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Different Types of Hernia Gibbon's hernia- hernia with hydrocoele Berger's hernia - hernia in Pouch of Douglas Grynfelt/s hernia-

Upper lumbar triangle hernia Petit's hernia - Lower lumbar triangle hernia Cloquet's hernia- hernia through pecteineal fascia Narath's hernia - behind femoral artery Hesselbach's hernia - lateral to femoral artery Serofini's hernia - behind femoral vessels Laugier's hernia - through lacunar ligament Tealse's hernia - in front of femoral vessels Richter's hernia - part of circumference of bowel wall is gangrenous Littre's hernia - hernia with Meckels's Diverticulum Sliding hernia - Posterior wall of sac is formed by colon or bladder Maydl's hernia - 'w' hernia Phantom hernia - Localised muscle buldge following muscular paralysis Spigelian hernia - through spegelian fascia Obturator hernia - through obturator foramen Femoral hernia - hernia medial to femoral vein Beclard's hernia - femoral hernia through saphenour opening

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