get a lock for that door,” Liz said.

“Baby, next time that happens, we won’t be in my office,” Jason said.

“But that’s not to say it’ll never happen in your office,” Liz said.

“Really?” Jason said.

Liz knew that he was testing her and decided to play a little game with Jason’s

“See, I was doing all that work a little while ago because I spent all morning
looking into your office,” Liz said. “I was thinking about the two of us, having
sex on your desk, on your couch, on your chair…”

“Honey, you’ve got to stop doing this to me,” Jason said.

“Alright,” Liz said. “I’ll stop.”

“And just so you know, it’s not just sex with you,” Jason said. “It’ll be making
love. Always.”

Liz smiled and pressed a kiss onto her fingertips and ran her fingers along
Jason’s jaw line before walking back to her office.

Jason watched the sway of her hips back and forth and thought about everything
that she’s said. How would it feel to be inside of her, making love to her?

“What did I do to deserve such an amazing woman?” Jason said, slumping into his
chair and staring at the ceiling.

Chapter 8

The next morning, after her previous encounter with Edward and Alan, Liz decided
that she needed to see her grandmother. From Emily, she learned that Alan and
Monica would be at the hospital all day and Edward at ELQ.

Having heard from Emily about Jason, Liz’s grandmother insisted that Liz bring him
along for their visit.

At around 10AM, Liz and Jason broke from warehouse work and went to the
Quartermaine mansion for tea with Lila.


“Reginald, how are you?” Liz asked when he answered the door.

“Fine. You?” Reginald asked.

“Not bad,” Liz said. “Is Grandmother here?”

“She’s in the living room waiting for you,” Reginald said. “Mr. Morgan.”

“You two know each other?” Liz asked.

“Reggie’s been seeing Sonny’s nanny,” Jason replied.

“Leticia?” Liz said. “Edward must love that.”

“He doesn’t know. And I’d like to keep it that way,” Reginald said. “What about
you and Mr. Morgan?”

“Call me Jason,” Jason said.

“Okay, you and Jason,” Reginald said.

“We’re together,” Liz said simply.

“Oh the old man is gonna love that,” Reginald replied.

“He already knows,” Liz said. “You mean you haven’t heard about yesterday’s ELQ

“That’s what he was ranting about?” Reginald said.

“What do you mean?” Liz asked.

“Last night he was going on and on about Corinthos and Morgan corrupting his
granddaughter and destroying his company,” Reginald said. “He hasn’t mentioned you
as his granddaughter for weeks so I figured he was referring to Emily. She’s been
so cheerful since this new guy she’s been seeing.”

“I’m sorry I missed it,” Liz said.

“So, how about a visit with your grandmother?” Reginald said.

“I definitely need that now,” Liz replied.

“Follow me,” Reginald said.

“Liz, dear, how are you?” Lila said, her voice gentle.

“I’m fine, Grandmother,” Liz replied, kneeling beside her wheelchair and kissing
her cheek.

“And you must be Jason,” Lila said. “My other granddaughter has told me a lot
about you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Jason said.

“The pleasure’s mine,” Lila said. “So tell me about yourself.”

“I’m a partner in a coffee business, I like to ride my motorcycle, and I’m falling
in love with your granddaughter,” Jason said.

“That’s so sweet baby,” Liz said, kissing him lightly.

Lila smiled at the couple. They were definitely in love. Lila was pleased to see
her granddaughter so happy.

“And Liz, what have you been up to?” Lila asked.

“I have a job as a new partner in the coffee business,” Liz said. “I’ve been
spending time with Emily. I started skating again.”
“Really?” Lila said.

“Yes, on the pond the other night,” Liz said.

“And she scared me to death,” Jason added.

“But I landed it, didn’t I?” Liz said.

“That’s great, dear,” Lila said. “I’m glad you’re skating. You were always so good
and I know how much you missed it.”

“Overall, I’m just really enjoying myself,” Liz said.

“That’s good to hear,” Lila said. “And I can definitely tell. You look happy.”

Reginald came in with a tray of tea and cookies and set it down on the table in
front of them.

“Thank you, Reginald,” Lila said.

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Quartermaine,” he replied. “Enjoy.”

“So Jason,” Lila said. “Are you taking good care of my granddaughter?”

“I hope so. She definitely deserves it,” Jason said.

“That she does,” Lila said, taking a sip of tea.

“Elizabeth,” a voice called, entering the room.

“Who are you?” Liz asked, turning to see a young man standing in the room.

“AJ, what are you doing here?” Lila asked.

“I was released,” AJ said. “I went through my thirty days of detox and


“I trust you’re doing better,” Lila said.

“I’m taking one day at a time, but I’m working hard at staying sober,” AJ said.
“Elizabeth, I’m so glad you’re alright.”

“I don’t know you, but it’s nice to meet you,” Liz said, offering her hand.

Confused, AJ shook his sister’s hand. When their hands were joined, Liz closed her
eyes and saw a confrontation in the room she was in, herself running after the man
whose hand she held, a car crashing into a tree, and herself, lying on the ground
near it, unconscious.

Pulling her hand from AJ’s, she let out a gasp and her eyes shot open.

“Liz, honey, are you okay?” Jason asked, by her side instantly.

“I saw it,” Liz said. “I saw the accident.”

“I’m sorry, Elizabeth,” AJ said. “I’m so sorry.”

“You!” Liz exclaimed. “You did this to me. You almost killed me.”

Jason managed to get a hold of Liz before she attacked AJ.

“Sh,” Jason said, rocking her a little. “Calm down. Breathe. That’s my girl.”

“What is going on here?” another voice boomed. “AJ, what did you do?”

“Edward, stop that,” Lila said. “It wasn’t AJ’s fault.”

“And what are YOU doing in my house?” Edward yelled when he noticed Jason holding

“Edward, that’s enough,” Lila said. “AJ’s done his rehab and is home for good. Liz
is just upset because she remembered the accident. And she and Jason are here
visiting me, which is none of your concern.”

“Jason? You’re on a first name basis with this criminal?” Edward exclaimed.

“Grandfather!” Emily exclaimed, entering the room.

“Emily, shouldn’t you be in school?” Edward asked.

“Half day,” Emily replied. “Oh, AJ it’s good to see you.”

“You too, Em,” AJ said, hugging his sister.

“Hey Em,” Liz said, turning out of Jason’s embrace.

“Everything okay?” Emily asked.

“I’m fine,” Liz said. “It was just a bit overwhelming.”

“Of course,” Emily said.

“And AJ, I’m sorry,” Liz said. “I’m sure you’ve gotten the help that you needed
and I’m glad you’re better.”

“Thank you,” AJ said. “You know, I’d like to get to know you again. Maybe we could
have lunch sometime. Emily too, all of us together.”

“I’d like that,” Liz said. “Grandmother, I’m sorry to cut this short, but Jason
and I should get back to the warehouse.”

“Of course, dear,” Lila said. “It was nice to see you. Come by again soon?”

“We will,” Liz replied.

She and Jason knelt beside Lila and both kissed her cheek, as Edward watched,

“Em, the No-Name tonight?” Liz said as she and Jason left.

“We’ll be there,” Emily replied.


Back at the warehouse…

“That wasn’t too bad,” Liz said.

“No,” Jason agreed. “You know, you’re grandmother’s a great woman.”

“She is,” Liz replied.

“It’s a shame Edward showed up,” Jason said.

“No, I was ready to go anyway,” Liz said. “Besides, Edward’s not bad when you
ignore him.”

“And you did that so well today,” Jason said kissing her.

“I should get back to work,” Liz said.

“Me too,” Jason replied.

“I’ll be by your office in a little while. You have to sign the books when I’m
finished,” Liz said.

“Okay,” Jason said.

He kissed her lightly and she disappeared inside her office.


Later that afternoon, at the Quartermaine mansion…

“Reginald, tell the cook not to prepare dinner tonight,” Edward said.

“Are we going somewhere?” Monica asked.

“The No-Name,” Edward replied.

“Father, that’s not really our scene,” Alan said.

“Probably not, but don’t you want to see what your daughters are up to?” Edward

“Elizabeth and Emily will be there together?” Monica said.

“With that hooligan Morgan, and no doubt Emily’s new boyfriend,” Edward said.

“Then I guess we’re going to the No-Name,” Monica said.

“Edward, you’re not spying on your granddaughters, are you?” Lila asked.

“It’s not spying,” Edward said. “We’re just conveniently going to be at the same

“I’ll have no part in this,” Lila said. “Liz has already distanced herself from
this family. Don’t make Emily do the same. They’re old enough to do what they want
and I have to tell you, I’ve never seen either of them so happy.”

“But,” Edward said.

“No Edward,” Lila said. “If you do this, my door is closed to you. Reginald.”
Edward shook his head as Reginald took Lila to her room. After a moment, he picked
up the phone.

“The No-Name please,” Edward said.

Chapter 9

The No-Name…

Johnny and Emily were on the dance floor when Jason and Elizabeth arrived. Emily
spotted them and she and Johnny joined them at the table.

“Hey,” Liz said. “Sorry we’re late.”

“We, uh, we got caught up in…” Jason said.

“That think,” Liz said.

“Yeah, that thing,” Jason said. “And we lost track of time.”

“I’m sure you did, bro’,” Johnny said.

“So, what’s for dinner?” Liz asked.

“Here,” Emily said, handing Liz a menu.

They ordered and Emily and Liz excused themselves for the restrooms.

“So what happened with you and Jason to make you guys so late?” Emily asked,
fixing her hair in the mirror.

“Nothing,” Liz said.

“Liz,” Emily said.

“What?” Liz asked. “Nothing new happened. We were just kissing, I swear.”

“Alright,” Emily said.

“By the way, I love that dress,” Liz said looking at Emily’s deep green spaghetti
strapped dress that fell slightly above her knees and hugged all the right curves.

“You look great too,” Emily replied.

Liz was wearing a short, black and red dress. It fell above her knees and had a
slit to mid-thigh. When Jason had seen her, he was rendered speechless. It took
all his willpower to not lead her to the bed and make love to her right then. When
he finally complimented her, they spent the next fifteen minutes lost in
passionate kisses.

“Thanks,” Liz said. “I guess we should head back.”

Emily nodded and the two walked out of the bathroom and back to their table.

“How ‘bout a dance before dinner?” Liz asked Jason.

“Sounds good,” Jason said, taking her hand.

As Jason and Liz found their rhythm on the dance floor, Emily noticed several
familiar faces entering the No-Name.

“Oh no,” Emily groaned, shaking her head.

“Honey, what’s the matter?” Johnny asked, concerned.

“Trouble just walked in the door,” Emily said. “Big trouble.”

Johnny turned to look and saw Edward, Alan, and Monica Quartermaine making their
way into the No-Name.

“Should we get your sister and my brother out of here?” Johnny asked.

“They’re not the only reason that they came,” Emily said.

“So, is it time to go?” Johnny asked.

“I’d say yes, but Liz likes confrontation, especially with the Qs,” Emily said.

“Sounds like fun,” Johnny said.

Emily took Johnny’s hand led him to the dance floor to find Jason and Liz.

“Liz,” Emily called.

“Come to join us?” Liz asked.

“Not exactly,” Emily replied.

“What’s up, bro’?” Jason asked.

“The Quartermaines are here,” Johnny replied.

A wicked smile appeared on Liz’s face and Jason, Johnny, and Emily all looked at
each other.

“I think our evening just got interesting,” Liz said.

“Why don’t I like the sound of that?” Jason asked.

“Just trust me,” Liz said. “It’ll be fine.”

“You want to find them?” Emily asked, confused.

“No,” Liz said. “They’re going to find us.”

“And how exactly is that going to happen?” Emily asked.

“Just dance,” Liz said. “Everything will fall into place.”

“All I have to say is thank God Grandmother’s not here,” Emily said.

Liz laughed as the music picked up and she wrapped her arms around Jason’s neck.

The two couples began to draw a crowd and a circle formed around them. The crowd
cheered as Jason and Liz and Johnny and Emily continued to dance.

Edward looked over and saw that the people receiving the attention were the four
they were looking for. He motioned for Alan and Monica, whose jaws dropped at the
scene in front of them.

Of course, the No-Name happened to be the most popular place of the evening
because at the same time, Sonny walked in with Carly.

“What’s going on?” Carly asked, hearing all the noise.

“I don’t know,” Sonny replied. But he wanted to find out.

He led Carly down the stairs and through the crowd, somehow making his way to the
front. When he and Carly looked in the center Carly was stunned and Sonny started

His best guard and his right hand man were grinding on the dance floor.

“Oh my God,” Carly managed, turning to see Sonny’s reaction.

Also making their way though the crowd were Edward, Alan, and Monica, who were not

“Emily and Elizabeth Quartermaine!” Edward’s voice boomed.

“Let the fun begin,” Sonny said.

“Edward, Alan, Monica,” Liz began. “I believe you know Jason, Emily, of course,
and this is her boyfriend Johnny.”

“What are you doing, young ladies?” Edward asked.

“Dancing,” Liz replied. “What are you doing?”

“We came for some dinner,” Edward said.

“If that was all you were doing then why isn’t Grandmother with you?” Liz asked.

“Your grandmother,” Edward began.

“Knows you came to spy on us and wanted no part in it,” Liz finished.

“Elizabeth,” Monica said. “This isn’t like you. And Emily, what were you

“News flash, Monica, this is me. This is who I am; Liz Webber,” Liz said. “And in
case you missed the last three years, Emily and I do this all the time.”

“You’re a terrible influence on your sister,” Alan said.

“Daddy, I’ve been clubbing since long before Liz Webber came on the scene,” Emily
said, trying to take some of the heat away from Liz.

“You see,” Liz said. “Elizabeth Quartermaine wasn’t a perfect little angel. She
may not have been me, but she had her wild side.”

“Elizabeth was…” Alan began.

“Most times exactly who you wanted her to be,” Liz said. “But I’ll say it again.
This is who I am now. If you don’t like it, that’s your problem, not mine, because
Elizabeth is gone, and she’s NOT coming back.”

Monica could see, for the first time, what Liz was saying. They needed to learn to
accept Liz as Emily and Lila had, or they would lose her for good.

“I think we should go,” she said.

“Monica, I will not have…” Edward said.

“And I will not have you pushing my daughters out of this family,” Monica said.
“Now, I said that’s enough. Let’s go.”

A faint smile appeared on Liz’s face in Monica’s direction and Monica nodded in
reply before pulling Edward and Alan to the door.

“That went well,” Jason said.

“That’s because they haven’t connected you and Johnny yet,” Liz said. “But when
they do…”

“They’re gonna forbid me to see him,” Emily said softly.

“Not if you declare your independence before they have a chance to,” Liz said.

“What are you getting at?” Emily asked.

Chapter 10

“Declare your independence,” Liz said. “Move out of the mansion.”

“And go where?” Emily asked.

“Well you’ve certainly provided the entertainment for the evening,” Sonny said
approaching them.

“Hi Sonny,” Liz said. “So you enjoyed that?”

“It was quite a show,” Carly added.

“Which part?” Liz asked.

“Your confrontation with the Quartermaines was interesting, but that dance…you lit
the place on fire,” Carly said. “Jason, since when do you dance, especially like
that, in public?”

“Since Liz apparently,” Jason replied.

“Excuse me, hello. Back to me leaving the mansion for a minute,” Emily said.

“Right, sorry,” Liz said. “Where you should go.”

“That would help,” Emily said with a laugh.

“Move in with me,” Liz said.

“We’re not both going to fit in your room at Jake’s,” Emily said.

“Of course not,” Liz said.

“I take it you’ve considered my offer,” Sonny said.

“Yes, and I accept,” Liz said.

“What are you accepting?” Jason asked.

“The penthouse across from mine,” Sonny replied.

“You’re leaving Jake’s?” Jason asked, somewhat disappointed.

“Yes,” Liz said. “I wanted something more permanent. I know it’s not really your
style, but I’d love it for you to move in too. Anyway, I should get going. Emily,
think about what I said. Jason, are you ready?”

“Sure,” Jason said.

“Here’s your key. If you need another one, or two, just let me know,” Sonny said.

“Thanks,” Liz said. “I really appreciate this Sonny.”

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow Liz,” Emily said.

Liz hugged Emily and Johnny and Jason took her hand as they walked out of the No-


“Jason, is something wrong?” Liz asked.

The whole ride back to Harborview, Jason had been completely silent.

“Come on, baby,” Liz said when he didn’t answer her. “Something’s up with you.”

“I’m sorry,” Jason finally said. “I’m just letting the idea of you leaving me sink

“Baby, I’m not leaving you, I just need to move into a more permanent home,” Liz
said. “Besides, I asked you to stay here with me.”

“You, me, and Emily,” Jason said unenthusiastically.

“Emily’s not gonna move in here,” Liz said. “When she leaves the Q mansion, which
won’t be for a while, it’ll be to move in with Johnny.”

“How do you know that?” Jason asked.

“Because I know my sister. She’s not ready to leave home yet,” Liz said. “Now, I
know penthouses aren’t your style to live in, but the offer still stands. I want
you to move in with me here.”

“I’ll think about it,” Jason said.

“Anything I can do to influence your decision?” Liz asked.

“I don’t think so,” Jason said.

“Are you sure?” Liz asked, pushing him onto the couch and straddling him.

“N…no…no,” Jason stammered as Liz kissed the sensitive spot behind his ear and
nipped his earlobe.

“Okay,” Liz said quickly hopping off his lap.

“Hey,” Jason said trying to catch her hand to pull her back.


“Did you have a good time tonight?” Johnny asked, having stopped the car at the
end of the Q mansion’s driveway.

“Yeah, it was fun,” Emily said.

“Did you think about your sister’s offer?” Johnny asked.

“I’m not ready to leave home yet,” Emily said. “At least not until I have a
problem with my family about you.”

“Mm hmm,” Johnny said playing with Emily’s hair.

“I should go inside,” Emily said softly.

“I’ll walk you,” Johnny said.

Johnny got out of his truck and opened Emily’s door, helping her out. They walked
hand in hand towards the front door of the mansion.

“I think maybe this is as far as you should go, at least for tonight,” Emily said,
facing him.

“Yeah,” Johnny said, tucking a strand of hair behind Emily’s ear.

Emily leaned up on her toes and kissed Johnny’s lips lightly. Their kiss broke
quickly and they moved out of sight, Emily’s back against a tree with Johnny
pressing closely against her.

Johnny let Emily control the kiss and moaned when Emily’s tongue moved along his
bottom lip, pleading for entrance. He opened his mouth to her as his hands
traveled up and down her back. One of his hands slipped under her shirt and Emily
shivered against his touch.

“What’s wrong?” Johnny asked.

“Nothing,” Emily said breathlessly. “Please don’t stop.”

“Baby, we can’t do this here,” Johnny said.

