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The Apocalypse

By: David Maidment

(This is a copy for any, and all to read, have not edited TRY TO KEEP CRITICISM TO A GENERAL POLITENES.) CHAPTER 1

If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. Matthew 5:29
The Day it all came to an end, I should know what it was like, and I was there to witness it all. I never thought it would happen like it did, so cruel and harsh. In such a clich way its unbelievable. Zombie apocalypse, well I dont know what they are, but zombie is a hell of a lot easier to understand then them. Ive talked about it before with my friends, what I would do where I would go, how calm I would be. Nothing happened like I thought it would, but I did keep a general sense of inner calmness, I doubt that anyone could be calm on the outside, the blood and horror, you would have to be psychotic to be completely calm. I was in Drama class, and it seemed like the usual boring day. My friend Trevor had a spare block, so when I heard a knock on the door I didnt assume it was him. My teacher opened it and Trevor ran past her straight to me I remember what he said so clearly, its been in my mind ever since. David he got this frightened look in his eyes, I I was walking down the hall and one of the gym teachers walked to this hooded kid and asked him to take his hood off. He took a second as if he had forgotten

what happened and then said the kid lunged at him and tore into him, and after a minute the gym teacher went limp, dead. Blood blood was everywhere man I was about to yell for help but then the gym teacher started to get back up, I wasnt the only person there and some kid rushed over to help him. Thats when I noticed other peoples reactions, Megan, one of my friends looked like she had seen a ghost, Jesse, another friend looked as if Trevor was lying, the teacher started to assault the kid, just like the other kid did to him. I didnt know what to do, how to respond, I knew he wasnt lying, he never lies about serious stuff. I didnt have to think about it as it turns out, the intercom buzzed and a voice boomed in the classroom. Please remain in class for the time being, there was a student and teacher assaulted by a stranger less than five minutes ago, this is not a drill lock down. Lock down. Lock down. The teacher looked frightened and ran for the door; she locked it and told everyone to stay calm. Trevor was on the verge of freaking out and so I put my hand on his shoulder and said You couldnt do anything about it, its not your fault. He looked me straight in the eyes and replied in a calm whisper thats not whats bothering me, that gym teacher he should be dead right now, but he got up and attacked another kid, who was trying to help him. Why would he do something like that? Are you saying hes a zombie? the very absurdity of the ideal, Trevor replied in a straight gaze, looking at the wall behind me Zombie? No, something like it? Yea, He came back to life David what do you call that? Thats when the second announcement came on. Attention all staff, please please escort your students out of the school, avoid any suspicious figures, I repeat avoid any suspi- Oh god NO, GOD NO AHHHH the intercom remained on; I grabbed Megan and Jesse by the arm and unlocked to door, Trevor right behind us. As we started to run down the halls towards an exit we heard in the background on the intercom the principle getting brutally murdered, the screams

erupted all at once and we ducked into a boiler room as the flood of students trying to get out swept the halls. It must have been at least half an hour before the screams finally died down. Jesse was thinking everyone was. Thinking about whats happening. Megan was trying to call 9-1-1, Its not getting through she whispered quietly. I walked up and looked her in the eyes, Its not going to work, imagine, if this is happening in the school, it could be happening outside as well right? she nodded. If its happening outside it could be happening in the whole city, it can be in the province, or the country, or even the world. I stopped after that, I didnt think I should talk about her family, or even other friends, I knew however, that I would be covered in blood by the end of the day. We decided to go out of our little room, after getting some makeshift weapons. I knew we would need them, and I hoped not to use them. I was the first one out, what I saw made me vomit. Trevor heard me and held Megan back from the door. I knew Id see someone I knew but not so soon back against the wall on the ground facing me, one arm missing, at least half of her face gone was our teacher. Oh god was all I managed to get out, Megan was trying to see past Trevor but Jesse blocked her view, let me see! Whats wrong? she kept saying. I grabbed a hoddie and put it over the teacher. Its okay, just a lot of blood, I wasnt expecting it. One of the many, many lies to be told in the future. Trevor let her walk out and she stopped in her tracks, Oh my god she turned to me, Its like this everywhere? I slowly nodded. She looked hurt, frightened, scared, sad I dont know how to explain the looks I see on peoples faces in these dark times. Are you okay to continue? Jesse asked, Because we can wait if you need a couple minutes to collect yourself Ill be fine, its just a lot to absorb at once. She replied quietly, I could tell she was doing all she could not to cry. In all truth I was to, I knew everywhere we went we would see this. Death. Blood. Tears. Everywhere was about to be consumed by these three things.

