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Grammar Portfolio #2

Eng 102

Grammar Tasks #2 Week 9 1. Find or create either single panel cartoons or a multiple panel cartoon illustrating each semicolon rule. 2. What is the rule of thumb for using a colon? Give an example of when not to use it. Give an example of how to use a colon correctly. Week 10 3. Create a menu for a restaurant. On the menu, include at least one correct example of the dash, parentheses, brackets, ellipsis mark, slash, and hyphen. Week 11 4. Your essay is 9 pages in length. Create a complete APA Works Cited Page using sources listed on Weebly.
interview in person with Robert Akins, November 19, 2010 Website article by Dr. Joshua Smith entitled The Many Uses of Pencils. It was published March 22, 2010 and viewed August 3, 2012. The URL is www.articlesonline.smith/pencils.html Pens vs. Pencils written by Henry Goldman and Elizabeth Howard. Published by Gold House in Philadelphia in 1989. The Beauty of Mechanical Pencils by Alexander Morrow, published by Westing Forge in Denver, CO in 2011. Short video called The Ink of Mystery, directed by Bernard Howard and starring Kurt Sherman, distributed by Public Video in November 2009. Encyclopedia of Style article, Writing Utensils, by John Gruber, published in 2008, 5th edition

Week 12 5. Write a paragraph using each type of sentence variety (there are 7) 6. Write an unbalanced example of each parallel rule (there are 4) 7. Restructure or rewrite five sentences that end in a preposition. Make sure to include the original sentence. 8. Create and illustrate 5 misplaced or dangling modifiers Week 13 9. Create a worksheet and answer key providing practice for each Pronoun & Antecedent Agreement rule. 10. Create a mad lib in which players have to apply each Pronoun Reference rule.

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