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B2D3E1 Memberi maksud spesies, populasi, komuniti, habitat dan ekosistem B2D3E1 Nama: _______________________________ Tarikh:______

Bab 4: Menganalisa Saling bersandaran antara organisma hidup

1. Lukis garisan untuk dipadankan dengan pernyataan berikut dengan istilah yang betul.


Beberapa populasi organisma yang berbeza yang hidup bersama dan saling berinteraksi antara satu sama lain di dalam habitat yang sama.


Sekumpulan individu daripada spesies yang sama yang hidup dan membiak di habitat yang sama.


Kumpulan organisma hidup yang sama. Mereka boleh saling membiak.


Beberapa komuniti saling bersandaran dan berinteraksi di antara satu sama lain dan juga dengan persekitaran.


Ia adalah tempat tinggal semula jadi organisma di mana ia hidup dan membiak .

B2D3E1 Memberi maksud spesies, populasi, komuniti, habitat dan ekosistem

Answer Scheme


Draw lines to match the following statement with the correct terms.
Species Population Community It is made up of different population of organisms living together and interacting with one another in the same habitat It is a group of individuals of the same species that live and reproduce in a habitat at the same time. It is a group of similar living organisms. They can successfully breed together to produce new offspring which are in turn able to reproduce.


Draw lines to match the following statement with the correct terms.
Environment Ecosystem Habitat It is made up of living and non living components. Examples of non living components are light, water, temperature and minerals. It is formed when different communities interact with one another and their environment in a habitat. It is the natural home of an organism where it lives and reproduces.

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