As we walked slowly down the hall, stepping over the bodies of the dead we knew, and didnt, we saw someone up ahead. He was a student, staggering the opposite direction from us. Are you okay? Trevor shouted, and instantly the student turned around and staggered towards us I readied the broom stick that I took, as he got closer and closer. Trevor did the same and the others as well, if it came down to it, we would fight. As he staggered closer and closer, we knew he was one of them. He got close enough, so I swung, I didnt swing hard, but I swung hard enough so that it would hurt. When it collided, he didnt even flinch. I stepped back and this time, I really swung, hard enough to send him flying into the wall. Only an animal kills without feeling, and truthfully I didnt mean to kill him but he got back up and, again, and again, until I I smashed his head against the wall hard enough to crack his skull open. What else could we do? They werent human, not anymore. But still I killed someone, I didnt enjoy it, and I felt terrible. I realized right then and there the philosophy we all had to live by then. Kill or be killed.

Chapter 2

From the bowels of hell, the beast shalt rise from the flames and eternal damnation shalt await thy daughters and sons. For there is Life in every drop of death as there is Death in every drop of life. Revelations
Its true what they say, you know you never know how hard it is to kill until youre forced to. They say it gets easier but I dont know if I can live with myself. We all live by a code something that dictates our moral actions, conducts. Mine was erased by the blood that stained my clothes by the bodies of my friends, classmates, even enemies that lie face down on the ground. By the stench that hung in the air, by every detail that I remember about that day, clearer then the highest definition television. I cling to my humanity the only way I can, counting the days that go by and hoping I will find hope. Its not enough though, its never enough to say youre okay and smile every time someone asks to hope that Ill live to see tomorrow. No its not enough. I never understood what pain and suffering was until we left that boiler room, if I think back, my only concern was making it out alive with everyone intact. We need a plan some way out. We cant stay here forever. I eventually said after about 5 minutes of silence, staring at the kid with the bashed in head. Why not just walk outside? Jesse asked, Dude, they will be everywhere better to find an easy way out, one with none of these things. Then what do we do? We find an easy way out. Simplicity itself" I summed up our makeshift plan. Now lets get moving before these bodies start to rot. The rest of the walking down the hall was in utter silence,

broken only by an occasional scream or thing, that was walking, or as it turned out they can, running. It was less than a couple minutes when I heard a gasp come from the back of the group. On the ground dead was a friend of Megans, arm and leg missing, cuts all over her body, and her head nearly decapitated. Taylor Megan whispered, Oh god no I removed Taylors jacket and put it over her face. Are are you okay, Megan? *Note that the author David Maidment, Does not reflect any of his views or opinions in this story, please also note that if your name is used and you die, it is not what I wish to happen in real life* I asked, knowing full well the answer is no. Ill be fine I hope. Lets just get out of here as quick as possible she whispered, but not 10 seconds after she finished we saw people coming towards us from the other end of the hall, not dead people but living survivors, to say the least, we were happy. James! I called one of the peoples names and he turned towards us and called back are any of you hurt? he replied. No none of us are infected if thats what youre wondering. Its good to see you, Lea, Michael and Emily made it out okay. He hesitantly replied There were more of us but Chris didnt make it, and Kyra stayed behind to help him but I understood even without him saying it. Two of my friends are dead, god knows who of my friends did make it, and the amount of casualties in the school alone if this is worldwide I didnt have to say the rest. We all decided to stick together and after a short walk and 19 things later we found a perfect exit. Who would have guessed my auto class would save my life Trevor said as he opened the door into the black auto body shop floor. As soon as the door opened we heard a loud noise in the back, Trevor reached for the light switch and to this day, I still wish he hadnt. The lights went on and almost directly in front of us about 10-20 feet away was the most sinful looking creature I have ever seen, it stood about

