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ENGLISH GRADE 4 1. Listen and repeat Im from England. Its the second of November. I can dance and sing. I like swimming. Where is Trang An School? Its in Nguyen Du Street. Ive got Maths, English and Music on Monday. My favourite subject is Art. It s a new clock. Hes tall and slim.

2. Point, ask and answer - What is this? - What is that? - What are they? - What does he / she look like ? - Who is taller? -Where is Thang Long / Trang An..Primary School? - Whats the date today ? - How many books / pens/ desks/ benches..are there in your classroom? 3. Interview Whats your name? Where are you from? Whens your birthday? What can you do ? What is your hobby? What lesson have you got on Monday? What is your favourite subject? What day is it today ? How often have you got English?

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