“Please,” Emily said.

“We sho…” Johnny said.

Emily’s kiss cut him off. She pulled his head down to hers to silence him. Clearly
defeated, Johnny allowed himself to get lost in Emily’s kiss. His hand cupped her
breast through her shirt and his thumb skirted across her nipple. Emily groaned
and threw her head back as Johnny’s lips grazed her neck and throat. Emily’s arms
slid around Johnny’s waist, under his jacket and her touch burned him as her
fingertips tugged his shirt up and her hands touched his bare skin.

“Now…we…have…to…stop,” Johnny said.

“I know,” Emily said, resting her head against Johnny’s chest. “But I want you to

“Soon honey,” Johnny said. “Soon.”

Emily nodded and Johnny kissed her forehead.

“Sweet dreams baby,” he said.

He made his way back to his truck and Emily hurried towards the mansion.

“Hello Emily,” a voice called from directly behind her as she was fumbling to open
the door.

Emily gasped as the hand clamped over her mouth, the figure dragging her away
before she could scream.

Chapter 11

“Hey,” Jason said trying to catch Liz’s hand to pull her back.

“You said it didn’t do anything for you,” Liz said.

“It doesn’t mean you have to stop,” Jason said.

“Demanding, aren’t we?” Liz said straddling him again and wrapping her arms around
his neck.

“Honey, at this point, I’d reduce myself to begging,” Jason said.

“Fortunately for you, you won’t have to,” Liz said.

Jason groaned and Liz pressed her lips to his throat.

“Care to help me christen my bedroom?” Liz asked seductively.

“Too far,” Jason mumbled breathless from their kiss. “We can start here.”

Pulling a blanket off the back of the couch, Jason slid to the floor bringing Liz
with him. He laid her down as his lips touched hers. She opened to him and his
tongue explored every corner of her mouth before meeting hers.

Breaking the kiss, he pulled her dress over her head and fumbled with the clasp of
her strapless bra. She removed his shirt and pulled him on top of her. His hand
slid down to the lace of her black panties as he sucked he nipple until it
hardened before moving to the other. He cupped her center and felt through her
panties how moist she was. Lowering his other hand, he slid them over her hips and
off. She purred as his hand brushed her center again.

“Jason, I’m supposed to be in control here,” Liz said.

“Do with me what you will,” Jason said.

Liz smiled and swiftly pulled his jeans and boxers off. She wrapped her hand
around him and moved up and down his length. She felt him getting close and pumped
him faster as she trailed kisses down his chest. She removed her hand and her
mouth covered his tip, her tongue swirling around it before taking more of him
into her mouth.

“God, I’m so close baby,” Jason said.

She sucked harder on his tip and then released him just before he went over.

“Now it’s my turn,” Jason said after a quick recovery.

Liz purred as he rolled her on her back, only imagining the things he could do to

He parted her legs and lowered his mouth to her center, immediately sucking on her
clit then plunging his tongue deep inside her.

“Jason,” she screamed.

His fingers massaged her clit when he moved back up and kissed her neck.

“Now Jason now,” Liz cried.

His mouth met hers as he slid into her slowly. Liz raised her hips and he went
further into her. They fell into a rhythm and cried each other’s names as they
came together.

Jason pulled Liz into his arms and wrapped the blanket around them both.

“I want to move in with you,” Jason said, kissing her hair.

“I knew you would,” Liz said with a playful smile.

“What do you say we christen the other rooms of this place now?” Jason said.

“Sounds like a plan,” Liz said. “A very good plan.”

“I say we start with the bathroom,” Jason said. “I need a shower.”

Liz laughed as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bathroom.


The next morning, Liz awoke, exhausted, in hr bed, in Jason’s arms. They’d made
love for hours, once in the shower, once in the bathtub, once on the bathroom
floor, once on the kitchen floor, and several times in their bedroom.

“Mm,” she said stretching.

She slipped out of bed, pulled Jason’s tee shirt over her head and walked into the
living room to check the messages on her cell phone.

“Hey Liz, it’s Johnny,” the first message began. “Em didn’t call me when she got
in last night and she usually does. Just wondering if you’d heard from her. Give
me a call. Bye.”
“Hi, Liz, it’s your mother. Emily never came home last night and we figure she’s
with you. Either one of you can call us and let us know what’s going on. Thanks,”
the second message said.

Liz thought that was definitely odd. She would’ve assumed that Emily was with
Johnny, but the first message ruled that out.

“Where’d you go, Em?” Liz asked herself.

“Talking to anyone in particular?” Jason asked, coming up behind her and wrapping
his arms around her waist.

“Emily didn’t come home last night,” Liz said. She saw Jason’s growing smile and
continued quickly. “And she’s not with Johnny.”

Jason’s eyes widened and he stared at Liz.

“I know,” Liz said. “I don’t know where the hell she could be.”

“Where do we start?” Jason asked.

“Round up Johnny and start figuring out what happened,” Liz said. “Without
alarming the Q’s.”


“You’re crazy,” Emily shouted. “My sister’s gonna kill you.”

“You seem confident that she’ll find you.”

“She will,” Emily said. “And she’ll make you wish you never met me.”

“You underestimate my capabilities Emily.”

“Bastard,” Emily screamed.

Her head snapped to the side when her captor slapped her and she closed her mouth.

“Silence, finally.”

‘You’ll never get away with this Juan,’ Emily thought to herself. ‘Come on, Liz.
You’ve gotta find me.’

Chapter 12

“Good morning sunshine,” Juan said opening the door to the dark room Emily was in.
“Sleep well?”

“Why are you doing this?” Emily asked.

“You haven’t figured it out yet?” Juan replied.


“What are we all doing here?” Sonny asked.

Johnny and Francis helped themselves to some coffee before sitting on the couch in
Liz’s penthouse.

“My sister is missing,” Liz replied.

Johnny’s head shot up and he looked nervously at his brother. Jason shook his head
and Johnny felt the anger building up inside him.

“Now the Quartermaines are unaware of any of this, so we’ve got to try to handle
this without catching their attention,” Liz said.

“What do we know?” Sonny asked.

“Not much,” Liz said. “Johnny, you were the last one to see her so we’re gonna
need your help.”

“I’ll do anything,” Johnny asked. “I just want Emily back safe.”

“I need you to recount everything that happened from the time we left the club to
the last place you saw her,” Liz said.

“Emily and I left the club shortly after you and Jason. We went back to the
Quartermaine mansion and I stopped at the end of the driveway. I walked her up the
grounds and we stopped about halfway, you know by that big oak tree,” Johnny said.

“And what happened?” Liz asked.

“She said that I probably shouldn’t go any farther so I kissed her good night and
watched her walk to the door. I couldn’t see well, but the outside light went off
so I figured she’d gone inside. She always shuts the light off so I know she got
in okay,” Johnny said.

“And that’s the last you saw her?” Liz asked.

“Yes,” Johnny said. “And when she didn’t call me, I just figured she’d fallen
asleep. I really only called you because Emily and I wanted to see what was going
on with you and Jason last night.”

Francis let out a laugh as Liz blushed and Jason shot a glare at Johnny.

“Sorry,” Johnny said.

“Okay,” Liz said. “What we need to do is check out the grounds at the mansion to
figure out where Emily disappeared from.”

“And how exactly do you plan on doing that without tipping them off?” Sonny asked.

“I can go visit Lila and I’ll look around,” Liz said. “And since Lila wanted to
see Jason again, he can give me a hand.”

“And if they ask about Emily?” Jason asked.

“I haven’t seen her since last night,” Liz said. “She’s 18, she doesn’t need to
check in with anyone.”

“We’re going to find her right?” Johnny asked.


“Hey Juan, I was…” another voice said coming through the door.

“Lucky,” Emily exclaimed, shocked.

“Oh, you’re up,” Lucky said. “You know I’m really sorry about this, but it was
really the only way.”

“I don’t understand,” Emily said. “What is this about?”

“It’s simple really,” Lucky said.

“The Quartermaine sisters seem to have issues with commitment,” Juan said. “You
with me.”

“And Elizabeth with me,” Lucky added.

“No Lucky, Elizabeth, she’s different now,” Emily said.

“But that doesn’t give you an excuse for ending things with me,” Juan said.

“And now that we have you, Liz will come looking for you and then I’ll have her,”
Lucky said.

“Why are you doing this?” Emily asked fighting back tears.

“Because I love you!” Juan yelled gripping her arms. “And I know you still love

“Juan, cool down,” Lucky said. “We don’t want her hurt.”

“Fine,” Juan said releasing his hold.

He walked out, slamming the door behind him. Lucky looked at Emily sympathetically
before following Juan out.

Emily sighed and slumped onto the chair behind her. She pulled something from
under her and saw it was her jacket. She felt the inside pocket and found her cell

“Low battery, figures,” Emily said. “Hopefully it’ll last me one phone call.”

Emily dialed Johnny’s cell number praying that he answered.


Liz and Jason drove to the Quartermaine mansion and up the long driveway. They
quickly surveyed the grounds before walking up to the front door. As Liz went to
open the door something caught her eye and she knelt on the ground.

“What is it?” Jason asked.

“A charm from Emily’s bracelet,” Liz said. “This is where she was taken.”

“So we got what we came for. What now?” Jason asked.

“We figure out who would’ve done this,” Liz said as they got in the car.


“Wade,” Johnny answered his phone.

“Johnny?” A soft voice said.

“Emily is that you?” Johnny asked.

“Yes, Johnny my battery’s low so I’ve gotta talk fast,” Emily said.

“Where are you?” Johnny asked.

“I don’t know,” Emily said.

“What happened?” Johnny asked.

“Juan grabbed me last night,” Emily said. “He and Lucky have this crazy…”

“Juan and Lucky?” Johnny said.

“Yes,” Emily replied.

Things were getting better already. Sonny’s men could handle Juan and Lucky

“Listen Johnny, whatever happens,” Emily said beginning to break up. “Damn it!”

“What?” Johnny asked struggling to hear her.

“Keep Liz out of this,” Emily managed before her battery died.

“What? Em, I can’t…” Johnny said. “I don’t understand.”

The dial tone indicated that Emily was gone and Johnny was confused. He was
relieved that Emily was okay, but the cryptic message about Liz made no sense. He
had to get to the penthouse. Maybe if everyone pooled their information they would
get somewhere.

Chapter 13

Johnny came tearing into Liz and Jason’s penthouse, breathless.

“Jesus Johnny,” Liz exclaimed, startled. “Are you running from the cops or

“Em…Em…Emily,” Johnny managed trying to catch his breath so he could tell them

“What about her?” Liz asked.

“She called me,” Johnny said.

“She what?” Jason said.

“A little while ago,” Johnny said. “I was going through our usual undergrounders,
and she called my cell phone. I didn’t get much because her battery died.”
“Did you get anything useful?” Jason asked.

“She said she doesn’t know where she is, but that Juan and Lucky are the ones that
took her,” Johnny said.

“Son of a…” Liz said. “How could I have missed it?”

“What are you talking about?” Jason asked.

“You saw how Juan reacted in Kelly’s that day,” Liz said.

“Okay, but why Lucky?” Jason asked.

“I didn’t get that much,” Johnny said. “But before we got disconnected, Emily told
me that Liz shouldn’t be involved.”

“Um, why?” Liz said.

“I don’t know,” Johnny said.

“This isn’t like Lucky. I mean he’s never been violent or anything,” Jason said.

Liz closed her eyes and felt herself reliving a scene from her past.


“I told you, I’m not Elizabeth,” Liz exclaimed. “When are you going to get that? I
don’t know you and I don’t want to.”

“You can’t just throw everything that we had away,” Lucky said grabbing her arm as
she tried to walk away.

“Let go of me,” Liz said.

“I don’t think so,” Lucky said.

“You don’t want to do this,” Liz said. “If you want to leave here walking, I
suggest you let go. Now!”

“Not until you tell me that you love me,” Lucky said.

“I don’t,” Liz said. “I don’t know who you are and even if I did, I wouldn’t love
you. I doubt Elizabeth did either.”

“You bitch!” Lucky said, slapping her.

Liz broke away from Lucky and hit him back.

“Stay down,” Liz said when she’d beaten Lucky to the ground.

Lucky was bloody and breathing hard and knew it was in his best interest to not

End flashback

Liz gasped as she tried to steady herself.

“What?” Jason asked. “What did you see?”

“After my accident, Lucky and I had a fight,” Liz said. “Not just a shouting
match, a physical confrontation.”

“Over what?” Jason asked.

“According to him, he and Elizabeth had a relationship, though I tend to doubt

it,” Liz said. “He was furious that I didn’t remember him and we fought.”

“But what does any of that have to do with Emily?” Johnny asked.

“A lot actually,” Liz said. “Juan and I had an argument at Kelly’s a few weeks
ago. He had grabbed Emily and I got him away from her. He’s convinced that he and
Emily belong together.”

“And Lucky’s helping him because he wants you,” Johnny said piecing everything

“I think so,” Liz said.

“But if Emily knows that you can help her, why would she tell you not to get
involved?” Jason asked.

“Maybe she thinks that Lucky will try something if I get too close,” Liz said.
“That’s really the only thing I can think of.”

“Then we’ll have to do this without you,” Jason said.

“No,” Liz said. “Jason, she’s my sister. I got her into this mess and I’m going to
get her out of it.”

“And we don’t know what Lucky will do if he you do get near him,” Jason said.

“But I know that I can handle him,” Liz said.

“Maybe in hand-to-hand,” Jason said. “But if he’s taken such extreme measures as
to kidnap Emily, we don’t know if he won’t be more prepared. Are you ready to take
him on if he’s carrying a gun or a knife?”

“Jason, I’m not an idiot,” Liz said. “I’m not going to go in there relying on my
fists. I’ve been carrying a gun for weeks now. I know you know that, so what’s the

“You’ve never been put in a situation where you’ve had to use it,” Jason said.
“Using it in the firing range is very different from pulling it on another

“Yeah, and I know what I’m doing,” Liz said. “I have to start somewhere. Better
with amateurs like Juan and Lucky than Sorel, right?”

“She’s got a point Jase,” Sonny said finally speaking.

“Thank you,” Liz replied.

“Now how do we find Emily?” Johnny asked.

“If this is a set-up to get to me,” Liz said. “Then we won’t have to.”
As if on cue, Liz’s cell phone rang.

“Yeah,” Liz said answering it.

“Elizabeth,” a voice said.

“Lucky, I was just thinking about you,” Liz said.

“Really?” Lucky said. “That’s nice to hear. Anyway, I just saw Juan and he’s
completely lost his mind.”

“How do you mean?” Liz said. Since her accident, she didn’t lie so she hoped he
was buying her act.

“He’s been ranting about Emily,” Lucky said. “Saying how he kidnapped her and how
they’re going to be together forever. I know Emily’s been with someone else so I
think someone needs to get her away from Juan.”

“Well thank you so much for telling me,” Liz said. “You wouldn’t happen to know
where he has my sister, would you?”

“Of course,” Lucky said smiling at how easy this was. “There’s a room in the
basement of Taggert’s place that’s empty. He’s got her there. I don’t think he’s
hurt her, but I don’t know what he’s planning.”

“I’ll get on it right away,” Liz said.

“I hope you find her,” Lucky said. “She’s always been a good friend and I wouldn’t
want to see anything happen to her.”

“Thank you for looking out for her,” Liz said. “I should get right on this so I’ll
let you know how it all works out.”

“What’d he say?” Johnny asked.

“Juan’s got her in the basement of Taggert’s place and he hasn’t hurt her,” Liz

“Now how do we go about this?” Jason asked.

“The one good thing that Juan did for himself was using Taggert's place,” Liz
said. “Taggert’s been gunning to pin something on me since I started working with
you two. He says I have anger issues. You guys don’t think so, do you?”

“Of course not,” Jason said. “You react to a situation. You shouldn’t be expected
to stand there and take punches without fighting back.”

“Unfortunately Taggert doesn’t think so,” Liz said. “Anyway, we’ve gotta play this
smart. I don’t want Emily hurt and if Juan would do something this extreme we
can’t know that he won’t harm her.”

“What about Lucky?” Jason asked. “We don’t know he won’t hurt you.”

“It’s a chance we’ll have to take,” Liz said. “I would die for my sister.”

Chapter 14

“What about Lucky?” Jason asked. “We don’t know he won’t hurt you.”

“It’s a chance we’ll have to take,” Liz said. “I would die for my sister.”

End flashback

It won’t come to that, Jason thought to himself. It can’t.

“You okay bro?” Johnny asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

“You heard what she said,” Jason replied. “Liz would die for Emily, you and I both
know she means that.”


“You’ll be happy to know that your sister is on her way,” Lucky said. “You know,
when I told her what Juan did she was very eager to get you back. She’s more
gullible than I thought.”

“Please don’t hurt her,” Emily begged.

“If she cooperates, I won’t have to,” Lucky said.

“Lucky, look, I’m sorry that Liz’s accident caused her to not remember you, but
couldn’t you just accept that and be friends? You can’t make her love you,” Emily

“I know that,” Lucky said with a sigh, throwing his hands up. “Now behave when
Juan comes back; he’s been acting a little crazy lately.”

“Like I haven’t noticed,” Emily said sarcastically, regretting the words as soon
as they’d left her mouth.

“That wasn’t very nice,” Lucky said.

“Sorry,” Emily muttered.

So far, it seemed to Emily that Lucky was the rational one of the two, and that
wasn’t saying much. She could only hope that her sister didn’t come alone.


“Now how are we gonna get to Taggert’s without him noticing?” Jason asked.

“We aren’t,” Liz said. “I am.”

“No way,” Jason said.

“We don’t have another choice,” Liz said. “If Lucky or Juan see you they’re gonna
know something’s up. We’ve gotta play this right.”

“Liz you’d be walking right into it,” Johnny said.

“I can handle them,” Liz said. “Besides, whatever they’re planning, it won’t go
down there.”
“How do you know?” Jason asked.

“Because I know the way their warped minds work,” Liz said. “They’re not just
gonna kill us. Death won’t change how we feel. They want us to love them.”

“So what do you have in mind?” Johnny asked.

“Put a wire on me so you can track us,” Liz said. “If it sounds like we’re getting
into trouble, do something. Until then, just wait.”


“Johnny, where’s Francis?” Jason asked.

“On his way back with the wire for Liz,” Johnny replied. “He had to get it from
the warehouse.”

“Sorry,” Francis said breathlessly coming through the door. “I had to take the
stairs. Liz why don’t we go inside and get you wired?”

“Why inside?” Jason asked.

“’Cause the wire goes under her clothing,” Francis said.

“Oh hell no,” Jason said. “I’ll do it.”

Everyone laughed, thankful that despite the situation there was still some humor
to be found.

“Our room?” Liz asked taking the wire from Francis.