7 feet or more, had a very skinny frame with long legs and had a metal bar used to hold up heavy hooks. It swung this 4 foot bar around like a stick but after it bashed a car out of the way with it, we knew one hit and we would go down. By the time we realized what was happening it closed the gap between us and was nearly 7 feet away, up close I could see that half of its face was torn off and it was bleeding from several places, this was the beginning of a long stream of these mutant like creatures that I was to see perhaps it was that monument when I realized my sanity was slipping bit by bit, just ever so slightly. I saw it all in slow motion, the bar hitting Trevor, sending him flying. I saw what it was to feel fear in the pit of my stomach, feeling as though I was about to throw up. CRUNCH! Trevor hit the wall with a sickening thud, and thats when my brain shut down and my instincts kicked in. I rolled behind the slender figure and hit its legs as hard as I could, I saw Michael run over to Trevor and Jesse trying to get Megan and Lea out of the room, James joined me in trying to take it down and together we managed to push it back enough so Michael could get Trevor out. Dodging and weaving past its attack to confuse it. It was going well until James tripped on a cord that was on the ground and when he got back up I saw one of my friends die that day. Every gory detail still in my head every second forever in my mind as James tried to get up and the monster lined up its swing James face when he was the arm coming down and finally James getting hurled backwards, undoubtedly dead. I snapped I couldnt control myself I looked around at the terror in everyones faces the tears dropping from Megans eyes, the scream Lea made I grabbed a large metal hook off the ground and when the monster turned to me blood on my face, sadness in my heart, and terror in my soul. I swung with as much power as I possibly could and let go of the hook sending it flying straight into the monsters face.

It went down, fell over backwards and then let out a terrible high pitched scream as it held its face. I didnt waste a second I grabbed the bar it had and with great difficulty started to bash its head in. I saw movement and was sent flying with an impact that very well may have fractured my ribs, but I got back up to see Drake, a friend of mine helping Jesse push the monster, which was now very mad, back away from me. All I heard in my ears was ringing and I couldnt think straight. As soon as I got up, I fell back to the ground disoriented. I managed to prop myself up against the wall and watch what was unfolding around me Michael and Lea trying to keep the dead people who were attracted by the noise out of the auto shop, Megan beside Trevor trying to wake him up, and Jesse and Drake fighting the monster who was failing to hit them and me sitting against a wall right next to James body. Its going to be chaos that eventually breaks this fragile world you know at the time, I never knew what it was that talked to me, but something did in fact speak with me. People love to watch travesties unfold, they eat it up and soak up the influence behind it, I guess you could say its divided into 3 categories there are those who watch the chaos unfold, those who try to govern it and then there are those who spread it like fuel for a forest fire. I never figured it out the meaning that is, the voice was easy to locate. The monster was bleeding in several places and limping but was otherwise fine I managed to stand up and walk over to where Megan was. Is he okay? I asked. She turned to where Trevor was previously lying and for the first time noticed his body gone. How did he get up? Where did he go? she replied with another question. It was clear to me where he was as I just saw him climb onto a large cabinet with something in his hands. It was roughly circular and was barely able to fit in his hand. Drake and Jesse pushed the creature back enough so that Trevor could jump at it. AHHHHHHHH he screamed as he jumped at the creature. It turned around in time to take Trevors fist to the face, falling backwards it hit the ground Trevor still on top of it. Trevor raised his

hands and brought them down with whatever was in his hands making a sickening thud as it hit its face. We all watched as Trevor bashed its face over, and over. After about a minute he finally stopped letting his hands fall to his sides and dropping what he was holding. The object hit the ground, and bounced towards me, stopping a couple feet away. The rock left a trail of blood as it did so, Trevor finally got up and said Whats done is done we have to move, those doors wont hold forever and its almost night out. This, dear David is the beginning of the end, the day that was always dreaded and feared has finally come you have lived your lives in peace and harmony, never knowing the true meaning of fear, never knowing what it was like to fight for life, never knowing what its like to never see the rise of the sun the way you use to. Now you will experience true pain the pain of the death of friends and loved ones, the pain of blood and gore becoming your reality. Your sanity is leaving David, leaving for the dark world that is to come, leaving what you know is real and heading towards what you know is fake. Its leaving here will you go with it?

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