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Project 2 VARK Report 1.

General information Name: Fernando Ortiz Ventura Carrer: English major Subject: Year: 2013 2. Introduction The purpose for this report is first know about VARK topic and second identify our personal learning style. According to educators VARK technically is not a learning style as some guess, VARK are some individual preferences for learning. Identify our learning style is important because it can help us to use those learning preferences for the benefit of acquire our learning obejectives. 3. Test result and description of the learning style
The VARK Questionnaire Results Your scores were: Visual: 5 Aural: 6 Read/Write: 2 Kinesthetic: 3 I have a multimodal (ARK) learning preference. Multimodal Study Strategies The multimodal style of learning means that I have a mixed combination of potentialities of the learning styles. The 5 in the visual category means that I am potential in that area as a learning style. But I have a vary balance learning style. 60% of the population has that particular style. One advantage of being multimodal is that I can adapt to different teachers styles; so I could be effective in different circumstances and environment. I could switch to the teachers way of teaching because I have many resources to understand and communicate the information. According to my score, READ/WRITE category is the lowest which means that I need to improve it.

4. Select the Study Strategies that apply to your learning preferences The VARK Questionnaire Results : Visual: 5; Aural: 6; Read/Write: 2; Kinesthetic: 3
Aural=6 INTAKE - attend classes - discuss topics - explain new ideas to other people - leave spaces in your notes for later recall and 'filling' Presenters who use gestures and pictures - book with diagrams and pictures - pictures posters slides * all your senses - sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing ... * laboratories * field trips * examples of principles * applications SWOT - Study without tears - Convert your "notes" into a learnable package by reducing them (3:1) - Read your summarized notes aloud. - Replace words with symbols or initials - covert your lecture notes into a learnable packages * Use pictures and photographs that illustrate an idea. * Go back to the laboratory or your lab manual. OUTPUT - Imagine talking with the examiner. - Practice writing answers to old exam questions. - draw things, use diagrams - write exams answers - recall the pictures made by your pages * Write practice answers, paragraphs... * Role plays the exam situation in your own room.

Visual= 5


5. Conclusion. As a conclusion in my opinion the online VARK test is a useful tool for teachers and students in order to identify their individuals preferences during learning process, the result of test in my point of view is a key for understand our different learning preferences. I agree with the result because its reflects our real learning styles and it be used focus on the learning preferences according to my score.

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