“Yeah,” Jason said.

“Jason moved in too?” Francis asked as Liz and Jason disappeared, the door closing
behind them.

“I guess so,” Sonny said.


“How do we want to do this so they don’t find it?” Liz asked.

“I think I’ve got an idea, just take your shirt off,” Jason said.

“Why is it that I think you’re getting the better half of this?” Liz asked
playfully, throwing her shirt at him.

“Because I am,” Jason said with a smile.

“So what’s this brilliant idea of yours?” Liz said knowing full well that Jason
was not paying attention. “Hello? Back to reality.”

“Sorry,” Jason said after Liz had snapped her fingers in front of his face. “I,
uh, I think the best place is along the seam and strap of your bra. That way it
won’t stick out anywhere else, it’ll just blend with your bra.”

“And I’m sure you’d just love to put it there, wouldn’t you?” Liz said.
“Wouldn’t I,” Jason said.

“Okay,” Liz said holding her arms up. “Let’s get this over with because the longer
I stand here like this with your hands on me, the less likely it is that we’ll
ever leave this room.”

“I know,” Jason said, untangling the wire.

He ran it along her bra strap, binding it with a single piece of tape and then ran
it around the bottom seam just under her breasts. He was fighting the urge to
touch her and make love to her there and another two seconds and he would’ve lost.

“Okay,” Jason said handing her shirt back to her.

“Thanks,” Liz said.


“Have fun?” Sonny asked when Jason and Liz emerged from their bedroom.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Liz said.

“Ha ha,” Sonny said.

“Okay, let’s go,” Liz said.

Chapter 15

Liz, Jason, Sonny, Johnny, and Francis arrived a block away from Taggert’s, a safe
distance to keep from being seen.

Liz got out of the car to walk the rest of the way to Taggert’s.

“Be careful,” Jason said.

“I will,” Liz said giving him a quick kiss.

“And if you get into any trouble just yell,” Sonny said.

“ I can handle it,” Liz said. “I’ll be fine.”

“Just get yourself and Emily out safely,” Johnny said.

“Emily will be okay, Johnny,” Liz said. “I promise you.”

“Thank you,” Johnny said knowing his girlfriend would be safe in her sister’s

Jason caught her hand as she was walking away and pulled her back for one more

“I love you,” Jason said.

“I love you too,” Liz replied squeezing his hand before running off towards

“Where are they Lucky?” Liz asked when she saw him.

“In the basement,” Lucky said. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“So am I,” Liz said.

She twisted Lucky’s arms behind his back and brought him to his knees.

“Where’s the basement Lucky?” Liz asked coldly.

“Go that way,” Lucky said, whimpering, motioning to a steel door with his hand.

“Thank you,” Liz said.

Her foot connected with the side of his head, rendering him unconscious. Liz knew
he wouldn’t stay that way forever and taped his hands together and bound his hands
and legs together to a chair.

“Okay,” Liz said. “One down, one to go.”

“How you doing Liz?” Jason’s voice said in her ear.

“Lucky’s out of the picture,” Liz said. “I’m going to find Juan and Emily.”

“Be careful,” Jason said.

“I will,” Liz said.


Liz made her way down the darkened stairway into a passage of light. She walked
through another door and found Emily sitting in a chair, her head hanging down.

“Emily,” she said kneeling in front of her. “Emily.”

“Huh? What?” Emily said, disoriented.

“Em, it’s me,” Liz said. “I’m going to get you out of here.”

“Liz thank God,” Emily said.

“Are you okay?” Liz asked. “Did he hurt you?”

“No, no I’m fine,” Emily said. “Where’s Lucky?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Liz said. “Come on, we’ve got to get you out of here.”

“What about Juan?” Emily asked.

“Let’s just get out of here,” Liz said pulling Emily out the door.

They ran up the stairs and out the apartment building.

“Not gonna happen sweetie,” Juan said.

He was standing in front of them on the sidewalk.

“You’re not going to do this here Juan,” Liz said. “It’s broad daylight. You’d
have to be stupid to do this with witnesses around you.”

“What witnesses?” Juan asked.

“Us,” Jason said from behind him.

Juan turned around and Francis and Max grabbed him.

“What do we do with him?” Francis asked.

“Get Lucky from inside and we’ll make a stop at the docks, weight them, and dump
them,” Liz said.

“You can’t do that,” Juan argued.

“I beg to differ,” Liz said.

“Please, I’ll do anything,” Juan said.

“Good, then you’ll cooperate when we go to the PCPD,” Liz said.

“Yes, anything, just please don’t kill us,” Juan said.

Liz smiled and turned to Max who had brought Lucky, who was coming to, out of the

“Take them to the PCPD and make sure they confess everything,” Liz said. “They
know what happens if they don’t.”

“Yes Miss. Webber,” Max said.

“Oo, see they respect I get?” Liz said playfully looking back and forth at Juan
and Lucky.

Max and Francis dragged Lucky and Juan away and Liz looked at Emily. Johnny pulled
her into his arms and Liz turned to Jason.

“I told you I’d be okay,” Liz said.

“Come here you,” Jason said. Liz smiled as he kissed her and she tightened her
arms around his neck.

“Thank you for coming to get me,” Emily said hugging her sister.

“I’m just glad you’re okay,” Liz said. “Now the question is do we tell the Qs what

“If this gets out, with Lucky and Juan in jail, it might be better if I did,”
Emily said. “But for tonight I just want to be with Johnny.”

“That’s fine by me,” Liz said. “Just promise me you’ll call them and let them know
you’re okay. Monica did call me worried about you.”

“I will,” Emily said. She hugged her sister once more and took Johnny’s hand.

“So we got through that,” Jason said. “What do you want to do now?”
“I’ve got something in mind,” Liz said running her hands up Jason’s chest.

“I like the way you think,” Jason said kissing her neck.

“Get a room,” Sonny said rolling his eyes.

“With pleasure,” Jason said wrapping his arms around Liz’s waist as they walked to
the car.

Chapter 16

Johnny’s apartment in Harborview…

“I’m just so glad you’re okay,” Johnny said. “I was so worried about you.”

“That’s so sweet,” Emily said.

“I’m serious Em,” Johnny said. “You mean the world to me. I don’t know what I
would do if I lost you.”

“I know how you feel,” Emily said. “All the time I was there, all I thought about
was how I would feel if I never saw you again.”

“But everything’s okay now,” Johnny said. “You know you’re sister is amazing in
situations like this. I think her working with Sonny and Jason will be good for
all of them.”

“I’m glad,” Emily said. “But I don’t want to talk about them anymore. You know
since I’ve seen you, you haven’t kissed me.”

“I didn’t know if you wanted me to,” Johnny said. “I don’t know what happened with
Juan and Lucky and I didn’t want to scare you.”

“Nothing happened,” Emily said. “And if it had, I would’ve told you.”

“So in other words, you want me to kiss you?” Johnny said.

“I want you to kiss me,” Emily said.

Johnny smiled and pulled Emily into his arms and brushed his lips against hers.
Emily tightened her arms around Johnny’s neck to deepen the kiss and opened her
mouth as his tongue touched her lips. As the kiss went on, Johnny knew things
would go a lot farther if he didn’t pull away. So as much as he didn’t want when
Emily’s tongue melted into his, Johnny pulled back.

“What’s wrong?” Emily asked.

“When you kiss me like that…” Johnny said.

“What?” Emily asked. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No, it was perfect, too perfect.” Johnny replied. “Emily, I’ve never kissed
anyone the way I kiss you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone else in my life
and I don’t want to lose what we have if we rush things.”

“We wouldn’t be,” Emily said. “Johnny, I want this. I don’t know why, I’ve never
done this before, but I know I want to. With you.”
“Are you sure?” Johnny asked.

“Yes,” Emily said. “Please Johnny, I want you to make love to me.”

Johnny lowered his head to kiss her gently as he walked her backwards towards his
bedroom. As the kiss deepened, Johnny pushed Emily’s jacket off her shoulders and
kicked his shoes off as Emily stepped out of hers. Emily pushed Johnny’s jacket
off and pulled his shirt from his pants. She opened the buttons one at a time and
kissed his chest as his shirt fell to the floor. The kiss finally broke as Johnny
pulled Emily’s sweater over her head before laying her down on his bed.

He slid the strap of her bra off her shoulder and kissed her neck and shoulder as
his other hand cupped her breast and squeezed it gently. A moan escaped from
Emily’s lips as Johnny unfastened her bra and tossed it to the floor as he trailed
kisses down to the valley of her breasts before grazing her nipples. Emily moved
her hand to the waist of Johnny’s pants, unzipped them and pulled them down,
followed by his briefs. When Johnny felt Emily’s hand wrapped around his length,
he dropped his hand and pulled hers away.

“What?” Emily asked.

“Not tonight,” Johnny said. “Tonight is about you.”

“Johnny…” Emily protested.

“Please baby,” Johnny said as he slid Emily’s pants off her hips and to the floor.
“I just want to love you tonight.”

He rolled over so that he was on top of her and slid into her gently, never taking
his eyes away from hers. He kissed her as he moved in and out of her, finding
their rhythm. Emily’s hips rose off the bed to meet him as they moved faster.

“God Johnny, I’m so close,” Emily said.

“That’s it baby, come with me,” Johnny said.

They went over the edge together and cried each other’s names.


Liz and Jason had barely made it up the elevator without keeping their hands off
each other, let alone through their penthouse door.

Their jackets were carelessly discarded on the couch, their shoes lined up next to
each other neatly in the bedroom. Liz pulled Jason’s shirt over his head and ran
her hands up his bare chest. Jason shivered against her touch and lost all will to
do anything but be inside her. Her sweater discarded, Liz unfastened Jason’s jeans
and smiled as he hastily kicked them off.

“In a hurry or something?” Liz asked with a laugh.

“I need you, now,” Jason said.

Liz nodded and slid out of her leather pants, a task she knew Jason would’ve been
incapable of.

Jason crawled over her and braced his weight on his arms. He kissed her lips and
trailed more kisses from her jaw line to her neck before biting her gently and
soothing it over with his tongue.

“Just what I needed for the warehouse tomorrow, thanks,” Liz said laughing.

“They’ll know you were loved,” Jason said as he pulled her panties off her hips
and down her legs.

“Now Jason, please now,” Liz pleaded as she felt his hardness pressed against her
inner thigh.

She groaned as she felt him enter her and go deep inside her. They instantly fell
into the rhythm that only they knew and slowly picked up speed.

“Jason,” Liz cried as he sent her over the edge. Jason was right behind her,
calling her name.


Back at Johnny’s place, Emily was lying in Johnny’s arms.

“That was amazing,” Emily said. “I have never felt like that before.”

“Neither have I,” Johnny said. “I’m falling in love with you Emily.”

“I’m falling for you too,” Emily replied.

Johnny kissed her forehead, pulled her closer, and closed his eyes, falling into a
restful sleep.


“I love you,” Jason said when he was holding Liz in his arms later than night.

“I love you too,” Liz said. “And thank you for helping me get my sister back. I
don’t know what I would’ve done if I’d lost her.”

“I would never have let that happen,” Jason said. “I know what she means to you
and to my brother.”

“As long as they’re as happy as you and I,” Liz said. “That’s all I really need.”

“I love you so much,” Jason said holding her closer. He breathed her in once more
before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Chapter 17

“Somebody’s happy,” Jason said as Johnny came into Sonny’s penthouse the next

Sonny was off in the kitchen making breakfast and Liz was sitting with Jason on
the couch.

“Morning,” Johnny said with a smile on his face.

“Did you have a good night?” Jason asked.

“Very good,” Johnny said.

“Jason,” Liz exclaimed hitting him. “That’s my sister you’re all smiling about.”

“Sorry,” Johnny said. “Though you look just as happy.”

“Don’t you dare respond to that,” Liz said.

“Breakfast is ready,” Sonny said placing a few plates on the dining room table.

“Johnny, did you bring Emily home this morning?” Liz asked as they sat at the

“Yeah,” Johnny said. “Everyone’s glad to see her. I think they really were worried
about her.”

“She’s probably the only one they genuinely care about anymore,” Liz said shaking
her head. “And she’s not even biologically theirs.”

“Corinthos,” a voice said, knocking on the door.

“Is that…” Johnny began.

“Taggert,” Sonny said pulling the door open. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Unfortunately I’m not here for you,” Taggert said. “Miss. Quartermaine.”

“I’m sorry but there’s no one here by that name,” Sonny said.

“Whatever she’s calling herself,” Taggert said. “What is it, Miss. Webber?”

“What can I do for you Lieutenant?” Liz asked getting up from the table.

“You can come with me. You’re under arrest,” Taggert said. “You have to right to
remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used
against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot
afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. You have the right to have that
attorney present during questioning. Do you understand these rights as I’ve
explained them to you?”

“Wow Taggert, really doing things by the book this time,” Sonny said. “But you
forgot something.”

“Really, and what’s that?” Taggert said cuffing Liz.

“What exactly is Miss. Webber under arrest for?” Sonny asked.

“Assault and battery, extortion, and coercion,” Taggert said. “Just to name a

“What?” Jason said finally speaking up. “Taggert this is insane. What are you
talking about?”

“Jason,” Liz said. “Jason, calm down.”

“No, this is ridiculous,” Jason said. “You can’t just come in here spouting legal
terms and arresting anyone you feel like.”

“I hate to disappoint you Anger Boy, but the charges are accurate and I do have a
warrant,” Taggert said. “Miss. Webber, come with me.”
“Sonny, do something,” Jason said as Taggert walked out with Liz in handcuffs.

“I’ll call Alexis, Johnny go start the car,” Sonny said.

“What just happened here?” Francis asked walking in. “I just passed Taggert
leaving with Liz.”

“Taggert just arrested her,” Jason said.

“Okay, Alexis is on her way,” Sonny said. “From what I can figure, this is about
last night. We’ll stop and get Emily on the way. She’ll be able to clear this up.
Unfortunately the Quartermaines are going to find out what happened to Emily.”

“I don’t care,” Jason said. “I want Liz out of jail and I don’t care how we make
it happen.”

“Sonny,” Carly said coming down the stairs with Michael. “Was that Taggert? Are
you in trouble?”

“No, he just arrested Liz,” Sonny said. “Jason and I have to go down to the PCPD
to get this straightened out. We’ll be back as soon as possible.”


“What’s going on?” Emily asked when she got into the car that arrived to pick her
up from the Quartermaine mansion. “Is something wrong? When Johnny called he said
it was urgent. Is everything alright? Wait a minute, where’s Liz?”

“Taggert came by the penthouse this morning,” Sonny started. “He arrested Liz for
a bunch of stuff, none of which matters right now. We think it has to do with what
happened with Lucky and Juan last night. We need you to tell the police what
happened so that whatever Liz is being charged with is taken as self-defense and
she’s released.”

“Oh my God,” Emily said covering her mouth with her hand. “I knew something like
this would happen. This is all my fault.”

“Emily don’t say that,” Johnny said pulling her into his arms. “We never expected

“Juan and Lucky are doing everything they can to save their sorry asses,” Jason
said angrily.


“I want to see her,” Jason said immediately when they arrived at the PCPD. “Emily
do you want to come with me?”

“I don’t want to see her like that,” Emily said shaking her head. “She wouldn’t
want you to either.”

“I have to see her,” Jason said.

“Tell her I’m sorry,” Emily said as Jason headed towards lockup.

“There’s no need,” Jason said. “Don’t forget that. This isn’t your fault.”
“Emily, you need to understand that what happened to you will be released in the
papers,” Sonny said. “Your family will find out about it.”

“I think they’re on their way here already,” Emily said. “Someone called the house
and told them that Elizabeth Quartermaine had been arrested.”

“Don’t those idiots check i.d.?” Sonny said. “She’s Liz Webber now.”

“I know Sonny, but the face still belongs to Elizabeth Quartermaine too and not
everyone understands that she’s not coming back,” Emily said.


“You have a visitor,” the guard barked to Liz, who was sitting on the hard bench
in her cell.

“My God, are you alright?” Jason said when he saw her.

“Jason, what are you doing here?” Liz asked.

“I wanted to see you,” Jason said. “I needed to see that you were okay.”

“Please just go,” Liz said.

“What?” Jason said confused and caught completely off guard.

“I don’t want you to see me like this,” Liz said. “Please Jason, just go.”

“But I…” Jason said.

“Go!” she practically yelled at him.

Jason’s face fell and he turned to leave. He didn’t like that he was pushing her
away and hoped that it was only because of her arrest and not because of something
deeper. He knew that the accident had affected her and would continue to do so. He
could only hope that her personality wasn’t changing again.

Chapter 18

“Have you questioned anyone else regarding the supposed assault against on these
two men by my client?” Alexis asked Taggert.

“They have cuts and bruises that are common of physical assault,” Taggert replied.

“That’s not what I asked you,” Alexis said. “What were the circumstances of the
assault and were there witnesses that rule out self-defense?”

“We haven’t gotten that far,” Taggert said testily.

“So you took my client into custody without probable cause or an arrest warrant?”
Alexis said.

“The victims identified her by name and face,” Taggert said.

Alexis shook her head and looked up at Taggert.

“I just want you to know that when we straighten this all out I will be filing a
suit against you and your department for false arrest and imprisonment,” Alexis
said. “Now I’d like to talk to my client before you question her and then if you
have plans to continue or to question anyone else regarding this incident, you may
do so.”

“She’s in a holding cell,” Taggert said. “Follow me.”

Taggert led Alexis through lock-up and had a guard direct her to Liz’s cell.

“Liz?” Alexis said.

“I’m here,” Liz replied.

“We need to figure a way out of this,” Alexis said. “Is Emily willing to talk
about the kidnapping?”

“Yes. She thinks this whole thing is her fault,” Liz said. “I don’t know how to
convince her that it’s not.”

“We’ll worry about that later. Right now we’ve got to get you out of here,” Alexis
said. “Now I got most of the story from Emily, but she wasn’t always with you so I
need you to tell me what happened.”

“Okay. I got to Taggert’s building and I found Lucky. He was trying to play us,
but we played him instead. Anyway, I held his arms behind his back and he dropped
to his knees. He told me where Emily was and then tried to grab my leg so I kicked
him in the head. I didn’t really mean to kick him in the head, but it made it
easier that he was unconscious. I got Emily and we made out way out. Juan
confronted us then. I never touched Juan. Max and Francis brought them right here.
I was showing them mercy because I knew I couldn’t really take care of them,” Liz

“And unfortunately for you, that backfired,” Alexis said. “We’ll just get Emily
and whoever else was aware of her disappearance to back you up and you’ll be out
of here soon.”

“Thank you,” Liz said. “And can you tell Jason that I’m sorry I snapped at him.”

“Sure,” Alexis said. “They’ll bring you to lock-up for questioning in a minute.”

