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A great summer vacation

I just returned from the greatest summer vacation! It was so fantastic, I

never wanted it to end. I spent eight days in Paris, France. My best friends,
Henry and Steve, went with me. We had a beautiful hotel room in the Latin
Quarter, and it wasn’t even expensive. We had a balcony with a wonderful

We visited many famous tourist places. My favorite was the Louvre, a well-
known museum. I was always interested in art, so that was a special treat
for me. The museum is so huge, you could spend weeks there. Henry got
tired walking around the museum and said “Enough! I need to take a break
and rest.”

We took lots of breaks and sat in cafes along the river Seine. The French
food we ate was delicious. The wines were tasty, too. Steve’s favorite part
of the vacation was the hotel breakfast. He said he would be happy if he
could eat croissants like those forever. We had so much fun that we’re
already talking about our next vacation!

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¡Por favor conteste las preguntas!
Pregunta 1:

What city did they go to for their summer vacation?

1 Paris

2 Latin

3 Lyon

4 Louvre

Pregunta 2:

How long was the summer vacation?

1 Eight days

2 Two weeks
3 Eight weeks

4 One week

Pregunta 3:

What did their hotel room have?

1 A balcony

2 A bottle of wine

3 A view of the metro

4 A refrigerator

Pregunta 4:

Who got tired walking in the Louvre museum?

1 Harry

2 Seine

3 Henry

4 Steve

Pregunta 5:

What did Steve enjoy the most?

1 The wine and the food

2 The Latin Quarter and the balcony

3 The hotel breakfast and the croissants

4 The cafes along the river Seine

At school
Lucas goes to school every day of the week. He has many subjects to go to
each school day: English, art, science, mathematics, gym, and history. His
mother packs a big backpack full of books and lunch for Lucas.

His first class is English, and he likes that teacher very much. His English
teacher says that he is a good pupil, which Lucas knows means that she
thinks he is a good student.

His next class is art. He draws on paper with crayons and pencils and
sometimes uses a ruler. Lucas likes art. It is his favorite class.

His third class is science. This class is very hard for Lucas to figure out, but
he gets to work with his classmates a lot, which he likes to do. His friend,
Kyle, works with Lucas in science class, and they have fun.

Then Lucas gets his break for lunch. He sits with Kyle while he eats. The
principal, or the headmaster as some call him, likes to walk around and talk
to students during lunch to check that they are all behaving.

The next class is mathematics, which most of the students just call math.
Kyle has trouble getting a good grade in mathematics, but the teacher is
very nice and helpful.

His fourth class is gym. It is just exercising.

History is his last class of the day Lucas has a hard time staying awake.
Many lessons are boring, and he is very tired after doing gym.

¿Has entendido el texto?

¡Por favor conteste las preguntas!
Pregunta 1:

What is the class that is Lucas’ teacher tells him he is a good pupil?

1 Science

2 English

3 Gym
4 Art

Pregunta 2:

What class that Lucas goes to is all about exercising?

1 History

2 Gym

3 Science

4 Art

Pregunta 3:

What is the one where Lucas draws on paper with pencils and crayons
and sometimes uses a ruler?

1 Mathematics

2 Art

3 History

4 Science

Pregunta 4:

Who is the person that check on the students during lunch to make
sure that all the students are well behaved?

1 Principal/Headmaster

2 Classmate

3 Friend

4 Teacher
Days of the week
There are seven days of the week, or uniquely named 24-hour periods
designed to provide scheduling context and make time more easily
measureable. Each of these days is identifiable by specific plans, moods,
and tones.
Monday is viewed by many to be the "worst" day of the week, as it marks
the return to work following the weekend, when most full-time employees
are given two days off. Most students attend school in the morning and
return home in the afternoon (usually from about eight until three or seven
until two), and most workers go to work in the morning and return home in
the evening (usually from nine to five or eight to four).
Tuesday is the second day of the week, and is in many ways similar to
Monday. Not a whole lot changes, schedule-wise, between Tuesday and
Monday; most individuals go to school or work and return home to watch
television, play video games, make plans with friends, spend time with
family, read, or engage in a similar leisure-related activity.
Wednesday is the third day of the week, and serves as the "middle" of the
work week; some individuals refer to Wednesday as "hump day," as once its
workday is complete, employees will have passed the work-week "hump,"
and will be on the downturn, as only two days on the job will remain in the
Thursday is the fourth day of the week, and is viewed favorably by many,
as it's rather close to the end of the work week.
Friday is the fifth day of the week, and marks the end of the workweek and
school-week for the vast majority of employees and students. By Friday
afternoon/evening, most students/workers cannot wait to leave and go
home, as they won't have to report back to school/work until Monday.
Saturday is perhaps the most highly regarded day of the week. Because
Sunday follows it (and there is presumably no work or school to attend, for
most individuals), everyone is free to stay out (or awake) until late at night,
having fun with plans or other leisure-related activities. To be sure, Saturday
is generally thought of as a day to partake in hobbies that couldn't
otherwise be enjoyed during the regular week.
Sunday is the final day of the week, and is used by most as a day of rest.
Fewer late-night plans are made on Sundays, compared to Saturdays, as
most individuals have to wake up for work or school on Monday morning.
¿Has entendido el texto?
¡Por favor conteste las preguntas!
Pregunta 1:

How many days of the week are there?

