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Then one day, the answer came to me. Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life. I knew that I could put life into a body that was not alive(). In my laboratory I made a body. I bought or stole all the pieces of a human body that I needed, and slowly and carefully, I put them all together. I did not let anybody enter my laboratory or my flat while I was doing this awful work. I was afraid to tell anybody my terrible secret.

I turned off the light for precaution, that was because if I didnt turn off the light perhaps it could cause a blackout. There was a storm, a very big storm I was in my laboratory, but I felt like being spied on by someone, anyway, I pushed the red button And suddenly it began to came out sparks from the machine. When I turned on the light, the corpse wasnt on the bed. I was afraid, so I started to look for my creature in the mansion, but I couldnt find it. Suddenly a second-floor window

broke down, I didnt thought any second more, I ran up the stairs very fast, and, I saw my partner, Frank Woods, he asked me about FRANKENSTEIN PROJECT, I said that the corpse had escape to the second floor, so we went there. The creature was in front of the broken window, I toke an axe and I walked to the monster. When I was in front of it , I adopted a attack position, and I cut his arm, so he looked at me, he wasnt bleeding, because it was a zombie. It took me from my neck and he looked at me, and he wanted to push me out, but Woods, my partner, attacked Frankestein and he or it opened its huge hand, so I fell on the floor. I remember, I was seeing Woods hurting the monster, I needed to do something to save my friend, so I took my axe and I hit him on the head, he fell into the pit and me with him, Woods tried to help me, but it was too late, I saw him shouting for help at the window,

suddenly all began to be dark.

I dont remember anything else, hours later I woke up in a hospital, Woods was next to me, I asked him: What happened to Frankestein project? He said that it didnt matter, that the important thing was that Im OK. I said: Finally, ll is over, thanks partner

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