“Okay,” Liz said.


Before they had a chance to clear everything up, Alan, AJ, Edward, and Monica
walked into the PCPD.

“Oh no,” Emily groaned.

“Emily, what are you doing here?” Monica asked.

“Are you alright?” Alan asked.

“Are you in trouble?” Edward added.

“I’m here with Liz, I’m fine, and no, I’m not in trouble,” Emily replied.

“Where is Elizabeth?” Alan asked.

“Liz,” Emily corrected. “Is waiting to be questioned so we can straighten this out
and go home.”

“And what exactly is your place in all this young lady?” Edward demanded.

“The only reason that Liz hit Lucky was because she was trying to rescue me,”
Emily explained. “And she never even touched Juan so I don’t know why he’s all
banged up.”

“Wait a minute,” Alan said. “What do you mean rescue you?”

“Juan grabbed me outside the house the other night,” Emily said.

Monica gasped.

“And we’re just hearing of this now?” Edward said.

“Liz thought it would be better if they didn’t get you involved,” Emily said. “She
was trying to protect you and me by keeping it out of the press. Plus if the cops
had spooked Lucky or Juan one or both of us may have gotten hurt.”

“While I’m disappointed that you tried to hide this after it was all over, it
seems that Liz was clearly in her right of protecting herself as well as you,”
Alan said. “So what is she still doing here?”

“I haven’t been questioned yet,” Emily said. “And Liz wasn’t formally questioned

“What is taking so long?” Monica asked. “My poor baby is in that dark, cold cell
all by herself.”

“She’ll be fine,” Emily said. “Mom, you know she’s not the same daughter that you
remember. Elizabeth wouldn’t have done this. That alone should be enough to tell
you that she’s changed.”

“I know,” Monica said. “It’s just hard to accept that Elizabeth is gone.”

“You’re going to have to try,” Emily said. “You’ll never get anywhere with Liz
until you do.”



“Alright Taggert, let’s get this over with,” Alexis said when Liz was brought out.
“And I really think that the handcuffs are unnecessary.”

“She was brought in on assault charges,” Taggert said. “The cuffs stay.”

As Liz sat down, a rookie cop was leading Commissioner Mac Scorpio into lock-up.

“What is this all about?” Mac asked him.

“We thought you should be a part of this,” the rookie cop replied.

“A first-timer offender on a misdemeanor?” Mac asked, scanning the papers. “This

isn’t even a felony assault charge. Is there a reason why you decided to bother me
with this?”

“She says her name is Liz Webber,” the rookie cop explained.

“And according to her driver’s license, that’s her name,” Mac said.

“But several witnesses in addition to the victims know her as Elizabeth

Quartermaine,” the cop continued.

“Changing your name is not a crime,” Mac said.

“I know, but…” the cop stammered.

“But nothing,” Mac said. “In the future, don’t come to me with such a petty

“Yes sir,” the cop said.

“Taggert, I’ll let you handle this,” Mac said before glancing at Alexis. “Unless
that’s going to be a problem.”

“If you stay, I’m sure we can resolve this a lot faster,” Alexis said. “Your
officers’ incompetence has already wasted enough of my client’s as well as my

“Of course Counselor,” Mac said. “What seems to be the problem?”


“Thank you again Commissioner,” Alexis said. “And this time I will hold-off on
filing a harassment suit, but understand that I won’t next time. So warn your
officers that no matter what their personal feelings are for my clients, that they
keep to protocol and we won’t have this problem again.”

“Absolutely Miss. Davis,” Mac said.

“Good,” Alexis said.

“And Miss. Webber I’m sorry for the inconvenience,” Mac added as she and Alexis
left lock-up. Liz nodded and turned towards the door.

“This isn’t over,” Juan sneered as she stepped out of lock-up.

“I’m afraid it is Mr. Santiago,” Mac said. “Come with me. Mr. Spencer, you too.”

“Hey,” Jason said walking towards Liz when she came out. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Elizabeth said wrapping her arms around his neck and moving closer to
him. “And I’m sorry I snapped at you before.”

“Young lady, what did you think you were doing?” Edward’s voice boomed.

“Oh no,” Emily groaned.

Chapter 19

“Young lady, what did you think you were doing?” Edward’s voice boomed.
“Oh no,” Emily groaned.

Liz remained in her spot, her arms still wrapped around Jason’s neck.

“I think the old man has something to say,” Jason said softly.

“Just kiss me,” Liz whispered.

“Here?” Jason asked. “You know what kissing you does to me.”

“It’ll be easier to ignore him if I’m kissing you,” Liz said. “Please?”

“Only to prevent a confrontation,” Jason said. “But try to keep it PG.”

“I will,” Liz said. “For now.”

“Funny,” Jason said.

She pulled Jason’s head down to hers and brushed her lips across his.

“Young lady, I believe you owe me an explanation,” Edward said.

Liz pulled back a bit and smiled before kissing Jason again.

As they ignored Edward’s ranting, Emily, Sonny, Johnny, Francis, Alexis, and
several officers started laughing quietly. Edward, however, was not amused.

“You destroy my company by making criminals stockholders, you’re destroying your

life, and you’re corrupting your sister. What kind of an example are you trying to
set by going around physically assaulting people?”

That was the last straw for Liz. She broke the kiss and stepped away from Jason,
slowly turning towards Edward.

“Not good,” Johnny said. “Not good.”

“Maybe you should calm down,” Alexis said.

“That’s enough,” Liz yelled, silencing Edward immediately. No one was sure if he
was embarrassed or afraid. “You call Jason and Sonny criminals? What about you?
Should I run down a list for you?”

“You keep your mouth shut Elizabeth,” Edward said. “I will not tolerate such
disrespect from you.”

“And what about me?” Liz said. “You treat me like garbage because I’m not good
enough for you anymore. Yet I’m the only one looking out for anyone’s best
interests. Why wasn’t AJ killed for driving drunk? Because of me. He almost killed
me, but look at him now. He’s been clean and sober since it happened. And why?
Because he risked disgracing the family name to get the help he needed. You wanted
to hide it, didn’t you? You wanted me to take the wrap for my own accident because
the precious Quartermaine name was too sacred to be tarnished. And what about
Emily? Did any of you realize that Juan had lost his mind when they broke up? No.
I did. And who went to get her when she was kidnapped? Oh, big surprise, me.”

As she continued, Liz’s voice got louder and louder until she was yelling.

“I knew going in that Lucky Spencer had it in for me, but I wouldn’t let anything
happen to my little sister, so I risked my life to save her. And that what
happens? I get arrested and the only ones on my side are the ones who have been
there for me since day one when I left the hospital. Sonny is my friend, the men
that work for him are my friends, and Jason means everything to me. I love all of
them. And if you don’t like it, I don’t care. I want nothing to do with you or the
Quartermaine name. So from now on, nothing that I do involves you. Now if you’ll
excuse me, it’s been a long day, I’m hungry and I want to take a shower and spend
time with my family,” Liz said.

“Elizabeth, you don’t have to do this,” Monica said grabbing her arm.

“Don’t. Touch. Me,” Liz said. “You don’t know me. You can’t accept me and that’s
fine. I know you don’t like what I’ve become. But you can’t change me. You don’t
want me disgracing the family name. I understand. But stay away from me.”

With the final warning hanging in the air, Liz took Jason’s hand and walked out of
the PCPD followed by Sonny, Alexis, Francis, Johnny, and Emily.

“Emily,” Monica said.

“Don’t,” she said. “Grandfather was wrong.”

Monica nodded and Emily caught up with Johnny. He took her hand and kissed her
head before they resumed walking.

“My God, what has she become?” Monica said softly.


In the limo, Liz turned to look at everyone before the pulled away.

“I’m really sorry about that,” Liz said. “I know it was wrong for me to lose my
temper, but he just gets to me, you know?”

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Sonny said.

“What he said to you was wrong,” Emily said. “You had a right to defend yourself.”

“Thanks,” Liz said squeezing her sister’s hand.

“Em, are we taking you home?” Francis asked from the driver’s seat.

“Johnny, would you mind if I stayed with you?” Emily asked.

“Of course not,” Johnny replied.

“Good,” Emily said. “No Francis, you can bring me back to Harborview with
everybody else. I just don’t feel like going home tonight. I don’t want to deal
with them.”

“I’m sorry I put you in the middle off all this,” Liz said.

“It’s not your fault,” Emily said. “You can’t control what Grandfather says or

“I know,” Liz said. “I just feel bad. I mean just because I don’t live there, you
still do. It must be hard with them always arguing about me or telling you what to
do and how to live.”
“I’ll deal with it,” Emily said. “I’m going away to school in a few more months.
I’ll handle it until then.”

“If you ever need a place to stay when they’re driving you crazy, my door is
always open,” Liz said.

“Thanks,” Emily said.


When Liz and Jason got back to there penthouse, Liz was walking towards the
kitchen, but Jason stopped grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms, leaning
against the table next to the couch.

“Wh…what?” Liz asked.

“Nothing,” Jason said before lowering his head to kiss her.

Liz quickly became lost in the kiss, but when she felt Jason’s tongue dart across
her lips she pulled back.

“What’s wrong?” Jason asked.

“I’m sorry,” Liz said. “You know I love kissing you and I love it when you kiss
me. But when you kiss me like that, things have a tendency of getting out of hand
and I’ve been in jail all day so I’d kind of like to clean up before that kiss
goes any farther.”

“Alright,” Jason said playfully disappointed.

“And thank you for being with me today,” Liz said. "I’m still sorry I snapped and
threw you out, but knowing you were there really helped.”

“I’m glad,” Jason said.

She softly kissed his lips and disappeared into the bathroom.


Jason walked in the bathroom an hour later, clad only in black sweats, and found
Liz still soaking in a hot bath in their Jacuzzi tub.

“I’m sorry, I should’ve knocked first,” Jason said.

“It’s okay,” Liz said. “Come here.”

“What?” Jason said.

Liz managed to reach his hand and grasped it. He stepped closer to her the tub and
she smiled.

“That’s not close enough,” Liz said with a playful smile.

“Wh…” Jason’s words were cut off as Liz pulled on his arm and he fell into the

“That’s better,” Liz said laughing.

Brushing bath bubbles out of his hair, Jason looked up at her.

“Did you enjoy that?” he asked.

“You know I did,” Liz said. “But it seems that your pants are all wet. I guess
you’ll have to take them off.”

“Liz,” Jason said. “You’re treading on very dangerous ground.”

“And I know exactly what I’m doing,” Liz said sliding her hands down to his waist
and pushing his sweats off his hips. “Are you going to help me?”

Letting out a defeated sigh, Jason pulled his saturated sweats off and dropped
them on the floor.

“You could’ve rang them out first,” Liz said shaking her head as she saw the
puddle forming on the bathroom floor.

“Thanks to you, I’ve got other things on my mind now,” Jason said.

“I hoped you would,” Liz said.

-“Come here you,” Jason said.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Their tongues melted together and Liz
could feel his hardness pressed against her thigh. She turned around and leaned
against the back of the tub, pulling him over her.

“I need you now Jason,” she whispered.

He groaned at her admission as he trailed kisses along her neck and jaw before
finding her mouth again. He switched their positions so he was leaning against the
tub and she was straddling his lap. She moved her hips forward and he entered her
slowly. She rocked into him and his hips rose to meet her. She had her arms
wrapped tightly around his neck wanting to be as close to him as possible. When
she reached her peak she cried his name and he soon followed.

“God that was incredible,” Liz said.

“For me too,” Jason said. “I’ve never felt like that before.”

“No one but you can make me feel like that,” Liz said. “Why?”

“Because I love you,” Jason said.

“And I love you,” Liz said.

“You want to get some dinner?” Jason asked.

“I don’t want to go anywhere tonight,” Liz said.

“Well neither of us can cook so that might be a problem,” Jason said with a laugh.

“Pizza?” Liz suggested.

“Sonny won’t let it through the door,” Jason said.

“That’s why I bought a couple of frozen ones at the supermarket,” Liz said.

“Perfect,” Jason said before glancing at the floor. “Maybe we should dry the floor
and then get dressed.”

“I’ll dry the floor, you toss the pizza in the oven,” Liz said.

“We both made the mess,” Jason argued.

“But I started it, so I’ll clean it,” Liz said. “Just go or I’m gonna keep you
here and you’ll never eat.”

“Okay, I’m going, I’m going,” Jason said.

He stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around his waist.

“I’ll see you in the kitchen,” he said before walking out of the bathroom.

Chapter 20

A few weeks later…

Liz was at the warehouse with Sonny while Jason, Johnny, Francis, and Max were
taking care or business. Liz usually would’ve minded being left back, but for the
past few days she was feeling a bit under the weather.

“Sonny, I have Columbia’s coffee file, but I just can’t find Puerto Rico’s,” Liz
said through a yawn.

“Thanks,” Sonny said. “You know, you really look beat. Why don’t you lie down on
the couch in Jason’s office for a little while?”

“Sonny, I’m fine. I’m just getting over a stomach bug or something,” Liz replied.

“Alright, but at least take it easy,” Sonny said.

“I will, I promise,” Liz said.


Jason, Johnny, Francis, and Max had finished their assignment and were returning
to the warehouse.

“With Carlos gone, who’s going to run Puerto Rico?” Johnny asked.

“Sonny’s gonna go down for a few weeks to set things up and Carlos’ second is
going to take over,” Jason said.

“Can we trust him?” Francis asked.

“If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have known about Carlos,” Jason pointed out.

“Good point,” Francis said.


“Mr. Corinthos, your wife is here,” Joseph, the guard on his door, said.
“Let her in,” Sonny replied.

“Of course,” Joseph said.

“Carly,” Sonny said. “I wasn’t expecting you. What are you doing here?”

“I finished up early at Deception, so I thought I’d see if you had time to get a
late lunch,” Carly replied.

“That sounds good,” Sonny said. “I just have to finish up with these papers. Why
don’t you stop by Liz’s office and see if she wants to join us?”

“Sure,” Carly said.

Carly walked out of Sonny’s office, past Jason’s, and stopped at Liz’s.

She knocked once, but got no answer. When she knocked again and Liz still didn’t
respond, she tried the knob, found it unlocked, and pushed the door open.

Both of Liz’s chairs were empty, but Carly looked to the right of the desk and saw
Liz lying face down on the floor.

“Sonny!” Carly exclaimed.

Carly knelt beside Liz, trying to figure out what happened, but there was nothing
out of place.

“What? What’s wrong?” Sonny asked as he ran into Liz’ office. “Oh my God, what

“I don’t know. I just found her like this,” Carly said.

“Damn it!” Sonny said. “Joseph, bring a car around. What do I tell Jason?”

“I’ll call him,” Carly said. “Get her off the floor.”

Sonny carefully picked Liz up and Carly took her cell phone out to dial Jason’s

They walked quickly out of the warehouse and into the car.

“GH Joseph,” Sonny said. “And step on it.”


“Morgan,” Jason answered.

“Jase, it’s Carly,” she said. “Where are you?”

“On the way to the warehouse,” Jason said. “Carly, what’s wrong?”

“Jason, I don’t know,” Carly said, trying to keep the panic out of her voice.

“Carly, what happened? Where’s Sonny?” Jason asked.

“He’s right here. Talk to him,” Sonny said. “Sonny, talk to him.”
Carly handed Sonny the phone and he shifted Liz in his arms so he could talk.

“Sonny,” Jason said. “What the hell is going on?”

“Jason, there’s something wrong with Liz,” Sonny said.

“What do you mean there’s something wrong with her?” Jason asked.

“We’re on the way to GH,” Sonny said. “Carly stopped into Liz’s office to invite
her to lunch with us and she found Liz passed out on the floor.”

“Damnit!” Jason said. “We’re on the way.”


“Johnny,” Jason said. “GH now.”

“Jason, what’s going on?” Francis asked.

“They’re taking Liz there,” Jason said.


Five minutes later…

Jason ran into the ER, with Johnny, Francis, and Max trailing behind, frantically
looking for Liz, Sonny, or Carly.

“Bobbie,” Jason said when he saw her.

“Jason, what’s the matter?” Bobbie asked.

“Did Sonny and Carly come in with Liz?” Jason asked.

“No, why? Is something wrong?” Bobbie asked.

“I don’t know. They don’t know,” Jason said.

“Jason!” Carly exclaimed as she and Sonny, holding Liz, came through the door.

“Get her into Curtain 3. How long as she been out?” Bobbie asked.

“I don’t know,” Sonny said. “Carly, you found her when?”

“About fifteen minutes ago,” Carly said.

“No less than fifteen minutes, no more than forty,” Sonny said to Bobbie.

“Okay,” Bobbie said.

“She’s been under the weather and still working herself too hard,” Sonny said.

“She’s coming to,” Carly said.

Jason rushed to Liz’s side and brushed a hair off her face.

“Hey,” he said.
“Hi,” Liz replied groggily.

“Liz,” Bobbie said, stepping inside. “Can you tell me what happened?”

“I was in my office and I guess I fainted,” Liz said.

“Have you been eating or drinking?” Bobbie asked.

“I’ve been sick so a little bit of fluids here and there, but that’s it,” Liz

“I’ll have Dr. Quarter…” Bobbie said.

“No,” Liz interrupted.

“Alright, I’ll get Dr. Thornhart then,” Bobbie said.

“Thank you,” Jason said.


“Okay Miss…” Eve said glancing at the chart. “Webber. I want to start you on an
i.v. to get some fluids in your system, but first I’ll have some labs drawn and
I’ll need a urine as well. The bathroom’s right over there.”

“Are you gonna be okay by yourself?” Jason asked.

“I’ll be fine,” Liz said, sliding out of bed.


Thirty minutes later…

After the urine, Dr. Thornhart started Liz on an i.v. and had Bobbie draw her
labs. Liz remained in bed and Jason sat beside her, holding her hand.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I thought I was okay. I didn’t mean to push so hard. I
just want…”

“Sh,” Jason said gently. “It’s okay. I understand.”

“Miss. Webber, I have the results of your labs,” Eve said. “Mr. Morgan if you’ll
please step outside.”

“I’ll be right back,” Jason said. He kissed her forehead and walked out of the


When Jason was gone, Eve turned back to Liz.

“I found nothing abnormal about your labs and nothing indicating a virus had been
in your system,” Eve said.

“But I was sick all of last week; tired, headachy, nauseous, and I’m still
vomiting,” Liz said.

“All of which indicate something else,” Eve said.

“What?” Liz asked.

“You’re pregnant,” Eve said.

Chapter 21

Outside Liz’s room, Jason was pacing, and Sonny was clearly getting irritated by

“Jase, give it a rest,” Sonny said. “You’re making my head spin.”

“I’m sorry man, I’m just, what if it’s a complication from her accident and
there’s something really wrong with her?” Jason asked.

