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President: Brenda Melisa Espinoza Castorena Ambassador : Arely Castro Castillo Designer: Daniel Alejandro Cuellar Reynaga Secretary:

Luis Ernesto Ramirez Madrid

Country: United States Date: 1/4/13

Delegate Country Research Organizer

1. Your Country: 1. United sates 2. How big is your country? (Include square km & ranking): 1. 3794083, 9826630 3. Where is it located and what is its neighbors: 1. Central North America,Mexico, and Canada 4. Describe any conflicts or border disputes with neighboring countries: 1. Narcotrafico, Terrorismo, migracion illegal, etc. 5. Describe other transnational issues your country struggles with: 1. crimenes organizados provenientes de otros paises 6. How does your population compare to other countries? 7. Is it a mostly older or younger population (Include Population Statistics by age groups)? 1. is in 3rd place, 56.4-22-64, 7.1-5-9, 7.3-10-14, 7.1-15-19, 2.9-20-21. 7. Do you have a lot of people for the country size (Include Population density statistics & world ranking)? 1. 3rd, 34.2 2/km2 88.6/sq mi 8. Is the population growing quickly (Include Population growth rate and world ranking)? 1. 125 9. How healthy are your people (Include world ranking for life expectancy & Infant mortality rate)? 1. 125 mortality 125 10. What are the primary languages? How many other languages are spoken? 11. How might this affect communication in the country? With other countries? 1. english 80 spanish 12.4 indio European 3.7 asian and others 3 11. What are the primary religions (Include percentages)? 12. What issues does religion cause within the country? 13. With other countries? 1. christianism 78.4, protestant 78.3, evangelical chuches 26.3 12. How old or young is your country? 13. When and how did it become an independent nation? 14. What recent and historical changes affect its world view? What is the most important person in the countrys history? Why?

1. more than 229, july 4 1776by the declaration o independence 13. What kind of government does it have? 14. How will this affect its world view? (How is your government likely to feel about democracy and fair elections?) 1. democratic 14. How wealthy is your country (include GDP and world ranking for GDP)? 15. How wealthy is the average person (include GDP per capita and world ranking for GDP-per capita)? 16. Is it more likely to give or receive foreign aid? Would the aid be more technical or economic? 1. 14991300, 1st, 14.99 trillion, 311.6 million ,give money. 15. Describe the economy: Is it mostly capitalist (private businesses) or socialist (centrally planed/government controlled)? Is it mostly agricultural, industrial, or services (technology or tourism)?What are the most important natural resources? Is the economy diversified or dependent on a few key industries (Include industries by order of importance)? Is the economy changing? How? 1. is a mixture of socialist and capitalist, industrial and oil. 16. What commodities (imports) does your country need most (Include amount and countries of origin)? 1. Industrial supplies 32.9%, Capital Goods 30.4%, Consumer Goods 31.8% 17. What are your countries biggest exports? Where are they sent? need (Include amount and countries of destination) 1. Machines, Engines, 205.2 billion 18. How developed is your country (Include your countrys Human Developing Index and HDI world ranking)? 19. How equally is your countrys income distributed (include GINI Index and World Ranking)? 20. How might your countrys level of development and income inequality affect its worldview? 1. Ranking 3, equally distributed, by being seen as superior. 19. What regional-cultural-economic and military associations does your country have? (Example: The United States is regionally North American/ Western. Its culturally diverse and independent with strong European influences. Economically it is a member of the G-8, G-12, World Bank and several other worldwide economic organizations. Militarily it has many different alliances the most important of which is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization that includes most European Countries.) 1. The US has military, cultural, and religion assoiciations. 20. Based on spending, what does your country value most: Health, Military, or Education (Include GNP % for each)? 1. Health care 60-65% 21. What human rights issues does your country have? 22. What does your government say about these issues? 23. What do other countries and international organizations say about these issues? 1. Death penalty, Police brutality, these issues need to be solved in order to achieve true civilization. 22. What ethnic and minority issues does your country have? 23. How much political and legal equality is there for minority groups? 24. How much social and economic equality is there for minority groups?

1. Racism, not much, some 23. How much political and legal equality is there for women? 24. How much social and economic equality is there for women? 1. 16% of women in political parties, 77% 24. What legal freedoms if any do your citizens lack? (Examples: Free legal aid, public trials, innocent until proven guilty, due process, freedom from arbitrary search & seizure, freedom from torture, etc.)from torture, etc.) 1. Lack of religious freedom and freedom from war. 25. What legal freedoms do you officially have that other countries and international organizations say you dont protect? 1. Freedom of Speech

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