1 three

2 five

3 seven

4 six

Pregunta 2:

What is the weekend?

1 Saturday and Sunday

2 Wednesday and Friday

3 Friday and Saturday

4 Thursday and Sunday

Pregunta 3:

Which day of the week is sometimes referred to as "hump day"?

1 Saturday

2 Thursday

3 Tuesday

4 Wednesday

Pregunta 4:
Which day of the week is perhaps the most exciting, in terms of plans
and activities?

1 Sunday

2 Saturday

3 Monday

4 Wednesday

Pregunta 5:

A regular work week begins on which day?

1 Thursday

2 Friday

3 Sunday

4 Monday
Dinner preparation
Montie's mother was coming to dinner, so he decided to get out the
beautiful dishes she gave him. He looked forward to impressing his mother.
He remembered how great he felt when she gave him the dishes. First, he
got out his best silverware, cups and plates.

He carefully placed the plates on the table. Then, he laid a cloth napkin next
to each plate. On the left side of the plate, he placed a knife making sure
that its blade was facing toward the plate. On the right side, Montie placed
the fork and spoon. After filling the glasses with ice, he put water in each
glass. He placed white flowers in a vase in the middle of the table. They had
a beautiful aroma.

As Montie stood back to admire his work, the doorbell rang. Montie had
finished just in time because his mother had arrived.

¿Has entendido el texto?

¡Por favor conteste las preguntas!
Pregunta 1:

Where did Montie put the napkins?

1 under each plate

2 he did not use napkins

3 next to each plate

4 on top of each plate

Pregunta 2:

What did Montie put on the left side of the plate?

1 a water glass

2 a knife

3 a spoon

4 a fork
Pregunta 3:

Montie placed a cloth napkin next to each plate. Which word could
the author use to say the same thing?

1 linen

2 fabric

3 paper

4 material

Pregunta 4:

Who was Montie expecting for dinner?

1 noone

2 the text does not say

3 his dad

4 his mom

Pregunta 5:

What should Montie do next?

1 Put food on the table.

2 Make sure the food is not burning.

3 Take a nap.

4 Answer the door.

While eating at a restaurant is an enjoyable and convenient occasional
treat, most individuals and families prepare their meals at home. To make
breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily, these persons must have the required
foods and ingredients on hand and ready to go; foods and ingredients are
typically purchased from a grocery store, or an establishment that
distributes foods, drinks, household products, and other items that're used
by the typical consumer.
Produce, or the term used to describe fresh fruits and vegetables, is
commonly purchased by grocery store shoppers. In terms of fruit, most
grocery stores offer bananas, apples, oranges, blackberries, raspberries,
grapes, pineapples, cantaloupes, watermelons, and more; other grocery
stores with larger produce selections might offer the listed fruits in addition
to less common fruits, including mangoes, honeydews, starfruits, coconuts,
and more.
Depending on the grocery store, customers can purchase fruits in a few
different ways. Some stores will charge a set amount per pound of fruit, and
will weigh customers' fruit purchases and bill them accordingly; other stores
will charge customers for each piece of fruit they buy, or for bundles of fruit
(a bag of bananas, a bag of apples, etc.); other stores yet will simply charge
by the container.Vegetables, including lettuce, corn, tomatoes, onions,
celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, and more are also sold at many grocery
stores, and are purchased similarly to the way that fruits are. Grocery stores
typically stock more vegetables than fruit at any given time, as vegetables
remain fresh longer than fruits do, generally speaking.It'd take quite a while
to list everything else that today's massive grocery stores sell, but most
customers take the opportunity to shop for staples, or foods that play a
prominent role in the average diet, at the establishments. Staples include
pasta, rice, flour, sugar, milk, meat, and eggs, and bread. All the listed
staples are available in prepackaged containers, but can be purchased
"fresh" in some grocery stores, wherein employees will measure and weigh
fresh products and then provide them to customers.

¿Has entendido el texto?

¡Por favor conteste las preguntas!
Pregunta 1:
What is a grocery store?

1 An establishment that cooks food for customers

2 There are several definitions of a grocery store

3 A place to sell and trade goods

4 An establishment that distributes foods, drinks, household products, and

other items that're used by the typical consumer

Pregunta 2:

Fresh fruits and vegetables are collectively referred to as which of the

following terms?

1 Produce

2 Feggies

3 Veggies

4 Famine

Pregunta 3:

What are staples?

1 Small pieces of metal used to hold papers together

2 Rare foods

3 Foods that play a prominent role in the average diet

4 Green fruits and vegetables

Pregunta 4:

More vegetables are stocked in grocery stores than fruits because:

1 Fruits stay fresh for less time than vegetables

2 Vegetables are more popular than fruits, generally speaking

3 Grocery store managers prefer fruits

4 A and B

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