Before Sonny could answer, there was a crash from inside Liz’s room causing Jason
and Sonny to run inside.

“What happened?” Sonny asked Eve.

“She fainted,” Eve said. “She knocked over the cart she was leaning against.”

“Liz,” Jason said. “Liz, come on baby, open your eyes.”

“Jason?” she said groggily, blinking a few times.

“Hey baby,” Jason said, cradling her in his arms. “What happened?”

“I don’t remember,” Liz said. “I’m remember Dr. Thornhart was telling me the
results and all of a sudden I just laid out, I guess.”

“What did you tell her?” Jason asked.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve got to answer this page,” Eve said. “I’ll be right back. But
if you want the results of Liz’s test, she’ll have to give them to you herself.”


“Eve,” Monica said, catching her. “Did you get my page?”

“I did, is something wrong?” Eve asked.

“No, no,” Monica said. “And I’m sorry to have bothered you. But I saw you with
Elizabeth and since I know I won’t get near her, I was hoping you could tell me
what’s going on.”

“You and I both know that it if it was up to Liz, I wouldn’t be able to tell you,”
Eve said.

“Please Eve, you don’t know how hard it’s been for us lately,” Monica said. “I
know our Elizabeth is gone, but we don’t even know who this girl is. Please, I
just need to know that she’s okay.”


“Liz, what did Dr. Thornhart tell you? Are you sick? Is everything alright?” Jason
asked. A thousand things were going through his head, and try as he might, none of
them were good.
“I will tell you, Jason, I promise,” Liz said. “Just give me a few minutes to get
myself together here.”

“Can I get you anything?” Jason asked.

“Some water would help,” Liz said.

“Sure,” Jason said.

Liz stood up and walked around the room, trying to figure out exactly how to tell
Jason what was going on.

“Liz, you really should be resting,” Sonny said.

“I’m sorry,” Liz said. “I know, I just, I’m suddenly feeling a little nervous.”

“Here you go,” Jason said, returning and handing Liz a bottled water.

“Thank you,” Liz said. “Okay, I think I’m ready now. Sonny, would you excuse us
for a minute?”

“Absolutely,” Sonny said.

“Thank you,” Liz said softly, turning towards Jason as Sonny left.

“You should be sitting down,” Jason said.

“I know,” Liz said, though she made no motion to do so.

“Baby, what did Dr. Thornhart tell you? Are you okay?” Jason asked.

“Jason, I have something to tell you,” Liz said. “And I don’t know how you’re
going to react to it. I’m still not sure how I should feel about it, but I think
that’s because I was waiting to tell you.”

“Liz, what’s going on?” Jason asked, anxiously.


“Monica, I can’t give you any details, because although you’re technically family,
it wouldn’t be fair to Liz,” Eve said. “But I can assure you that Liz is just
fine. I wish I could ease your mind and tell you more, but I just can’t.”

“No, no I understand,” Monica said. “Thank you for telling me that she’ll be okay.
That helps a little. It’s just hard, you know, to have to watch her from such a
distance now.”

“I know,” Eve said. “And if there was something I could do, I would.”

“Thank you Eve,” Monica said.

“I should get back to her,” Eve said.

“Of course,” Monica said.

Eve nodded once more and walked back to Liz’s room.


“Is everything okay inside?” Eve asked, when she reached the room and saw Sonny
waiting outside.

“Liz is just talking to Jason,” Sonny said. “I’m just giving them some privacy.”

“Of course,” Eve said. “I’ll be back in a minute to finish up and get Liz

“Sure,” Sonny said.


“I’ve been trying to play this out in my head for the last couple of minutes, but
no matter how I say it, it still sounds weird,” Liz said. “But okay, I’ll tell
you, because all this thinking is giving me a headache.”

“Baby, you can tell me anything,” Jason said. “No matter what it is, we can get
through it.”

Taking one more deep breath, Liz finally decided to tell him.

“Jason,” Liz said. “I’m pregnant.”

Chapter 22

“I’ve been trying to play this out in my head for the last couple of minutes, but
no matter how I say it, it still sounds weird,” Liz said. “But okay, I’ll tell
you, because all this thinking is giving me a headache.”

“Baby, you can tell me anything,” Jason said. “No matter what it is, we can get
through it.”

Taking one more deep breath, Liz finally decided to tell him.

“Jason,” Liz said. “I’m pregnant.”

“Really?” Jason said, excitedly.

“You mean you’re not upset?” Liz said, letting out a sigh of relief.

“Of course not,” Jason said. “Is that what you were worried about?”

“Yes,” Liz said. “I mean, we never talked about it. I don’t know if you even want
to have kids.”

“I promise you, I love you, and I want this baby,” Jason said, trying to reassure

“Oh Jason, thank you,” Liz said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Knock knock,” Eve said. “Miss. Webber, I just need you to sign your discharge
papers and make sure you make an appointment with Dr. Greenberg, she’ll be your

“Okay,” Liz said.

“And congratulations again,” Eve said.

“Thank you,” Liz said.

“Oh by the way,” Eve said. “I saw Monica.”

“You, you didn’t tell her, did you?” Liz asked.

“No, no I didn’t. But it wouldn’t surprise me if she or Alan uses their

superiority here to find out somehow,” Eve said.

“Oh,” Liz said. “Thank you for warning me.”

“Of course,” Eve said. “And good luck.”


“So is everything okay?” Carly asked when they’d met up again at the Grille.

“I’ll explain everything in a minute,” Liz said, looking around.

“Searching out for wandering Qs?” Sonny asked.

“Yeah,” Liz said. “And it’s very important that they don’t hear what I’m going to
tell you.”

“You’ve sparked my interest. Spill girl,” Carly said.

“Alright, alright. Jason and I are having a baby,” Liz said.

“Oh my God,” Carly squealed, getting up and hugging them both.

“Congratulations,” Johnny, Francis, and Max said, shaking Jason’s hand and kissing
Liz’s cheek.

“That’s great you two,” Sonny said, hugging his best friends.

“We have to celebrate,” Carly said.

“I have to tell my sister first,” Liz said, seeing Emily coming through the door,
thankfully alone.

“What’s going on?” Emily asked. “Mom called from the hospital to tell me you were
there and then you were telling me to get here right away. Did something happen?”

“Emily, calm down,” Johnny said to his frantic girlfriend.

“I have to tell you something,” Liz said. “But you have to promise me that you
won’t breathe a word of it to the Qs.”

“I swear, I won’t say a word,” Emily said.

“Okay,” Liz said. “I’m pregnant, you’re going to be an aunt.”

Trying to be discrete, Emily hugged her sister, but may no sudden outburst.

“Congratulations,” Emily said.

“Thank you,” Liz said. “And thank you for not saying anything. And don’t worry,
I’ll make sure that I tell Lila and AJ myself.”


“So I heard Elizabeth was at GH today,” Alan said.

“Really? Is she alright? Were there complications from the accident?” Edward

“No,” Monica said. “Eve insisted that she was fine, but didn’t say much more than

“But with Alan as Chief of Staff and you both as prominent doctors, you’ll have no
trouble finding out what’s really going on, will you?” Edward asked, knowingly.

“Oh no,” AJ said. “You are not going snooping around. If Liz wants you to know,
she’ll tell you herself.”

“I agree,” Lila said in a commanding tone. “I will not have you invading my
granddaughter’s privacy. That is simply unacceptable.”

“But…” Edward said.

“And if I find out that you did, Edward, my door will be closed to you for at
least a week,” Lila said. “As for the rest of you…I’ll think of something.”

Chapter 23

The next day, Jason and Liz went to the Quartermaine mansion to visit Lila and AJ
and tell them the good news.

“Are you sure no one else is going to be around? I don’t want them upsetting you
and getting you worked up. It’s bad for the baby,” Jason said.

“Emily ran down their schedules for me the other day,” Liz replied. “The only Qs
here are Lila and AJ. And even if someone else shows up, Lila will take care of
it. I promise, I’ll be fine and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt our baby.”

“I love you,” Jason said, kissing her lips before they walked around back to
Lila’s rose garden.

“Liz, it’s so good to see you again,” Reginald said.

“You too,” Liz said, hugging the butler, who over the years had become her friend.
“Is Grandmother in?”

“Of course. I believe she was expecting you. She had me prepare tea inside,”
Reginald said.

“Emily must have told her we were coming by. Is AJ with her?” Liz asked.

“He was last time I was in there,” Reginald replied.

“Thanks,” Liz said.

“Dr. Thornhart,” Alan said, catching up with Eve in the hallway at GH.

“Good morning Dr. Quartermaine. What can I do for you?” Eve asked.

“I was wondering if you could update me on my daughter’s condition,” Alan said. “I

had heard that she was here yesterday, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to escape
the meeting I was in to check on her myself.”

“Well I’m sorry that you couldn’t see her for yourself, but you know the rules
better than anyone else, I’m sure, as the Chief of Staff. Liz is an adult and
therefore other than hearing it from her directly, you will not be privileged to
any information regarding her condition or her reasons for being here last night
or any time in the future,” Eve replied.

With that, Eve walked away leaving Alan standing alone in the hallway extremely
angry. He was determined to find out what Liz was hiding and would certainly not
be stopping there.


“Oh Liz, dear, it’s so wonderful to see you,” Lila said gently. “When Emily told
me you were coming by, I have to tell you I was very happy. Please, come sit down
and have some tea with me. AJ should be back in a moment. Jason, it’s wonderful to
see you again.”

“You as well Mrs. Quartermaine,” Jason replied as Liz kissed the older woman’s
cheek before sitting next to him on the couch.

“I must apologize for my husband, my son, and their antics to discover what was
going on at the hospital yesterday,” Lila said. “I wish I could tell you that
it’ll stop, but unfortunately, I doubt it will.”

“I understand Grandmother,” Liz said. “And I know you, AJ, and Emily will do
everything you can to keep them in line.”

“I always do,” Lila said.

The three were laughing as AJ walked back into the living room.

“Good morning,” AJ said.

“AJ, it’s good to see you again,” Liz said getting up from the couch to hug her

“You too,” AJ said, kissing her cheek before shaking Jason’s hand.

“Things seem to be going good for you,” Liz said. “Emily tells me that you decided
not to go back to ELQ.”

“Yeah, it wouldn’t be right for me,” AJ said. “I got tired of proving myself to
the old man and I think that’s what may have led to my drinking in the first
place. I don’t want to go back to that.”

“It sounds like you’ve really got a handle on that,” Liz said. “So what are you
doing with your time now?”

“I decided to go back to school,” AJ said. “I want to find something that I love

to do for myself not for the family.”
“That sounds like a very good idea. Good luck,” Liz said.

“Thanks,” AJ said. “So Emily said you had something to tell us without the rest of
the family being around.”

“You get right to the point,” Liz said with a laugh. “You must really be curious.”

“Hey, it’s been bugging me since last night,” AJ said. “I was just happy that you
consider me part of your family.”

“AJ, whatever happened in the past is in the past,” Liz said. “You never pushed me
to remember or pushed me to love you. You just let me be. I wanted to get to know
you and you to get to know me.”

“Thanks,” AJ said, hugging his sister again.

“Now, about the reason for our visit,” Liz said. “I was at the hospital yesterday
because I thought I was sick. I’d been feeling strange for a couple of days and I
ended up fainting in my office. They ran some tests yesterday and it turns out I’m
not sick. I’m pregnant.”

“Oh that’s wonderful dear,” Lila said. “Congratulations, both of you.”

“That’s really great you two,” AJ added. “So Jason, when are you going to make an
honest woman out of my sister?”

Liz blushed and Jason just smiled before whispering something to AJ.

“Hey, what’s going on over there?” Liz asked them.

“Nothing you need to worry about baby,” Jason said.

“Right,” Liz said, rolling her eyes.

“Reginald, what in the devil is…” Edward’s voice boomed as he entered the room.

“Great,” Liz said sarcastically.

Chapter 24

“Reginald, what in the devil is…” Edward’s voice boomed as he entered the room.

“Great,” Liz said sarcastically.

“What are you two criminals doing here?” Edward barked, seeing Liz and Jason.

“You know, I don’t understand you Grandfather,” AJ said. “When Liz isn’t here, you
talk about how much you miss her and wish to improve your relationship with her.
But when she is here, all you can do is rant, rave, and insult her.”

“AJ, it’s okay,” Liz said, touching his arm.

“Young lady, what were you thinking, visiting the ER and not telling anyone why?”
Edward said. “You scared your grandmother half to death.”

“Edward!” Lila said.

“I’m sorry if I worried you Grandmother,” Liz said. “I didn’t mean to.”

“That’s quite alright dear,” Lila said.

“Jason and I have to get going, but I’ll be by again soon,” Liz said.

“I’m looking forward to seeing you again,” Lila said after Liz kissed her cheek.
“Both of you.”

She hugged AJ and Jason shook his hand before they walked out the patio doors.

“She told you, didn’t she?” Edward exclaimed, coming to the realization once Liz
and Jason had left.


“Did you have any luck in Medical Records?” Alan asked when he met up with Monica
for lunch.

“None,” Monica said. “I take it Eve didn’t tell you anything.”

“She didn’t,” Alan said.

“We’re not getting anywhere with this,” Monica said. “I just don’t understand what
she has against us.”

“I don’t know,” Alan said.


“You’re not going to tell them, are you?” Jason asked.

“Everyone that I want to know about the baby, knows,” Liz said. “You’re not going
to tell me I’m wrong, are you?”

“No, I just wanted to make sure you were sure about not telling them,” Jason said.

“Jase, they’ll find some way to use our baby to get me back into the fold,” Liz
said. “Or just take the baby away from us entirely. And I won’t let that happen.”


“I can’t believe she told you and still refuses to tell the rest of us,” Edward
exclaimed. “And you…you were just going to keep it from us.”

“And what makes you think that you even have the right to know?” AJ asked.

“She’s my granddaughter,” Edward declared.

“Yeah, when it’s convenient for you,” AJ scoffed.

“If you don’t tell me, so help me God, I’ll throw you out of this house so fast…”
Edward said.

“Edward!” Lila exclaimed. “That’s quite enough.”

“If Liz doesn’t want to tell you, that’s within her right,” AJ said. “And you
can’t throw me out; I don’t live here!”

“I cannot believe this! The two of you, defending that child’s insolence!” Edward
exclaimed. “Well fine, when something happens to her and Alan and Monica can’t
help her because they don’t know what’s wrong, we’ll see how right you think she

“Who’s right?” Alan asked as he and Monica came through the door.

“Your mother and your son know what’s going on in Elizabeth’s life and have chosen
not to share it with the rest of us,” Edward replied.

Chapter 25

“Your mother and your son know what’s going on in Elizabeth’s life and have chosen
not to share it with the rest of us,” Edward replied.

“Mother!” Alan exclaimed. “How could you?”

“Alan, I told you what I thought of your meddling in my granddaughter’s affairs,”

Lila said. “Liz told me in confidence, trusting me not to tell you, and I won’t
betray that trust.”

“Lila,” Monica said.

“I’m sorry,” Lila said. “But you haven’t gained her trust and the way you’ve
treated her since the accident is just further reasoning for her not to tell you.
And if you continue to invade her privacy, you’ll never find out. You three ought
to be ashamed of yourselves.”


“Jason?” Liz said, when they were in bed later that night.

“Hmm?” Jason said, turning to look at her.

“I’m not going to be able to hid this from them forever,” Liz said. “Eventually
I’m gonna start to show.”

“I know,” Jason said. “I’ve thought about that. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know,” Liz said. “Jason, I’m scared. I don’t want them to take our baby.”

“Honey, they won’t. I promise, they won’t,” Jason said.

“Thank you Jason,” Liz said, moving back into his arms. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Jason said.


“Hey Em,” Liz said, seeing her sister walk into Kelly’s.

“Hi,” Emily said. “I heard you were at the mansion yesterday.”

“Yeah, I saw Lila and AJ,” Liz said. “I told them about the baby.”

“Hey hon,” Emily said when Johnny kissed her after coming through the door.
“Hi Johnny. Is Jason with you?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, he was right behind me. He’s just finishing up a phone call,” Johnny said.

“Thanks,” Liz said.

“Here’s your lunch,” Tammy said, putting a burger and fries in front of Liz.

“Oh God,” Liz said, her face turning green. “Bathroom.”

“Upstairs, on the left,” Tammy said, watching Liz fly up the stairs. “Is she

“She’s four weeks pregnant. I guess the morning sickness is starting,” Emily said.

“Hey, was that Liz dashing up the stairs?” Jason asked, coming in and joining

“Yes, it was,” Emily said. “Morning sickness.”

“It’s 12:40 in the afternoon,” Jason said.

“Indeed it is,” Emily said.

“Okay, so I thought that the name morning sickness implied that the sickness would
occur in the morning,” Jason said.

“No see that’s the thing about pregnancy; nothing happens on a schedule,” Johnny
said. “Man, when Aunt Trish was pregnant…she hardly looked at food, and when she
did, it was always some weird combination, like French fries and chocolate sauce.”

“Hey,” Jason said, when he saw Liz coming back down the stairs slowly. “You okay?”

“Just give me a minute. My stomach’s still inside out and upside down,” Liz said.

“Can I get you anything?” Jason asked.

“Ginger ale,” Liz said. “And could you see if Tammy has some saltine crackers?”

“Sure,” Jason said.

Jason went to the counter and got a glass of ginger ale and a box of saltine
crackers that Tammy served with soup and chili.

When he returned to the table, Liz stood and let Jason sit in the chair so she
could sit in his lap.

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle this for eight more months,” Liz said.

“We’re in this together,” Jason said, rubbing her back soothingly as Liz took a
sip of ginger ale.

“Promise me you’ll still say that when I’m fat, cranky, and having back pain. And
complaining about being fat, cranky, and having back pain,” Liz said.

“You’ll still be beautiful to me,” Jason said.

“I love you,” Liz said.

“I love you too,” Jason said.

“Aw,” Emily said as Jason brushed her lips across Liz’s.

Chapter 26

A month and a half later…

Liz and Jason were leaving Dr. Greenberg’s office when they bumped into Monica.

“Hi,” Liz said.

“He…hello,” Monica said, surprised that Liz had acknowledged her. “How are you?”

“Fine,” Liz said, looking at Jason, who nodded. “Do you have a few minutes?”

“Sure,” Monica said. “Why don’t we go to my office?”

“Thanks,” Liz said, taking Jason’s hand and following Monica to her office.


“I have to say, I was very surprised to see you here,” Monica said. “Is everything

“Yes, everything’s fine,” Liz said. “Look, Jason and I talked and I decided that I
want to tell you what’s going on. I still have my doubts about the old man, but I
can deal with him.”

“I understand,” Monica said. “Edwards can be…difficult.”

“Monica, are you ready for…” Alan began, coming into Monica’s office. “Oh, I’m
sorry, I didn’t realize to had a patient.”

“No Alan, it’s Elizabeth. Excuse me, Liz. That’ll take some getting used to,”
Monica said to Liz, who nodded.

“I can go,” Alan said.

“No, no, please stay,” Liz said. “I’d like you to hear this too.”

Alan took a seat in an empty chair and turned to face Liz and Jason.

“Now AJ and Grandmother already know what I’m going to tell you. As I said to
Monica, I’m a little hesitant about the old man, but as far as you two, I think I
can trust you,” Liz said.

“Nothing’s wrong, is it?” Alan asked.

“No, actually, it’s good,” Liz said. “I’m pregnant.”

“Oh honey, that’s wonderful,” Monica said.

“Congratulations,” Alan said.

“Thank you,” Liz said.

“So how far along are you?” Monica asked.

“Almost three months,” Liz said.

“And everything’s alright, and you’re taking care of yourself?” Alan asked.

“Everything’s looking good. And Jason makes sure that I take good care of myself,”
Liz said.

“Well, if you need anything…” Alan said.

“Thank you,” Liz said.

“Thank you for telling us,” Monica said. “This is our first grandchild after all.”

“Just promise me that you’ll keep the old man from trying to pull anything,” Liz

“I’ll keep my father in line,” Alan said. “He won’t cost me a grandchild.”

“Well, we’ll let you go. We have to get back to work, as I’m sure you do too,” Liz

“Thank you again for coming by,” Monica said. “And you know you can come by the
house any time.”

Liz nodded as she and Jason walked out of Monica’s office.

When they were gone, Alan and Monica looked at each other and smiled, hoping that
this was the first step to reestablishing a relationship with their daughter.


“So,” Jason said while he and Liz were shooting pool in what should’ve been their
dining room. “Do you feel better not having that hanging over your head?”

“Much,” Liz said. “I guess they’re not so bad, now that they’ve begun to realize
Elizabeth isn’t coming back.”

“I guess so,” Jason said, lining up another shot.

“You know, I’m kind of hungry. Can we order a pizza?” Liz asked.

“You just ate,” Jason said.

“So? I’m hungry again,” Liz said.

Jason just laughed and shook his head as he picked up the phone and dialed the
local pizza parlor.

Chapter 27

“You two seem much happier,” Edward pointed out at the dinner table.

“We saw Liz today,” Monica said.

“Liz? Liz? I can’t believe you’re giving in to that child’s insolence!” Edward

“That’s enough Father!” Alan said. “She is our daughter and we want her in our
lives, any way possible.”

“You’re making a big mistake,” Edward said. “You’ll see. Give her and inch and
she’ll take a mile.”

“Grandfather!” Emily exclaimed. “Liz won’t do that. She’s giving the family a
chance. Why can’t you do the same?”

“Emily has a point Edward,” Lila said gently. “Let our granddaughter come back to
us on her own terms or we’ll lose her for good.”


“Are you and Emily going baby shopping tomorrow?” Jason asked as they headed to
the No-Name for dinner.

“Yes,” Liz said. “I was thinking of asking Monica to join us.”

“That sounds like a good idea. I’m sure she’d love to be included,” Jason said.

“That’s what I was thinking,” Liz said. “Well that, and the fact that I have no
idea what I’m doing.”

Jason laughed and Liz slapped his arm as the driver slowed to a stop.

They stepped out of the car and Jason took Liz’s hand before they walked inside.

“Ah, Mr. Morgan, it’s good to see you again,” the host said.

“Thank you Andre,” Jason said.

“And Miss. Webber, you look beautiful this evening,” Andre said, kissing her hand.
“You’re table is ready. Right this way.”

“Thank you,” Jason and Liz said together.


“Jason, there’s no one else sitting near us,” Liz said.

“I wanted us to be alone tonight,” Jason said. “I asked Andre to keep this section
clear for us.”

“Why?” Liz asked.

“You sure are asking a lot of questions tonight,” Jason said.

“I’m curious,” Liz said. “Something’s up with you. You’ve been acting strange
since we left the penthouse.”

“I’m just a little more stressed than usual,” Jason said.

“You’re not having second thoughts about the baby, are you?” Liz asked nervously.
“No. No. God no,” Jason said. “I love you, and out baby. I couldn’t be happier
about that.”

“Then what’s going on?” Liz asked, brushing her first fallen tears away.

“Okay, so this hasn’t gone exactly the way I planned. I didn’t want to upset you,”
Jason said, getting on one knee in front of her and taking a small jewelry box out
of his pocket.

“Oh my God,” Liz breathed, her eyes filling up again.

“Liz Webber, will you marry me?” Jason asked.

“Yes,” Liz said, throwing her arms around his neck. “Definitely yes.”

Jason smiled, slipping the ring on her finger and kissing her.

“Oh, I’m so sorry for getting all weepy,” Liz said, brushing her tears away.
“These damn hormones are driving me crazy.”

“None of that matters. I like seeing you like that,” Jason said. “It always
reminds me that you’re pregnant with our baby.”

“All it reminds me is that I’m a crying mess,” Liz said.

Jason laughed and brushed her tears away, taking his seat again.

“Oh Jason, the ring is beautiful,” Liz said, finally getting a good look at the
two carat diamond set in a platinum band.

“Nothing is more beautiful than you,” Jason said, brushing his lips across hers as
the waiter approached their table.

Chapter 28

“Let’s go home,” Jason said, almost as soon as they’d finished dinner.

“Jason, we just…” Liz said.

“I want to go home and celebrate. Just you and me, in bed,” Jason said.

“Jase, I don’t know,” Liz said.

“Do you not want to make…” Jason said.

“No, I, I do, I just don’t know if it’s safe,” Liz said.

“You’re already pregnant,” Jason said.

“Jase, can we talk about this in the car?” Liz asked, looking around at the other
people in the restaurant.

“Sure,” Jason said.

He stood and wrapped his jacket around Liz’s shoulders, knowing it would be a
chilly walk to the car.

“Thanks Johnny,” Jason said, when he closed the door after Jason and Liz got in.

As the car began to move, Liz leaned into Jason, her head on his shoulder, and
closed her eyes.

“You want to talk?” Jason asked, draping his arm over her shoulders, and pulling
her closer.

“I just want to stay like this,” Liz said, with a contented sigh.

Liz snuggled closer to Jason as he wrapped both arms around her, and she admired
her diamond engagement ring. She and Jason were getting married, and having a
child. At that moment, nothing could touch them. But Liz’s deepest fear was that
something was coming. She didn’t know what, or when, and that scared her.

Not realizing that she’d been so deep in thought, Liz didn’t hear Jason calling
her name at first.

“What? Oh, sorry,” she said, when she realized he’d been calling her name.

“Where were you just now?” Jason asked.

“Just thinking,” Liz said, trying to cover coolly.

“Liz, I know you. Something’s bothering you,” Jason said. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Liz insisted.

“Alright,” Jason said, deciding not to push her. He knew she’d come to him when
she was ready.


“Jason?” Liz said when they’d returned to the penthouse. “I’m sorry about before.”

“Is something wrong?” Jason asked.

“It has nothing to do with us making love. I know that it’s safe. Dr. Greenberg
already said it was still alright for us to have intercourse,” Liz said.

“Then what is it?” Jason asked. “Are you hurt? Sick?”

“Scared,” Liz replied. “Something’s going to happen Jason. With Sorel. I can feel

“Sorel’s been quiet; probably too quiet. I’ll do everything in my power to protect
you, and our child, if something does come to a head with Sorel,” Jason said.

“Jason, you’re not Superman, and your not God,” Liz said. “There’s only so much
you can do. And I’m not saying it to scare you. I’m saying it because I want you
to understand that you control all of this. If something does happen, I know
you’ll try your best, but I know how you get, and I don’t want you to blame
yourself if things don’t work out exactly the way they should.”

“I know,” Jason said. “But how about we forget about all this ‘what if’ talk, and
just celebrate our engagement?”
“Is that all you think about?” Liz asked playfully, her teeth catching his

“When you do things like that, it is,” Jason replied, with a groan, as her lips
caressed his neck.

“Take me upstairs Jason,” Liz said.

Jason smiled, took her hand, and wordlessly led her upstairs to their bedroom.


Jason slid the zipper of Liz’s dress down, and the dress fell to the floor,
leaving her clad in black panties and a matching bra, the slight bulge forming in
her tummy exposed.

His hands slid down her arms, caressed her breasts, and came to rest on her
pregnant belly. Liz looked up at him and smiled, her hand caressing his cheek.

“I want to feel you inside me Jason,” Liz said.

“Oh God, I love you,” Jason groaned, falling back on the bed, pulling Liz over

Liz discarded of Jason’s shirt and slid his pants off, tossing them aside as Jason
unhooked her bra and it joined the pile of clothing as his lips kissed from one
breast to the other, brushing the valley between.

“Do you want to…” Jason began, discarding of his boxers and Liz’s panties.

“I think I’d be more comfortable,” Liz said, knowing what he was asking.

Liz straddled Jason and positioned herself over Jason’s erection and lowered
herself onto him, eliciting a groan from the back of his throat.

“Oh God, Liz,” he said, closing his eyes.

Liz rose up, letting him almost all the way out and lowered herself on him again,
her head falling back as Jason raised his hips to meet her, going deeper inside

Jason kept his hands on her hips as they moved together, and as they moved closer
and closer to the edge, they came, calling each other’s names.

Liz carefully moved off of Jason and he pulled her into his arms, his hands
resting on her belly, swollen with the beginnings of their child.

Chapter 29

When Liz awoke the next morning, she reached for Jason, but found his side of the
bed empty, and cool, like he’d been gone while.

She smiled when she saw a note on his pillow and picked it up so she could read

Morning baby-

I had to get to the warehouse

early. I won’t be gone for
very long. Eat a good
breakfast and I’ll cook
dinner later.


Liz smiled, hugging the note to her chest, and she slipped out of bed to pull the
tee shirt of Jason’s that he’d left for her, over her head.

She moved slowly down the stairs, thinking about the night before, looking at her
new engagement ring, and putting that hand on her swollen belly as she moved
towards the kitchen.

She was pulling a box of donuts from the cabinet and retrieving a carton of milk
from the fridge when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” Liz called.

“Caught you,” Carly said, entering the kitchen and putting a plate and a carafe of
orange juice on the counter.

“What’s all this?” Liz asked.

“Breakfast,” Carly said. “Jason knew you’d go straight for the donuts this morning
so Sonny made you breakfast.”

“It smells delicious,” Liz said.

“Sonny used to do this for me when I was pregnant with Michael,” Carly said. “I
always went for the junk food and he was always shoving gourmet meals down my

Liz laughed, reaching for a glass and some silverware to eat the breakfast Sonny
had prepared.

“You know I really should talk to him about teaching me how to cook,” Liz said,
sitting down. “Jason can’t cook either and when our baby grows up, he or she can’t
live on fast food or Sonny’s cooking.”

“I’m sure Sonny would be glad to help you,” Carly said.

“So what do you have planned for today?” Liz asked.

“Michael has a birthday party for one of his friends today,” Carly said. “I told
the mother I’d stay and help out, chaperone, stuff like that. What about you?”

“I’m going shopping with Emily today and I asked Monica to come along,” Liz

“That should be good for all of you,” Carly said.

“Yeah, considering I don’t know the first thing about being a mother,” Liz said.

“You’ll learn,” Carly said. “I did.”

“I know, it’s just nerve-wracking,” Liz said. “I mean what if I’m a bad mother, or
if I do something wrong…”

“Liz, Liz, calm down. Stress is bad for the baby,” Carly said. “Motherhood is a
learning experience for you and your child. No first time mothers know a lot about
children, and what they do know is useless because all children are different.
You’re going to be an excellent mother.”

“You really think so?” Liz asked.

“I know so,” Carly said.

“Thanks,” Liz said.

“No problem,” Carly said. “Well, I’ve gotta get back to Michael, but remember what
I said. You’ll be fine.”

“Thank you. And tell Sonny I said thanks for breakfast,” Liz said.

“Sure,” Carly said. “We’ll see you for dinner tonight.”


“Hey,” Emily said, hugging her sister when Liz stepped out of the limo.

“Hi,” Liz asked. “Where’s Monica?”

“She’s on her way,” Emily said. “She got held up at the hospital, but she just
called and said she was finished for the morning and heading here.”

“That’s good,” Liz said. “I was actually really looking forward to spending some
time with her.”

“Trust me, she’s raved about this since you asked her to join us,” Emily replied.

“I’m glad,” Liz said. “Jason and I spent a long time talking and it seems like
Alan and Monica have realized that I’m not who I used to be. It’ll be nice for our
baby to know his or her grandparents, since Jason’s parents are long gone.”

“I know what you mean,” Emily said. “So do you want to get started, or do you want
to wait a little while?”

“We can wait for a few minutes. I honestly have no idea where to start, so we’d
probably be lost without her,” Liz said.

The girls laughed as Max drove the limo away from the front of Wyndam’s and
Francis stayed with Emily and Liz, waiting for Monica.

Chapter 30

“Hi girls,” Monica said, walking in the front of Wyndam’s, seeing her daughters.

“Hi Mom,” Emily said.

“Hi Mom,” Liz said.

Hearing Liz call her ‘mom’ made Monica’s heart swell and she reached out to hug
her daughter.
“You know I’ve been thinking too,” Liz said. “I kind of like the way Elizabeth
sounds, so if you’d like to call me Elizabeth…”

“Why the change of heart?” Monica asked.

Elizabeth blushed and Monica began to shy away.

“I’m…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” Monica said.

“No, no…it’s okay,” Elizabeth said. “I just…Jason said it last night…and I…I like
the way it sounds.”

Emily laughed and Monica smiled.

“So where do we start?” Elizabeth asked.

“Well, you’re what, just three months along?” Monica asked.

“Yeah, just about three months,” Elizabeth said. “I know it’s early, but Jason and
I are just so excited that we wanted to get started.”

“Of course,” Monica said. “We can start with furniture and things like that so you
and Jason can get started on the nursery. Are you sure he doesn’t want to do this
with you?”

“He will, eventually,” Elizabeth said. “I thought we could just start looking
today to get some ideas because Jason and I really have no idea what we’re doing.”

“That’s always a good idea,” Monica said as they started to the escalator that
would lead them to the floor with the baby furniture and other baby items.


Following several hours of wandering through Wyndam’s eyeing the various pieces of
baby furniture and accessories, Elizabeth, Emily, and Monica stopped at the Grille
for lunch.

As Elizabeth went through her soup, her salad, steak, and a lobster tail, the
girls chatted with their mother, mostly about Elizabeth’s impending motherhood and
her engagement to Jason.

Elizabeth noticed Joseph Sorel having a meal on the other side of the restaurant
and motioned for Francis.

“Is everything alright Miss. Webber?” Francis asked, approaching the table.

“I want you to keep an eye on Sorel,” Elizabeth said. “Just in case.”

“Of course. Would you like me to call Mr. Morgan or Mr. Corinthos?” Francis asked.

“No, no. I don’t think that’s necessary right now. Just watch him closely,”
Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth was sure that she was just being paranoid, but something about Sorel’s
presence there was bothering her. Sure enough, while they were waiting for the
check, Sorel walked over to their table.
“Miss. Webber, how lovely to see you,” he said, as Francis walked over.

“I suggest you leave, and I suggest you make it a hasty exit,” Francis said,
gripping Sorel’s arm.

“I just wanted to wish the lady well. I heard of her pregnancy and her upcoming
nuptials,” Sorel said.

“Your well-wishes are not wanted and neither is your presence. I suggest you leave
before my fiancée removes you permanently,” Elizabeth said.

“You shouldn’t go around making threats like that,” Sorel said. “Especially if you
plan to keep your baby out of harm’s way.”

Sorel made his exit, his threat lingering and Elizabeth, more affected by hormones
than Sorel’s words, began to cry.

“It’s okay,” Francis said, helping her out of the chair. “Let’s go see Jason,

Elizabeth nodded, tears still streaming down her cheeks, and Francis walked her
out the door of the Grille and to the limo.


“Jason,” Francis said, knocking on his office door as he opened it.

“What happened?” Jason said, practically jumping out of his chair to get to his
fiancée to comfort her.

“Sorel, he…” Elizabeth said, crying harder. “I was having lunch with Emily and
Monica and he was there. Jason, he’s going to hurt our baby. He’s going to take
our baby from us, I know it.”

“Honey, you need to calm down,” Jason said, sitting on the couch in his office,
beside her, rubbing her back, rocking her as she cried.

“Ow!” Elizabeth said all of a sudden, her hands going to her abdomen.

“What’s wrong?” Jason asked.

“The baby,” Elizabeth said, her tears coming strong again. “Jason, something’s
wrong with the baby.”

“@#%$!” Jason said, then forced himself to stay calm for Elizabeth. “Francis,
bring the car around. We have to get to GH now!”

Chapter 31

“Jason,” Francis said, knocking on his office door as he opened it.

“What happened?” Jason said, practically jumping out of his chair to get to his
fiancée to comfort her.

“Sorel, he…” Elizabeth said, crying harder. “I was having lunch with Emily and
Monica and he was there. Jason, he’s going to hurt our baby. He’s going to take
our baby from us, I know it.”
“Honey, you need to calm down,” Jason said, sitting on the couch in his office,
beside her, rubbing her back, rocking her as she cried.

“Ow!” Elizabeth said all of a sudden, her hands going to her abdomen.

“What’s wrong?” Jason asked.

“The baby,” Elizabeth said, her tears coming strong again. “Jason, something’s
wrong with the baby.”

“@#%$!” Jason said, then forced himself to stay calm for Elizabeth. “Francis,
bring the car around. We have to get to GH now!”


“Jason, it hurts,” Elizabeth cried as they were settling in the car.

“I know honey, I know,” Jason said, holding her hand. “But you have to try to
relax and breathe, okay? Just relax and breathe.”

“Jason, the baby,” Elizabeth said.

“The baby’s going to be fine,” Jason said, squeezing her hand. “I promise
everything will be alright; you just have to breathe for me.”

“Jason, we’re here,” Francis said, slowing the car.

“Elizabeth, honey, I’m just going to pick you up again so I can carry you inside,”
Jason said.

“Just hurry, please,” Elizabeth said, he hand grasping her belly.


“I need help here,” Jason said as he carried Elizabeth into the ER. “Elizabeth,
stay with me.”

“Jas…” Elizabeth began, her breath slower as her pain overtook her and she began
to lose consciousness.

“Elizabeth?” Alan said, spotting his daughter in her fiancée’s arms. “What
happened to her?”

“I don’t…I don’t know,” Jason said, trying to stay calm. “She just started having
these pains and we brought her right here.”

“You did a good thing by bringing her here,” Alan said. “Elizabeth, honey, can you
hear me?”

Elizabeth didn’t respond and Jason prayed that his fiancée and their baby would be
alright as he placed her on a stretcher and watched her being wheeled into an exam
room, too stunned and scared to follow.


“Somebody page OB-GYN now,” Alan said. “Elizabeth, can you hear me?”

“Her pressure’s too high,” the nurse said.

“Elizabeth, I need you to open your eyes for me,” Alan said.

“Alan?” Elizabeth said softly, slightly disoriented as she came to.

“Oh good. Elizabeth, sweetheart, can you tell me what happened?” Alan asked.

“I was talking to Jason about something because I was a little worried after a
little encounter I’d had at lunch. All of a sudden it was hard to breathe, and I
kept feeling these sharp pains,” Elizabeth explained as Jason finally made his way
into the exam room.

“Thank God,” Jason said, walking over to her.

“I’m fine,” Elizabeth said.

“You scared me for a minute there,” Jason said, taking her hand in his.

“Is the baby okay?” Elizabeth asked.

“I think so,” Alan said. “I just want to hook you up to a fetal monitor to check
the baby’s heart rate and everything else.”

“Somebody page me?” Dr. Meadows asked, coming into the room. “Oh Elizabeth, are
you alright?”

“Everything seems to be okay now. Her blood pressure spiked and sent the baby into
distress, but her blood pressure’s come back down and the pains have stopped,”
Alan said.

“That’s good, but we should hook her up to a fetal monitor. Just to double-check
things,” Dr. Meadows said.

“I agree,” Alan said as he and Dr. Meadows stepped out of the exam room.

“Jason, I’m sorry,” Elizabeth said. “I really could’ve put our baby in danger.”

“But you didn’t,” Jason said. “You have a right to be afraid, but I promise, I
will always protect you, and our baby.”

“I love you,” Elizabeth said.

“I love you too,” Jason said, brushing her lips across hers as the nurse wheeled
the fetal heart monitor in the room.

Chapter 32

“Somebody page me?” Dr. Meadows asked, coming into the room. “Oh Elizabeth, are
you alright?”

“Everything seems to be okay now. Her blood pressure spiked and sent the baby into
distress, but her blood pressure’s come back down and the pains have stopped,”
Alan said.

“That’s good, but we should hook her up to a fetal monitor. Just to double-check
things,” Dr. Meadows said.

“I agree,” Alan said as he and Dr. Meadows stepped out of the exam room.
“Jason, I’m sorry,” Elizabeth said. “I really could’ve put our baby in danger.”

“But you didn’t,” Jason said. “You have a right to be afraid, but I promise, I
will always protect you, and our baby.”

“I love you,” Elizabeth said.

“I love you too,” Jason said, brushing her lips across hers as the nurse wheeled
the fetal heart monitor in the room.


“Everything looks fine,” Dr. Meadows said. “Your blood pressure’s down and your
baby is perfectly healthy.”

“Oh, thank God,” Elizabeth said, squeezing Jason’s hand.

“But with that in mind, just as a precaution, I want you on complete bed rest for
at least a week,” Dr. Meadows said. “Just so we make sure you get enough rest and
that everything continues to remain fine with yourself and the baby.”

“I’ll make sure she stays in bed,” Jason insisted.

“I’m sure you will,” Dr. Meadows said with a smile, knowing how first time fathers
were with their expecting wives. “So just get dressed and make an appointment
outside; I want to see you after that week of bed rest is up.”

“Will do,” Elizabeth said, sliding off the bed.


Jason carried Elizabeth from the limo inside the building and held her in the
elevator until it stopped on the penthouse floor and he carried her inside the
penthouse, placing her gently on the couch.

“I could’ve walked you know,” Elizabeth said.

“Maybe, but you’re on doctor’s orders to stay on bed rest for the next week,”
Jason said.

“Jason, I can rest just fine and do a little walking,” Elizabeth said. “I don’t
want you to have to wait on my hand and foot.”

“Tough; besides, I want to,” Jason said. “I will do anything to keep you and our
baby comfortable, safe, and healthy.”

“Thank you,” Elizabeth said.

“You’re welcome,” Jason said. “Now, do you need anything?”

“A kiss would be nice,” Elizabeth said.

“I think that can be arranged,” Jason said, sitting on the couch as she laid back.

Putting his hand on her swollen belly, Jason brushed his lips softly against hers.
Elizabeth wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth to him, moaning
when she felt his tongue touch hers.
When Jason pulled way, breathless, he looked at her. His breath caught in his
throat at how beautiful she was; her eyes glazed over with desire, her cheeks
flushed, her hand on her belly that held their child.

“You should get some sleep,” Jason said, when he found his voice.

“You know, I am kind of tired,” Elizabeth said.

“I’ll be here when you wake up,” Jason said, draping a blanket over her.

“I love you,” Elizabeth said sleepily, as her eyes drifted shut.

“I love you too,” Jason said, kissing her forehead.


An hour and a half later the phone rang, and Jason answered it on the first ring,
hoping to avoid waking Elizabeth, who was still sleeping peacefully on the couch.

“Hello?” he answered.

“Jason, its Alan,” the voice on the other line said.

“Hi Alan,” Jason replied. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes, I uh…I was actually going to ask you the same question,” Alan said. “How’s

“She’s fine. Tired definitely; she’s sleeping,” Jason replied.

“That’s good, that’s what she needs,” Alan said. “You know, if possible you should
try and stay with her as much as possible while she’s on bed rest. I’m sure you
know how stubborn she is and that she’ll probably try to do at least some things
for herself.”

“I’m going to be with her,” Jason said. “I work from home a lot now so it won’t be
a problem.”

“Excellent,” Alan said. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call Monica or

“I’ll do that, thank you,” Jason said.

“I’ll let you go,” Alan said. “Thank you again for taking such good care of her.”

“Always,” Jason said.

Alan hung up and Jason put the phone back in the cradle before looking over at
Elizabeth to see that she was still sleeping. Knowing she’d probably be that way
for at least another hour or so, Jason settled into a chair near the couch and
reviewed some paperwork, letting Elizabeth sleep but being able to keep an eye on
her, to be by her side if she needed anything.

Chapter 33

“How’s Elizabeth?” Alan asked, wanting to check on her daughter, having heard that
she was in the hospital earlier that day.
“She’s fine. Tired definitely; she’s sleeping,” Jason replied.

“That’s good, that’s what she needs,” Alan said. “You know, if possible you should
try and stay with her as much as possible while she’s on bed rest. I’m sure you
know how stubborn she is and that she’ll probably try to do at least some things
for herself.”

“I’m going to be with her,” Jason said. “I work from home a lot now so it won’t be
a problem.”

“Excellent,” Alan said. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call Monica or

“I’ll do that, thank you,” Jason said.

“I’ll let you go,” Alan said. “Thank you again for taking such good care of her.”

“Always,” Jason said.

Alan hung up and Jason put the phone back in the cradle before looking over at
Elizabeth to see that she was still sleeping. Knowing she’d probably be that way
for at least another hour or so, Jason settled into a chair near the couch and
reviewed some paperwork, letting Elizabeth sleep but being able to keep an eye on
her, to be by her side if she needed anything.


Five months later…

Elizabeth awoke to find Jason still sleeping next to her. She smiled, glad that he
was sleeping, knowing that once the baby was born, neither of them would be
sleeping much.

Lying on her side, Elizabeth watched Jason sleep for almost an hour before he
stirred. She always loved how his face was softer, and more content, in his sleep;
and it made her wonder what he dreamed about.

“Good morning,” Elizabeth said as Jason opened his eyes.

“What time is it?” Jason asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“A little after nine,” Elizabeth replied.

“Why did you let me sleep so long?” Jason asked, sitting up and brushing his lips
against hers.

“You were tired,” Elizabeth said. “Besides, when the baby gets here in a few
weeks, neither of us will be getting enough sleep.”

“Good point,” Jason said. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” Elizabeth said. “What time do you have to be at the warehouse?”

“I don’t, but I’m going to stop by later to finish filing this month’s coffee
invoices,” Jason said. “It should only take an hour, so I’ll go around 5ish and
I’ll pick up dinner on the way home.”
“Steaks from the Grille?” she asked hopefully.

“Sounds perfect,” Jason said. “I’m gonna get in the shower.”

“I’ll be downstairs,” Elizabeth said. “Coffee?”

“Sure,” Jason said, kissing her once more before rolling out of bed.


Shortly before 5, Jason left for the warehouse and Elizabeth decided last minute
to stop there herself to get some work done, knowing that once the baby came, she
wouldn’t have much time for it.

“Francis,” Elizabeth said, opening the door to the penthouse.

“Yes, Miss. Webber?” Francis replied.

“I was thinking about going down to the warehouse, to get some work done,”
Elizabeth said. “Would you mind bringing the car around?”

“Not at all, Miss. Webber,” Francis replied.


An hour and a half later,

Elizabeth and Jason had finished their work at about the same time, and Jason
decided to leave his bike at the warehouse and take the limo back with Elizabeth.

Although they were together, Jason and Elizabeth decided to still bring their
dinner from the Grille home. Jason had ordered it from the car and they’d gone
inside together to pick it up, but since it wasn’t quite ready; they’d taken a
seat at the bar to wait.

Jason had laughed as he watched Elizabeth, with her eight and a half months
pregnant body, try to sit on the bar stool, but Elizabeth had glared, quickly
wiping the smirk off his face and forcing him off his stool to help her.

They weren’t sitting for more than five minutes when Elizabeth, who was sipping a
glass of milk, dropped the glass suddenly, shattering it on the bar.

However, the noise of the shattering glass was overpowered but Elizabeth’s sudden

“Elizabeth, honey, what’s wrong. Baby, talk to me; what’s the matter?” Jason
asked, confused and afraid for his fiancée.

“Contraction,” Elizabeth said, through clenched teeth. “My water just broke.”

Chapter 34

Although they were together, Jason and Elizabeth decided to still bring their
dinner from the Grille home. Jason had ordered it from the car and they’d gone
inside together to pick it up, but since it wasn’t quite ready; they’d taken a
seat at the bar to wait.

Jason had laughed as he watched Elizabeth, with her eight and a half months
pregnant body, try to sit on the bar stool, but Elizabeth had glared, quickly
wiping the smirk off his face and forcing him off his stool to help her.

They weren’t sitting for more than five minutes when Elizabeth, who was sipping a
glass of milk, dropped the glass suddenly, shattering it on the bar.

However, the noise of the shattering glass was overpowered but Elizabeth’s sudden

“Elizabeth, honey, what’s wrong. Baby, talk to me; what’s the matter?” Jason
asked, confused and afraid for his fiancée.

“Contraction,” Elizabeth said, through clenched teeth. “My water just broke.”

“You’re having the baby? Here? Now?” Jason asked, almost in a panic.

“Feels that way,” Elizabeth said.

“Francis!” Jason said, his yell getting the attention of the entire restaurant.

“Mr. Morgan,” the hostess said. “Is there something I can do for you?”

“Someone call GH,” Jason said. “My wife’s in labor. Tell them we’re on our way and
have them page Dr. Meadows, and both Drs. Quartermaine.”

“I’ll take care of it. Right away Mr. Morgan,” the hostess said. “And good luck.”

Jason nodded as he helped Elizabeth off the stool when he saw Francis pull the
limo around the front, right outside the door.

“Okay, Elizabeth, we’re going to walk slow to the car,” Jason said. “Can you do
that for me?”

“Jason, it hurts,” Elizabeth said, gripping her swollen belly after taking only
two small steps.

“Okay, it’s okay; I’ve got you,” Jason said, stopping and then lifting Elizabeth
into his arms.

“Jason, are you sure? I don’t want you to…” Elizabeth said.

“I’m fine. All I’m thinking about right now is you, and getting you to the
hospital to deliver our baby,” Jason said, carrying Elizabeth out to the limo.

“Jason,” Francis said, opening the door to the limo. “How is she?”

“I’m fine Francis,” Elizabeth said through clenched teeth. “Now drive. And drive


“Dr. Quartermaine,” a nurse said. “I have the hostess from the Grille on the
phone. Jason Morgan’s wife is in labor and is on her way here. Is Dr. Meadows down

“She’s in her office,” Monica said. “Someone page my husband.”

“Right away Dr. Quartermaine,” the nurse said, as a cry was heard coming from the
emergency room doors.

“I need a doctor here,” Francis said, coming in in front of Jason, who was
carrying Elizabeth.

“Elizabeth,” Monica said, rushing over.

“Mom, I’m scared,” Elizabeth said.

“You’re going to be fine,” Monica said. “Dr. Meadows is on her way.”

“Elizabeth, okay. Let’s get her up to Labor and Delivery,” Dr. Meadows said as an
orderly brought a stretcher over so Jason could put Elizabeth down. “Elizabeth,
has your water broken yet?”

“Ye…yes,” Elizabeth said. “At the restaurant. About ten minutes ago.”

“Okay,” Dr. Meadows said. “Your contractions are coming closer now. This baby is
just about ready to be delivered.”

“Monica, I got the page. What’s the…Elizabeth?” Alan said, coming on the scene.

“You’re going to be a grandpa,” Dr. Meadows said as she and the orderly pushed
Elizabeth’s stretcher towards the elevator.


Five minutes later, Elizabeth’s delivery room…

“Okay Elizabeth, you’re dilated at just about nine, so it’ll be only a few more
minutes,” Dr. Meadows said.

“You’re doing great baby,” Jason said, taking Elizabeth’s hand.

“Jason, I want to push,” Elizabeth said.

“You can’t push yet. It won’t be too much longer,” Jason said. “Just relax and
hold my hand.”

“You’re almost ready,” Dr. Meadows reassured Elizabeth. “Just another minute, and
then I’m going to have you push.”

True to word, only two minutes later, Dr. Meadows told Elizabeth that she was
fully dilated and was ready to push.

“Okay, baby, this is it,” Jason said. “Hold my hand and push when Dr. Meadows

“Elizabeth, you’re going to push on three,” Dr. Meadows said. “One, two…three.
Push, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth squeezed Jason’s hand tightly as she pushed and she bit her bottom lip
to keep from crying out.

“Good girl,” Dr. Meadows said. “The head is out Elizabeth; you’re doing great.
Another push and the shoulders will be out.”

“Jason, you are never touching me again!” Elizabeth screamed as she pushed again.
Seeing the startled look on Jason’s face, a nurse turned to him a whispered, “She
doesn’t mean it. They all say that in delivery. As soon as your baby is brought
into the world, she’ll forget anything ever happened.”

“One more push will do it Elizabeth,” Dr. Meadows said. “Push.”

“Ah…I hate you!” Elizabeth cried as she pushed once more.

The room was silent for only a moment when a baby’s cry pierced the air.

“It’s a boy,” Dr. Meadows said. “You have a beautiful baby boy.”

“Oh, he’s…he’s so tiny,” Elizabeth said as a nurse placed the newborn baby boy
Morgan into Elizabeth’s arms.

“He’s perfect,” Jason said. “He’s perfect.”

Elizabeth looked up at Jason and he leaned down a bit to brush his lips across

Chapter 35

The room was silent for only a moment when a baby’s cry pierced the air.

“It’s a boy,” Dr. Meadows said. “You have a beautiful baby boy.”

“Oh, he’s…he’s so tiny,” Elizabeth said as a nurse placed the newborn baby boy
Morgan into Elizabeth’s arms.

“He’s perfect,” Jason said. “He’s perfect.”

Elizabeth looked up at Jason and he leaned down a bit to brush his lips across


A little while after Elizabeth was settled in her room again, this time with her
new baby boy, a nurse came in with a bottle.

“There’s a lot of people outside, waiting to see you,” she said, handing Elizabeth
a bottle.

“Are you feeling up to it?” Jason asked.

“Sure,” Elizabeth said, shifting the baby boy in her arms.

“Come on in,” Jason called.

“Congratulations,” everyone said, coming into the room.

“Hi,” Elizabeth said.

“Aw, he’s so tiny,” Carly said.

“What’s his name?” Emily asked.

“Michael Jason Morgan,” Elizabeth said.

“He’s beautiful honey,” Alan said, kissing her forehead.

“Do you want to hold him?” Elizabeth asked.

“Please,” Alan said.

“Congrats bro,” Johnny said, hugging his brother.

“Thank you,” Jason said.

“You did good man,” Sonny said, hugging Jason next, followed by Carly.

“Thank you, both of you,” Jason said, before turning to see Elizabeth yawn. “Are
you tired honey?”

“A little,” Elizabeth said.

“Well, we just wanted to see the baby and congratulate you both, but we’ll let you
get some rest now,” Monica said.

“Thank you,” Elizabeth said.

“And you’ll be released tomorrow?” Alan asked.

“Yes, tomorrow at 11,” Jason said.

“Stop by our offices before you go,” Alan said.

“We will,” Elizabeth said.

“And if you’re feeling up to it, you can join us for dinner tomorrow,” Sonny said.

“We’d like that,” Jason said.

“Johnny, Emily, you’re more than welcome to come by too,” Sonny said.

“We’ll be there,” Johnny said.

“So, we’ll let you get some rest,” Carly said. “Congratulations again.”

The group of visitors said good-bye to Elizabeth and Jason, and Alan placed
Michael in Jason’s arms as Elizabeth began to fall asleep.


The next morning, a quarter to ten in the morning…

Dr. Meadows had come by an hour earlier to check on her and marked Elizabeth and
Michael for discharge.

“Your son is all ready to go home,” the nurse said, bringing Michael into the

“Thank you,” Jason said taking Michael, while Elizabeth was putting the last of
her things in her bag.
“An orderly will be in in a moment with a wheelchair,” the nurse said. “And
congratulations again.”

“Thank you,” Elizabeth and Jason said together.

“So, are you ready to take Michael home?” Jason asked.

“Definitely,” Elizabeth said, rising on her toes to kiss him, careful of Michael
in his arms. “Thank you for this Jason. I couldn’t have asked for a better man to
love me and to be a father to our son.”

“I couldn’t have asked for a better woman to love me and to be a mother to our
son,” Jason said. “I can’t wait to be married to you Elizabeth, so I can finally
call you my wife.

“I love you,” Elizabeth said, kissing him again.

“Um, I’m here to bring you downstairs to be picked up,” the orderly said, coming
in with a wheelchair.

“Thank you,” Elizabeth said.

“Why don’t you sit and I’ll put Michael in your arms,” Jason said.

Elizabeth nodded and sat in the wheelchair and then took Michael from Jason. Jason
picked up Elizabeth’s bag and they headed to Alan’s office, where he and Monica
were waiting to see them before they left.


“Hi,” Monica said, happily seeing the orderly wheel Elizabeth and Michael to the
office door. “How are you feeling?”

“Not bad actually,” Elizabeth said. “And seeing Michael just makes it all better.”

“He’s a beautiful baby,” Monica said.

“So you’re heading home now?” Alan asked.

“Yes,” Elizabeth said. “Please let Lila know that I’ll bring Michael by to see her

“I’m sure she’d love that,” Monica said.

“And if AJ could be there too…” Elizabeth began.

“I’ll give him a call,” Alan said.

“Thank you,” Elizabeth said. “Well, we should get home.”

“We’ll walk down with you,” Monica said.

Alan excused the orderly and took over pushing the wheelchair to the main entrance
where Marco was waiting in the limo.

“Is that your ride?” Alan asked.

“Yeah,” Jason said.

“Okay then,” Alan said. “Congratulations again.”

Alan offered his hand to Jason, who shook it, and kissed Elizabeth’s forehead.
Monica hugged her future son-in-law and kissed Elizabeth’s forehead.

“If you need anything, give us a call; it doesn’t matter what time it is,” Monica
said. “And I’ll let Lila know you’re coming by tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” Elizabeth said. “See you soon.”

Alan and Monica headed back inside and Marco stepped out to help Jason and
Elizabeth get situated with Michael in the limo.

Chapter 36

“If you need anything, give us a call; it doesn’t matter what time it is,” Monica
said. “And I’ll let Lila know you’re coming by tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” Elizabeth said. “See you soon.”

Alan and Monica headed back inside and Marco stepped out to help Jason and
Elizabeth get situated with Michael in the limo.


After the ride back to Harborview, Jason and Elizabeth brought their newborn son
into their penthouse to show him his home.

Elizabeth held Michael as they walked through the penthouse, Jason describing
every room and every object they came into contact with.

“And this is the kitchen,” Jason said as they entered that room in the penthouse.
“We don’t spend much time in here, because your mom and I can’t cook, but we’ll
make you bottles in here.”

“You really think he’s getting any of this?” Elizabeth asked with a laugh.

“Of course,” Jason said, taking Michael from Elizabeth. “Don’t you Michael?”

Elizabeth laughed as Michael yawned and blinked his eyes.

“I think he’s getting tired. Maybe we should show him his nursery,” Elizabeth

“What do you think Michael? Do you want to see your room?” Jason asked the infant.

Elizabeth just shook her head as they walked up the stairs to Michael’s nursery,
Jason all the while talking animatedly to their son.


“I think he likes his room,” Jason said as he and Elizabeth walked out of the

Elizabeth said nothing, awestruck by her fiancée.

“What?” Jason asked, seeing Elizabeth staring at him.

“Nothing,” Elizabeth said. “I…I just can’t believe how blessed I am to have you
and Michael in my life.”

“I love you,” Jason said, wrapping his arms around her.

“I love you too,” Elizabeth said.


The next morning…

“Are you sure it’s okay that we bring Michael out so soon?” Jason asked.

“They wouldn’t have let us take him home if he couldn’t be exposed to the
outside,” Elizabeth said, putting some diapers into the new diaper bag. “Besides
we’re not taking him to a crowded place with a lot of people. It’s just the
Quartermaine house. My grandmother wouldn’t have agreed to the visit if she
thought she’d expose Michael to any germs.”

“I know, I just…” Jason said.

“Relax Jason,” Elizabeth said, handing Michael to Jason to put him in his carrier.

“So Michael, are you ready to visit your great-grandmother’s house?” Jason asked
his son as he fastened him safely into the carrier.

Michael’s face just scrunched as he yawned and Jason shook his head.

“Are we ready?” Elizabeth asked.

“We are,” Jason said, picking up Michael’s carrier.

“It’s Michael’s first visit to his great-grandmother’s house,” Elizabeth said.

Jason looked down at Michael in his carrier as they walked out of the penthouse,
and wasn’t surprised to find that he was sleeping once again.


When Jason and Elizabeth arrived at the Quartermaine mansion, Reginald let them in
and led them into the living room where Lila was waiting.

“Oh, I’m so glad you could come,” Lila said, seeing her granddaughter with her son
and fiancée.

“Grandmother, this is our son, Michael Morgan,” Elizabeth said, placing her son in
her grandmother’s arms.

“He’s beautiful sweetheart,” Lila said.

“Thank you Grandmother,” Elizabeth said.

“Oh, I’m sorry I’m late,” AJ said. “I had to finish the paperwork on my desk.”

“No problem,” Elizabeth said. “We just got here ourselves.”

“He’s so small,” AJ said, looking at his nephew in his grandmother’s arms.

“He’s only a day old AJ,” Elizabeth said, laughing at his brother.

As Elizabeth spoke, Michael began to fuss in Lila’s arms.

Jason picked him up and rocked him gently, hoping to calm his son.

“When was his last bottle?” Elizabeth asked.

“An hour before we left,” Jason said.

“And has he been changed since then?” Elizabeth asked, trying to feel Michael’s
diaper to see if he was wet.

“No,” Jason said.

“I’ll go change him,” Elizabeth said. “Grandmother, where can I…”

“You can change him in one of the bedrooms upstairs,” Lila said.

“I’ll go with you,” Jason said.

“We’ll be right back,” Elizabeth said, picking up the diaper bag while Jason
carried Michael.

“They are a beautiful family,” Lila said, watching Elizabeth and Jason bring
Michael upstairs.

“They definitely are,” AJ agreed, finally feeling the weight lifted, relieved that
he hadn’t ruined the chance that Elizabeth had once had at the life she deserved.

Chapter 37

“They are a beautiful family,” Lila said, watching Elizabeth and Jason bring
Michael upstairs.

“They definitely are,” AJ agreed, finally feeling the weight lifted, relieved that
he hadn’t ruined the chance that Elizabeth had once had at the life she deserved.

Because Elizabeth had the life she deserved, and it was better than she could’ve


Several weeks later…

“Hi,” Carly said when Elizabeth answered the door. “I’m not disturbing you, am I?”

“Not at all,” Elizabeth told her friend. “Jason’s at the warehouse, which is where
I’m sure Sonny is as well, and I just put Michael down for his nap.”

“My Michael’s in school until 3,” Carly said.

“So, what are your plans for today?” Elizabeth asked.

“Well, my plan was that we should start planning your wedding,” Carly said.

“But Jason and I haven’t even set a date yet,” Elizabeth said.

“So, talk to him. Set a date,” Carly said.

“I can’t just call him and tell him to pick a date,” Elizabeth said.

“Why not?” Carly asked.

“I don’t know. I just...” Elizabeth began.

“You love him, right?” Carly said.

“Of course I do,” Elizabeth said.

“And you want to get married?” Carly said.

“Yes,” Elizabeth said.

“And I know Jason wants to marry you,” Carly said. “So quit stalling and pick a

“Having a baby is exactly stalling,” Elizabeth said, with a laugh.

“No, but Michael’s born and he’s happy and healthy,” Carly said. “There’s nothing
keeping you from getting married now.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll call him,” Elizabeth said, picking up the phone.


Meanwhile, at the warehouse...

“You know Jason, Carly has been wandering around the penthouse with all sorts of
bridal magazines lately,” Sonny said. “I’m thinking you and Elizabeth should get
out while you still can, and just elope.”

“She can’t be that bad; it’s not even her wedding,” Jason said.

“Jason, this is Carly we’re talking about here,” Sonny said.

“Good point,” Jason said as his phone rang

“Jason?” a voice said. “It’s Elizabeth.”

“Hi, baby,” Jason said. “We were just talking about you; what’s up?”

“Carly’s here,” Elizabeth said.

“Sounds like you’re having fun,” Jason said.

“Well, it’s fine, but um, Carly wants to plan our wedding,” Elizabeth said. “And
she said I had to call you to set up a date.”

“Yeah, Sonny said she’s been a little out of control with that,” Jason said.

“Jason, I don’t want to rush you. I know it’s still crazy with Michael and
everything. I mean, he’s still a newborn and we haven’t gotten much sleep and all
that. If you want to wait, I’d understand,” Elizabeth said.

“I want to be your husband Elizabeth,” Jason said.

“So, we have to pick a day,” Elizabeth said.

“I’ll be there, whenever it is,” Jason said.

“Jason, I want to talk to you about this before Carly and I plan anything,”
Elizabeth said.

“Why don’t you and Carly come by here around noon and we’ll all get lunch together
and talk about it,” Jason said.

“Alright, we’ll see you then,” Elizabeth said. “Love you.”

“I love you too,” Jason said before hanging up.


“So, what’d he say?” Carly asked.

“We’re meeting him and Sonny for lunch at 12,” Elizabeth said.

“Okay,” Carly said.

“But you know, I don’t want to do a lot of planning . Emily was really looking
forward to helping,” Elizabeth said.

“Of course,” Carly said. “Has she told you about where she wants to go to college
in the fall?”

“No,” Elizabeth said. “I think she wants to get out of the mansion, but she
doesn’t want to leave Port Charles because she doesn’t want to be too far away
from Johnny.”

“That makes sense,” Carly said. “They’re good for each other. I hope things keep
working out for them.”

“Me too,” Elizabeth said as she and Carly walked upstairs to check on Michael,
who’s fussing they heard on the baby monitor.


A little while later, in the bathroom of PC High…

“Oh man,” Emily said as she threw up again.

When her vomiting had subsided, Emily rose and walked out of the stall. She rinsed
her mouth and washed her face and hands to make herself look a little more

Looking at her watch, Emily realized that class would be dismissed for the day in
only a half an hour, and since she had already been let out of her last class, she
left campus, heading straight to her sister’s penthouse.

Chapter 38
In the bathroom of PC High…

“Oh man,” Emily said as she threw up again.

When her vomiting had subsided, Emily rose and walked out of the stall. She rinsed
her mouth and washed her face and hands to make herself look a little more

Looking at her watch, Emily realized that class would be dismissed for the day in
only a half an hour, and since she had already been let out of her last class, she
left campus, heading straight to her sister’s penthouse.


“Let me put Michael’s coat on and then we can head over to the warehouse,”
Elizabeth said, carrying an awake and freshly diapered Michael down the stairs.

“Sure,” Carly said, gathering her purse and coat, preparing to leave.

“Miss. Webber, your sister’s here,” Marco said, opening the door.

“Let her in,” Elizabeth said.

“I’m...I’m sorry to barge in on you, but um...” Emily said.

“Emily, are you alright?” Elizabeth asked, taking in her sister’s pale face and
disheveled appearance.

“I...I needed to talk to you,” Emily said.

“We were heading over to the warehouse to meet Sonny and Jason for lunch. You can
join us if you’d like, and we can invite Johnny along,” Elizabeth said.

“Um, oh...okay,” Emily replied hesitantly.


“Hi baby,” Elizabeth said, kissing Jason and the placing the baby carrier on his

“Hi,” he replied before taking Michael out of his carrier. “Hey Em. You joining us

“Um, yeah,” Emily said. “I, uh...‘xcuse me...”

Emily turned and ran out of the office, and Elizabeth looked at Jason.

“She’s been acting strange since she showed up at the penthouse,” she said. “I’m
going to check on her.”

“I, uh, I just saw Emily run by,” Johnny said, walking in as Elizabeth hurried to
catch up with her sister. “Is she okay?”

“Elizabeth just went to check on her,” Carly said.

“Oh,” Johnny said. “You don’t think anything’s wrong, do you?”

“We don’t know anything,” Carly said. “Elizabeth’s with her; she’ll be fine.”

“Okay,” Johnny said, wondering what was bothering his girlfriend.


“Emily,” Elizabeth said, following her sister into the ladies room.

Emily didn’t reply, but Elizabeth could hear her retching in the stall.

“Emily? Are you alright?” Elizabeth asked again when the bathroom was quiet.

Emily slowly walked out of the stall and rinsed her mouth and then splashed water
on her face before taking a pack of gum from her purse and unwrapping a piece to
chew, to get the bad taste out of her mouth.

“Emily, what’s going on?” Elizabeth asked.

“I’m late,” she replied softly.

“What do you mean you...oh,” Elizabeth said, realizing what her sister meant. “How

“A week,” Emily said.

“Did you take a test yet?” Elizabeth asked.

“No,” Emily said.

“You need to do that. Soon,” Elizabeth said. “And you need to tell Johnny. You
shouldn’t have to deal with this on your own, whether or not you’re pregnant.”

“I will,” Emily said. “Um, maybe you guys should go on without us and Johnny and I
should go back to his place to talk.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Elizabeth said. “And Emily, if you want to talk at
all, please call me. I’ll be here for you. You know that, right?”

“Yeah, I know. Thanks,” Emily said, hugging her sister.

“You’re welcome,” Elizabeth said.


“Is everything okay?” Jason asked when Elizabeth and Emily walked back into his

“Yeah,” Elizabeth said. “Emily’s not feeling well. Johnny, can you take her home
with you?”

“Sure,” Johnny said, wrapping his arm around Emily’s waist.

“Feel better Em,” Carly said as Johnny and Emily walked out of Jason’s office.

“Thanks,” she mumbled, leaning her head on Johnny’s shoulder.

“Is she okay?” Jason asked, when they were gone.

“I’ll tell you later,” Elizabeth said, taking Michael from him so he could put his
jacket on.

“So where are we going for lunch?” Carly asked, wanting to take the attention off
Emily, having her own thoughts about what could be bothering the girl.


“Emily, you’ve been silent since we left Jason’s. Are you sure you’re alright?”
Johnny asked as he and Emily walked into his apartment at Harborview.

“I need to tell you something,” Emily said. “And I want you to promise that you’re
not going to be angry.”

“Why would I be angry?” Johnny asked.

“Just promise me,” Emily said.

“I promise,” Johnny said.

“I’m late Johnny,” Emily said, slowly sitting down on the couch.

“You’re...oh,” Johnny said, understanding what she meant.

“I think I might be pregnant,” Emily said.

Chapter 39

“I need to tell you something,” Emily said. “And I want you to promise that you’re
not going to be angry.”

“Why would I be angry?” Johnny asked.

“Just promise me,” Emily said.

“I promise,” Johnny said.

“I’m late Johnny,” Emily said, slowly sitting down on the couch.

“You’re...oh,” Johnny said, understanding what she meant.

“I think I might be pregnant,” Emily said.

“Okay,” Johnny said, his calmness surprising Emily.

“Just okay?” Emily said.

“This is a lot to take in Em. Give me a second,” Johnny said.

“Sorry,” she replied.

“The first thing we need to do is find out for sure,” Johnny said. “We can’t do
anything until we know.”

“I’m scared Johnny,” Emily said.

“It’s gonna be okay. We’ll deal with this, whatever happens,” Johnny said.
“But we’re talking about a baby here,” Emily said. “I haven’t even graduated high

“Emily, you can’t panic now; it won’t do any good. Let’s at least find out for
sure first, before we start stressing over what ifs,” Johnny said.

“I know; you’re right. I’m just nervous,” Emily said.

“Hey, I’m right here with you, no matter what,” Johnny said, taking her hand.


Meanwhile, at lunch...

“Hey, are you with us?” Carly asked, waving her hand in front of Elizabeth’s face.

“Yeah, sorry,” Elizabeth said.

“You okay?” Carly asked. “You’ve been a little distracted.”

“I’m fine, I’m fine. What were we talking about?” Elizabeth asked.

“A date for the wedding,” Carly reminded her.

“Right,” Elizabeth said, looking over at Michael, who was now awake.

“He’s probably going to want a bottle in a few minutes,” Jason said. “Do you want
me to have them warm it?”

“Sure,” Elizabeth said, reaching in the diaper bag and handing him one.

Jason called the waiter over and asked him to warm the bottle, and Elizabeth took
Michael out of the stroller.

“Are you even the least bit interested in planning a wedding?” Carly asked.

“To tell you the truth Carly, right now, I’m really not,” Elizabeth replied.
“Michael’s not even a month old, I haven’t slept more than three hours a night
since he was born, and now I’ve got a lot of other things on my mind. Jason and I
love each other, and we love our son. Whether or not we get married isn’t going to
change that.”

Carly stared at her, shocked, and Elizabeth handed Michael to Jason and excused
herself from the table.

“I’ll talk to her,” Jason said, following her out.


“Are you okay?” Jason asked, when he found Elizabeth sitting in the lobby.

“I’m sorry,” Elizabeth said. “I know I shouldn’t have gone off on her, but I...”

“Is something going on with Emily?” Jason asked.

“She thinks she’s pregnant,” Elizabeth admitted.

“Oh,” Jason said.

“Exactly,” Elizabeth said. “And do you want to know the first thing I thought?”

“What?” Jason asked.

“I was counting back in my head how long she and Johnny have been having sex and
praying that she was over 18,” Elizabeth said. “How awful is that? They love each
other, and chose to have sex, and I just don’t want anything to happen to Johnny
if the Quartermaines do something stupid.”

“You think they would?” Jason asked.

“I don’t know,” Elizabeth said. “But it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they

“Well Johnny’s with her now; and I’m sure she’ll tell you when she finds out for
sure. Why don’t we go in there and have our lunch?” Jason suggested.

“Yeah,” Elizabeth said. “And I guess I should apologize to Carly.”

“Well that she deserved. She’s been driving us both crazy with this wedding
business,” Jason said.

“That’s true,” Elizabeth said, as Michael began to fuss. “I guess he’s hungry.”


Having returned to the table, Elizabeth picked up the warmed bottle that the
waiter had brought back, and began to feed Michael.

“Carly, I’m sorry about my outburst,” Elizabeth said. “It’s just not been the best

“Is something going on with Emily?” Carly asked.

“Possibly, but I’m not sure yet,” Elizabeth said. “I can’t tell you anything else
yet, but I’ve been thinking about it all afternoon, so that’s why I kind of lost
it earlier.”

“It’s okay,” Carly said. “And I’m sorry I’m pushing this, I just...I’m really
excited about planning this wedding. Whenever it happens.”

“Thank you,” Elizabeth said. “I know it’ll be perfect. But we don’t need to rush.”

“I know. And I promise, I won’t bug you anymore. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be
here,” Carly said.

Elizabeth smiled and continued feeding Michael, looking down at her son and
wondering, if Emily was pregnant, what would the baby look like?


Emily and Johnny were in the office of the clinic, waiting to be called in to see
a doctor.

“Miss. Bowen?” a nurse said, calling the name Emily had signed in under.
Emily squeezed Johnny’s hand and then rose to follow the nurse into an examination

Emily had been nervous since they’d left Johnny’s apartment, and now that she was
about to find out for sure whether or not she was pregnant, Emily wasn’t sure
which one she wanted to hear. She knew she was young, but she and Johnny loved
each other, so maybe they were ready to have a baby.

“Hello, Miss. Bowen, what can I do for you today?” the doctor said, walking into
the room.

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